J-Tanzanite / Little-Anti-Cheat

Anti-Cheat for Source Games
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rights management #41

Closed Dancbeunny98 closed 3 years ago

Dancbeunny98 commented 3 years ago

If a person has certain flags, then he is completely ignored by the anti-cheat or partially. Can you do this? Tell me how to do it.

Dancbeunny98 commented 3 years ago

PLS. PM ME FOR help. Discord: Dancebunny98#3658

Dancbeunny98 commented 3 years ago


J-Tanzanite commented 3 years ago

I'm not entirely sure what your problem is, but it sounds like you are asking about a similar issue someone else had here: https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=321480&page=19

Lilac will send a forward when a player has been detected of using cheats, and you can tell Lilac to ignore the cheat detection by returning Plugin_Handled or Plugin_Stop for the forward lilac_allow_cheat_detection(int client, int cheat).

This is pseudocode, don't expect this to work, but should at least get you in the right direction.

public Action lilac_allow_cheat_detection(int client, int cheat)
    // Block the cheat detection if the client has the flag ADMFLAG_CUSTOM1.
    if (CheckCommandAccess(client, "", ADMFLAG_CUSTOM1) || (GetUserFlagBits(client) & ADMFLAG_CUSTOM1)) {
        return Plugin_Handled;

    return Plugin_Continue;


I've never used GetUserFlagBits() or CheckCommandAccess() before, so I don't know if this is the correct way of doing it!

As far as I know tho, GetUserFlagBits() shouldn't be used, and you should use CheckCommandAccess() to check if a player has a certain admin flag, which can be found in "addons/sourcemod/configs/admin_levels.cfg" and set in "addons/sourcemod/configs/admins_simple.ini".

For a full list of Admin flags, look here: https://sm.alliedmods.net/new-api/admin/__raw or https://wiki.alliedmods.net/Checking_Admin_Flags_(SourceMod_Scripting)


I haven't done this before, and I am not sure this is the problem you are having, but I hope this at least helps.

Dancbeunny98 commented 3 years ago


J-Tanzanite commented 3 years ago

I checked out line 2149, and as your error suggests, line 2149 should be inside the function lilac_log_setup_client(). However, in both the stable and development versions of Lilac, line 2149 isn't inside lilac_log_setup_client()

What version of Lilac are you having issues with? And did you or someone else do any modifications to it?

Dancbeunny98 commented 3 years ago


Dancbeunny98 commented 3 years ago

MA installed!

J-Tanzanite commented 3 years ago

WARNING: Material-Admin was NOT included when compiled, banning through MA won't work! It says it right there, MA wasn't included when compiled. You just need to put the materialadmin.inc in your addons/sourcemod/scripting/include folder and then compile Lilac for MA bans to work. :)

But just remember that for MA and SB++ to work, they must be included in the addons/sourcemod/scripting/include folder before you compile for Lilac to support MA and SB++.

The pre-compiled plugin comes with MA and SB++ support out of the box tho.

You didn't really answer my previous question, so I'm going to assume you're making your own changes to Lilac, which is fine :)

But if you ask about problems after having made your own changes and not showing those changes to me - then helping you becomes near impossible.

Dancbeunny98 commented 3 years ago

I checked out line 2149, and as your error suggests, line 2149 should be inside the function lilac_log_setup_client(). However, in both the stable and development versions of Lilac, line 2149 isn't inside lilac_log_setup_client()

What version of Lilac are you having issues with? And did you or someone else do any modifications to it?

I've already fixed it. I want to ask you how can I change the reason? I want to strip the output of the plugin version. This is neither me nor the person who received the lock.

Dancbeunny98 commented 3 years ago

WARNING: Material-Admin was NOT included when compiled, banning through MA won't work! It says it right there, MA wasn't included when compiled. You just need to put the materialadmin.inc in your addons/sourcemod/scripting/include folder and then compile Lilac for MA bans to work. :)

But just remember that for MA and SB++ to work, they must be included in the addons/sourcemod/scripting/include folder before you compile for Lilac to support MA and SB++.

The pre-compiled plugin comes with MA and SB++ support out of the box tho.

You didn't really answer my previous question, so I'm going to assume you're making your own changes to Lilac, which is fine :)

But if you ask about problems after having made your own changes and not showing those changes to me - then helping you becomes near impossible.

I am using this. There are several in one. And they were when I compiled the plugin.

Dancbeunny98 commented 3 years ago

I'm not entirely sure what your problem is, but it sounds like you are asking about a similar issue someone else had here: https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=321480&page=19 Lilac will send a forward when a player has been detected of using cheats, and you can tell Lilac to ignore the cheat detection by returning Plugin_Handled or Plugin_Stop for the forward lilac_allow_cheat_detection(int client, int cheat). This is pseudocode, don't expect this to work, but should at least get you in the right direction.

public Action lilac_allow_cheat_detection(int client, int cheat)
    // Block the cheat detection if the client has the flag ADMFLAG_CUSTOM1.
    if (CheckCommandAccess(client, "", ADMFLAG_CUSTOM1) || (GetUserFlagBits(client) & ADMFLAG_CUSTOM1)) {
        return Plugin_Handled;

    return Plugin_Continue;


I've never used GetUserFlagBits() or CheckCommandAccess() before, so I don't know if this is the correct way of doing it! As far as I know tho, GetUserFlagBits() shouldn't be used, and you should use CheckCommandAccess() to check if a player has a certain admin flag, which can be found in "addons/sourcemod/configs/admin_levels.cfg" and set in "addons/sourcemod/configs/admins_simple.ini". For a full list of Admin flags, look here: https://sm.alliedmods.net/new-api/admin/__raw or https://wiki.alliedmods.net/Checking_Admin_Flags_(SourceMod_Scripting)


I haven't done this before, and I am not sure this is the problem you are having, but I hope this at least helps.

I inserted this parameter here. image


J-Tanzanite commented 3 years ago


... Guessing you made it work, and the issue is solved?

Dancbeunny98 commented 3 years ago


... Guessing you made it work, and the issue is solved?

I want to understand now. How to change this. But I think I'll figure it out. Thanks. The issue has been resolved.


Dancbeunny98 commented 3 years ago

And I write that it still turns out that there are no plugins such as SB \ MA, but they are

  20 "Material Admin" (0.7.9) by Material Admin Dev Team
J-Tanzanite commented 3 years ago

For future reference, in case anyone else finds this thread (Or I forget why I closed this)...

I'm closing this issue for the reasons mentioned in my comment here: https://github.com/J-Tanzanite/Little-Anti-Cheat/issues/45#issuecomment-712161550