J0 / phoenix_gen_socket_client

Socket client behaviour for phoenix channels
MIT License
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How to handle termination ? #49

Closed jipen closed 3 years ago

jipen commented 3 years ago

First, thanks for your work !

In order to bring a communication layer between my Elixir SFTP servers and a Phoenix web app (a gateway to monitor my servers), I've implemented a module, GatewayChannel, close to the one you give in the example (socket_client.ex) and added this module to my supervision tree. Everything runs ok except for termination: If one of my servers is stopped (such as by :init.stop() at top level), I'd like it to send a final message on the channel to inform the gateway that the server is no more available. But the GenServer terminate function I usually call for these type of "cleaning" won't execute in my GatewayChannel module (even with Process.flag(:trap_exit, true)). So could you add @callback terminate(reason, state) to gen_socket_client.ex as an enhancement or is there another way that I hadn't thought about to achieve this goal ?

Best regards.

sebastian commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the suggestion @jipen! Adding support for a terminate-callback is a great idea.

I have created a pull-request to address this and will make a new release once it's merged.

sebastian commented 3 years ago

I just released version 3.1.0. It should now contain support for the terminate callback. Please let me know if you have problems.