J0EK3R / mkconnect-python

a bit of code to connect to MouldKing bluetooth bricks in python
MIT License
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pico/micro-python support #1

Open J0EK3R opened 1 month ago

J0EK3R commented 1 month ago

@elclaudio I'm developing this project on windows and raspberry pi 4. micro-python-support is also needed.

Here is a link to a micropython-pi-pico simulator Here is a link to bluetooth advertising with pico-micro Here is a link to a simple python example of an ibeacon Here is a link to a Bluetooth library for Raspberry Pi Here is a link to Linux Beacon Zone Here is a link to btmgmt - Basic Python Wrapper for the BlueZ Management API Here is a link to python-btsocket - Python library to interact with the Bluez Bluetooth Management API Ultimate Python Cheat Sheet: Practical Python For Everyday Tasks How to create a Python library

elclaudio commented 1 month ago

very nice work you've done J0EKER !

in the test "C2: halfspeed backwards" rawdata = mk6_0.SetChannel(1, -0.5) 6d b6 43 cf 7e 8f 47 11 84 66 59 f8 11 7a aa 34 67 4a 3d f9 15 16 17 18, channel B is running in the good direction (backward) but Channel A is also activated at the same time. I tested others channels C,D,E,F they are not activated.

Since there is no hcitool in a microcontroller, the trick would be to send thoses values directly to the BT controller. This is apparently possible with (at least) an arduino nano ESP32 with their C Library https://www.arduino.cc/reference/en/libraries/arduinoble/ however, the library work only in C, not in python or micropython

I think I will order both an arduino ESP32 nano and a pico w to make further tests. In the mean time, I received yesterday my second mould king 6 hub so I could use it to test for exemple dual hub connection

J0EK3R commented 1 month ago

The value for each channel [0..5] is stored and sent. You have to call the Methode "stop" to set all channels to 0. ...and there is a copy-and-paste-bug :(

elclaudio commented 1 month ago

I detected 2 issues:

I've made a little script to play interactively: run it with : python3 -i thisscript.py


  from MouldKing.MouldKingCrypt import MouldKingCrypt
  from MouldKing.MouldKing_6 import MouldKing_6
  from MouldKing.MouldKingDevice import MouldKingDevice
except ImportError:
  from MouldKingCrypt import MouldKingCrypt
  from MouldKing_6 import MouldKing_6

import subprocess
import platform
import time

hcitool_path = '/usr/bin/hcitool'

def _getChannelId(channel):
    'A': 0,
    'B': 1,
    'C': 2,
    'D': 3,
    'E': 4,
    'F': 5,
    return switch.get(channel,"")

def _getHubId(deviceId):
    if deviceId == 0:
        hub = MouldKing_6(0)
    elif deviceId == 1:
        hub = MouldKing_6(1)
    elif deviceId == 2:
        hub = MouldKing_6(2)
    return hub

def mkconnect(deviceId=0):
    hub = _getHubId(deviceId)
    rawdata = hub.Connect()
    hcitool_args1 = hcitool_path + ' -i hci0 cmd 08 0008 ' + MouldKingCrypt.CreateTelegramForHCITool(MouldKingDevice.ManufacturerID, rawdata) + ' &> /dev/null'
    hcitool_args2 = hcitool_path + ' -i hci0 cmd 0x08 0x0006 A0 00 A0 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 00' + ' &> /dev/null'
    hcitool_args3 = hcitool_path + ' -i hci0 cmd 0x08 0x000a 01' + ' &> /dev/null'

    if platform.system() == 'Linux':
        subprocess.run(hcitool_args1, shell=True, executable="/bin/bash")
        subprocess.run(hcitool_args2, shell=True, executable="/bin/bash")
        subprocess.run(hcitool_args3, shell=True, executable="/bin/bash")
    elif platform.system() == 'Windows':
        print('Connect command :')
        print('Unsupported OS')


def mkstop(deviceId=0):
    hub = _getHubId(deviceId)
    rawdata = hub.Stop()
    hcitool_args = hcitool_path + ' -i hci0 cmd 08 0008 ' + MouldKingCrypt.CreateTelegramForHCITool(MouldKingDevice.ManufacturerID, rawdata) + ' &> /dev/null'

    if platform.system() == 'Linux':
        subprocess.run(hcitool_args, shell=True, executable="/bin/bash")
    elif platform.system() == 'Windows':
        print('Control command selected:')
        print('Unsupported OS')


def mkcontrol(deviceId=0, channel=0, powerAndDirection=1):
    hub = _getHubId(deviceId)
    rawdata = hub.SetChannel(channel, powerAndDirection)
    hcitool_args = hcitool_path + ' -i hci0 cmd 08 0008 ' + MouldKingCrypt.CreateTelegramForHCITool(MouldKingDevice.ManufacturerID, rawdata) + ' &> /dev/null'

    if platform.system() == 'Linux':
        subprocess.run(hcitool_args, shell=True, executable="/bin/bash")
    elif platform.system() == 'Windows':
        print('Control command selected:')
        print('Unsupported OS')


print("\nReady to execute commands\n")
print("For connecting: mkconnect(hubId) ex: mkconnect(0) or mkconnect(1) for the second hub\n")
print(" Available commands: mkconnect(hubId)\n mkstop(hubId)\n mkcontrol(deviceId, channel, powerAndDirection)\n")
print("ex: mkcontrol(0, 0, 0.5) ; mkcontrol(0, 'B', -1)\n the minus sign - indicate reverse motor direction\n")
J0EK3R commented 1 month ago

@elclaudio I have added your testscript as consoletest.py to the project and did an important fix within the script:

def _getHubId(deviceId):
    if deviceId == 0:
        hub = MouldKing_6(0)
    elif deviceId == 1:
        hub = MouldKing_6(1)
    elif deviceId == 2:
        hub = MouldKing_6(2)
    return hub

Everytime you call _getHubId a new instance of MouldKing_6 is created - and the internal stored values of the new instance are zero... The result is that you can't run more than one motor at the same time.

Here is my fix: three instances are created and stored in the fields - _getHubId returns one of the instances

hub0 = MouldKing_6(0)
hub1 = MouldKing_6(1)
hub2 = MouldKing_6(2)

def _getHubId(deviceId):
    if deviceId == 0:
        return hub0
    elif deviceId == 1:
        return hub1
    elif deviceId == 2:
        return hub2
        raise Exception("deviceId 0..2")
elclaudio commented 1 month ago

@elclaudio I have added your testscript as consoletest.py to the project and did an important fix within the script:

def _getHubId(deviceId):
    if deviceId == 0:
        hub = MouldKing_6(0)
    elif deviceId == 1:
        hub = MouldKing_6(1)
    elif deviceId == 2:
        hub = MouldKing_6(2)
    return hub

Everytime you call _getHubId a new instance of MouldKing_6 is created - and the internal stored values of the new instance are zero... The result is that you can't run more than one motor at the same time.

Here is my fix: three instances are created and stored in the fields - _getHubId returns one of the instances

hub0 = MouldKing_6(0)
hub1 = MouldKing_6(1)
hub2 = MouldKing_6(2)

def _getHubId(deviceId):
    if deviceId == 0:
        return hub0
    elif deviceId == 1:
        return hub1
    elif deviceId == 2:
        return hub2
        raise Exception("deviceId 0..2")

Indeed, that was it ! I confirm it works now, good job

I've updated my files with your modifications. I don't know how much v6 hub do you got, but I've tried with my second hub and noticed something strange :

When 2 hub are switched on and waiting for connect telegram, if trying to connect to hub1 ( MouldKing_6(1)) it connect to ALL hub (actually tested with 2 hub)

But when sending a command to hub 1 ( mkcontrol(1,0,1) ) there is no reaction, for ex, hub 1, channel 0, fullspeed, forwards : data send: 25 02 01 02 1B FF F0 FF 6D B6 43 CF 7E 8F 47 11 87 66 59 47 D1 7A AA 34 67 49 1F F1 15 16 17 18

When choosing hub 0 instead, same command and channel ( mkcontrol(0,0,1) data send = 25 02 01 02 1B FF F0 FF 6D B6 43 CF 7E 8F 47 11 84 66 59 47 D1 7A AA 34 67 4A ED B7 15 16 17 18), the motors of both hub 0 and 1 run simultaneously. In facts, it seems that both hubs react when deviceId is 0 but not when another device is selected

ps: I updated the consoletest.py and added automated test function and also added debug option to functions that show the raw command line executed


# to run:  python -i consoletest.py

  from MouldKing.MouldKingCrypt import MouldKingCrypt
  from MouldKing.MouldKing_6 import MouldKing_6
except ImportError:
  from MouldKingCrypt import MouldKingCrypt
  from MouldKing_6 import MouldKing_6

import subprocess
import platform
import time
import numpy as np
import sys

hcitool_path = '/usr/bin/hcitool'
hub0 = MouldKing_6(0)
hub1 = MouldKing_6(1)
hub2 = MouldKing_6(2)

def _getChannelId(channel):
    'A': 0,
    'B': 1,
    'C': 2,
    'D': 3,
    'E': 4,
    'F': 5,
    return switch.get(channel,"")

def _getHubId(deviceId):
    if deviceId == 0:
        return hub0
    elif deviceId == 1:
        return hub1
    elif deviceId == 2:
        return hub2
        raise Exception("deviceId 0..2")

def _automate(deviceId, channel):
    userinput = input("\nDo you want to test channel "+ str(channel) +" ? enter y/n\n")

    if (userinput != str("y")):

    print("HUB: "+  str(deviceId) +", FORWARD : Power ramp up from 0 to 100% on channel :" + str(channel))
    for i in np.arange(0, 1.1, 0.1):
        print("Power : " + str(i) + "\n")


    print("HUB: "+  str(deviceId) +", REVERSE: Power ramp up from 0 to 100% on channel :" + str(channel))
    for i in np.arange(-0, -1.1, -0.1):
        print("Power : " + str(i) + "\n")


def mkconnect(deviceId=0, debug=False):
    hub = _getHubId(deviceId)
    rawdata = hub.Connect()
    hcitool_args1 = hcitool_path + ' -i hci0 cmd 08 0008 ' + MouldKingCrypt.CreateTelegramForHCITool(MouldKing_6.ManufacturerID, rawdata)
    hcitool_args2 = hcitool_path + ' -i hci0 cmd 0x08 0x0006 A0 00 A0 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 00'
    hcitool_args3 = hcitool_path + ' -i hci0 cmd 0x08 0x000a 01'

    if platform.system() == 'Linux':
        subprocess.run(hcitool_args1 + ' &> /dev/null', shell=True, executable="/bin/bash")
        subprocess.run(hcitool_args2 + ' &> /dev/null', shell=True, executable="/bin/bash")
        subprocess.run(hcitool_args3 + ' &> /dev/null', shell=True, executable="/bin/bash")
        print('Unsupported OS or debug mode, this is the command(s) that should be run :')

    if (debug or platform.system() != 'Linux'):
        print(str(hcitool_args1) + '\n' + str(hcitool_args2) + '\n' + str(hcitool_args3) + '\n')


def mkstop(deviceId=0, debug=False):
    hub = _getHubId(deviceId)
    rawdata = hub.Stop()
    hcitool_args = hcitool_path + ' -i hci0 cmd 08 0008 ' + MouldKingCrypt.CreateTelegramForHCITool(MouldKing_6.ManufacturerID, rawdata)

    if platform.system() == 'Linux':
        subprocess.run(hcitool_args + ' &> /dev/null', shell=True, executable="/bin/bash")
        print('Unsupported OS or debug mode, this is the command that should be run :')

    if (debug or platform.system() != 'Linux'):
        print(str(hcitool_args) + '\n')


def mkcontrol(deviceId=0, channel=0, powerAndDirection=1, debug=False):
    hub = _getHubId(deviceId)
    rawdata = hub.SetChannel(channel, powerAndDirection)
    hcitool_args = hcitool_path + ' -i hci0 cmd 08 0008 ' + MouldKingCrypt.CreateTelegramForHCITool(MouldKing_6.ManufacturerID, rawdata)

    if platform.system() == 'Linux':
        subprocess.run(hcitool_args + ' &> /dev/null', shell=True, executable="/bin/bash")
        print('Unsupported OS or debug mode, this is the command that should be run :')

    if (debug or platform.system() != 'Linux'):
        print(str(hcitool_args) + '\n')


def test_hub(hubId=0):
    print("HUB "+ str(hubId) +" connecting")

    for index in range(6):
        _automate(hubId, index) # start channel 0 = A
        print("Channel change requested")

print("\nReady to execute commands\n")
print("If run on windows, commands are shown but not executed (hcitool dependency)\n")
print("For connecting: mkconnect(hubId) ex: mkconnect(0) or mkconnect(1) for the second hub\n")
print("Available commands: \n mkconnect(hubId, debug) ***Initiate hub control***\n mkstop(hubId, debug) ***Stop ALL motors***\n mkcontrol(deviceId, channel, powerAndDirection, debug) ***Control a specific hub, channel, power and motor direction***\n test_hub(hubId) ***run automated tests on each channels***\n")
print("ex: test_hub(0), mkcontrol(0, 0, 0.5); mkcontrol(0, 1, -1, True)\n the minus sign - indicate reverse motor direction\n")
J0EK3R commented 1 month ago

@elclaudio I did a little fix and some testing... ...and added the new function mkbtstop() to consoletest.py.

Look at the updated readme... (Spoiler: to swicth the hub's address press the button...)

Currently we cannot address several hubs (I have three MK6.0) the same time because we didn't figuered out yet how to advertise different telegrams the same time.

elclaudio commented 1 month ago

@elclaudio I did a little fix and some testing... ...and added the new function mkbtstop() to consoletest.py.

Look at the updated readme... (Spoiler: to swicth the hub's address press the button...)

Currently we cannot address several hubs (I have three MK6.0) the same time because we didn't figuered out yet how to advertise different telegrams the same time.

that's funny, great find :-) You can update the consoletest.py with my latest addition from my previous post

I've ordered both arduino nano ESP32 and a pico W for further testing. Both can run µPython or C program. I'm confident that this could work wyth thoses devices because micropython have a BT library that can send advertisements


Look at the function : BLE.gap_advertise(interval_us, adv_data=None, *, resp_data=None, connectable=True)

Strangely enough, so far, I haven't found a library for regular python that have such possibility, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exists

J0EK3R commented 1 month ago

@elclaudio I have merged your version of consoletest.py into the repo and did some cleanup.

Remember: You don't need to set a hubId when calling mkconnect() - there is only a device-independent telegram to switch hubs in bluetooth mode.

And here is a new understanding:

For connecting: Power MK6.0 Hubs on - Led is flashing green/blue. Call mkconnect() to send the bluetooth connect telegram. All hubs powered-on will switch to bluetooth mode: Leds are flashing blue. By short-pressing the button on MK6.0 Hubs you can choose the hubId. hubId=0 - one Led flash hubId=1 - two Led flashs hubId=2 - three Led flashs

J0EK3R commented 1 month ago

@elclaudio I have spend a lot of time trying to send Bluetooth Advertisements from my Radpberry Pi using some Python-Bluetooth-Frameworks that are accepted by the MK6.0 Hubs - without success.

We have two problems: To address three MK6.0 Hubs we have to sent three different Advertisement telegrams "the same time" (the telegrams have to alternate within the hubs timeout) - so python libs have to offer the possibility to register, change and unregister Advertisements. On the Raspberry Pi there are such libs and I think I could handle that... The second problem is that the f* MK hubs are accepting only telegrams matching a special pattern: within the Advertisement they need first "Flags" and second the "Manufacturer specific data". The libs I've tried are generating telegrams with first "Manufacturer Data" and second the "Flags"...

elclaudio commented 1 month ago

@elclaudio I have spend a lot of time trying to send Bluetooth Advertisements from my Radpberry Pi using some Python-Bluetooth-Frameworks that are accepted by the MK6.0 Hubs - without success.

We have two problems: To address three MK6.0 Hubs we have to sent three different Advertisement telegrams "the same time" (the telegrams have to alternate within the hubs timeout) - so python libs have to offer the possibility to register, change and unregister Advertisements. On the Raspberry Pi there are such libs and I think I could handle that... The second problem is that the f* MK hubs are accepting only telegrams matching a special pattern: within the Advertisement they need first "Flags" and second the "Manufacturer specific data". The libs I've tried are generating telegrams with first "Manufacturer Data" and second the "Flags"...

thank for your feedback and for the time passed on your tests. I also spend many time on this, but, it's fun and addictive ;-)

the micropython bt lib seems to be what we need, there also aioble which is an "object-oriented, asyncio-based wrapper for MicroPython's bluetooth API." So much possibilities here.

I received today my pico W and my arduino nano ESP32. Since, they just arrived, I just have enough time to test standard bt advertisement on the pico (which works). I don't know if you have some early code to share for mkconnect yet, or may just use the ouput of crypt()

It seem's just a bytearray with hex data is required, the intervall is send as BLE.gap_advertise function's 1st parameter

bt advertising works with this simple example :

import bluetooth

def main():
    BLE = bluetooth.BLE()

    name = bytes("ESP32BLEmPy", 'UTF-8')
    adv_data = bytearray(b'\x02\x01\x02') + bytearray((len(name) + 1, 0x09)) + name
    BLE.gap_advertise(100, adv_data)

edit: I successfully sent connect telegram from pico W without hcitool ! more later

edit 2: It seem's that I need to add 2 byte (0x00, 0xFF) before appending the result of the crypt function in order to connect. I've seen thoses 2 bytes when connecting with the mould king app on android.

I added this function in a rush but you know better what should be done:

    def CreateTelegramForPicoW(rawDataArray):
        cryptedArray = MouldKingCrypt.Crypt(rawDataArray)
        cryptedArrayLen = len(cryptedArray)

        resultArray = bytearray(2 + cryptedArrayLen)
        resultArray[0] = 0x00
        resultArray[1] = 0xFF
        for index in range(cryptedArrayLen):
            resultArray[index + 2] = cryptedArray[index]

        return resultArray

Also, for BT advertising, do you thinks that we should send connect advertisements all the time ? It appear that it's not necessary when the hub is linked.

Stopping the advertisement is just a matter of (tested ok):

def mkStopAdvertise():

Since this works out of the box on a raspi pico w (I have yet to test it on the arduino ESP32 nano), for now, I think we should concentrate efforts on thoses platforms, it's also better suited for such a project (a microcontroller is enough)


J0EK3R commented 1 month ago

Wow, great :) We are going step by step...

Also, for BT advertising, do you thinks that we should send connect advertisements all the time ?

No. The connect telegram ist only needed to switch the hubs to bt-mode.

I don't know if you have some early code to share for mkconnect yet, or may just use the ouput of crypt()

The output of crypt() is what has to be advertised, that's all. But the used bt-lib has to generate the correct telegram with the expected order of the parts. I mentioned the "Flags" part that has to be the first part. Second is the crypted data.

Btw.: I'm using Wireshark with a special USB-BT-Dongle to sniff the BT-Traffic - it's much easier with this tool to compare the telegrams...

It seem's that I need to add 2 byte (0x00, 0xFF) before appending the result of the crypt function in order to connect. I've seen thoses 2 bytes when connecting with the mould king app on android.

Possibility this are the "Flags" - I have to test this.

And: you are able to modify the files of the repo on your own and start a pull request so I can just merge your changes...

J0EK3R commented 1 month ago

@elclaudio Now I have a pico w with Micropython installed. Can you give me your code?

elclaudio commented 1 month ago

@elclaudio Now I have a pico w with Micropython installed. Can you give me your code?


I didn't had time to explore much further since my last message, I was very busy on other stuff.

This is what I tested :

added method in MouldKingCrypt.py :

    def CreateTelegramForPicoW(rawDataArray):
        cryptedArray = MouldKingCrypt.Crypt(rawDataArray)
        cryptedArrayLen = len(cryptedArray)

        resultArray = bytearray(2 + cryptedArrayLen)
        resultArray[0] = 0x00
        resultArray[1] = 0xFF
        for index in range(cryptedArrayLen):
            resultArray[index + 2] = cryptedArray[index]

        return resultArray

added in consoletest.py:

    import bluetooth
except ImportError as err:

# Instantiate bluetooth object
ble = bluetooth.BLE()

# Activate bluetooth

def mkconnect2():
    hub = _getHubId(0)
    rawdata = hub.Connect()
    btdata = MouldKingCrypt.CreateTelegramForPicoW(rawData)
    btcrypteddata = bytearray(b'\x02\x01\x02') + bytearray((len(btdata) + 1, 0xFF)) + btdata
    ble.gap_advertise(100, btcrypteddata)

def mkStopAdvertise():
J0EK3R commented 1 month ago

Hi @elclaudio :) Thank you for the code...

...but now I know why bluetooth is not working on my pico... ...I don't have the pico w - it's just a pico :| I ordered a new one.

In the meantime I have reworked all ;) - it's more object-oriented now

just look inside consoletest.py

# uncomment to choose advertiser
from Advertiser.AdvertiserHCITool import AdvertiserHCITool as Advertiser
#from Advertiser.AdvertiserBluez import AdvertiserBluez as Advertiser
#from Advertiser.AdvertiserDBus import AdvertiserDBus as Advertiser
#from Advertiser.AdvertiserMicroPython import AdvertiserMicroPython as Advertiser

On your pico w you should uncomment AdvertiserMicroPython.

And AdvertiserHCITool now supports multiple connected hubs. You can do things like

mkcontrol(0, 0, 0.5)  # hub0
mkcontrol(1, 0, -0.5) # hub1

...now my daily computertime is over ;)

elclaudio commented 1 month ago

...but now I know why bluetooth is not working on my pico... ...I don't have the pico w - it's just a pico :| I ordered a new one.

lol, I also have 2 pico (without W) in my workbench, when I buy them, the W didn't existed yet.

I've looked at the changes, nice work you've done here. Btw, did you get bt (bluez/DBus, not hcitool) on linux working ? I've not tried it again since I've got the pico W.

J0EK3R commented 1 month ago

I've looked at the changes, nice work you've done here. Btw, did you get bt (bluez/DBus, not hcitool) on linux working ? I've not tried it again since I've got the pico W.

Short answer: net yet. The problem still is the sequence of the Flags and Manufacturer Specific Data.

The AdvertiserHCITool is working - but to send multiple advertising telegrams (to connect multiple hubs) I have to rotate the telegrams in a thread (->AdvertiserHCITool._publish()).

BTW: I'm developing with VSCode (including the pico). It's very easy to push the complete project on the pico - keeping the directory structure. ...sadly, debugging on MicroPython doesn't work - but, as I've read, it won't on any IDE.

elclaudio commented 4 weeks ago

I found that the code won't run on standard micropython (some dependancies are not present) :

import numpy as np

should be replaced by

from ulab import numpy as np

AND the firmware should be replaced with a version that is compiled with ulab numpy own version like :


Also, it seems that there is no module "subprocess" on micropython

If we want to use vscode and micropython with the same code, we need to differenciate when running on both because micropython is different from python and libs are also not the same


import numpy as np


    import numpy as np
except ImportError:
    from ulab import numpy as np

and with :

if (sys.platform == 'linux'):
    from Advertiser.AdvertiserHCITool import AdvertiserHCITool as Advertiser
    #from Advertiser.AdvertiserBluez import AdvertiserBluez as Advertiser
    #from Advertiser.AdvertiserDBus import AdvertiserDBus as Advertiser
elif (sys.platform == 'rp2'):
    from Advertiser.AdvertiserMicroPython import AdvertiserMicroPython as Advertiser
    raise Exception('unsupported plateform')

edit: the pause when motors are running has come back, tried tonight with the latest code from github

J0EK3R commented 4 weeks ago

Hi :) I removed dependency to np by changing the range from float to percent (->integer):

    for percent in range(0, 110, 10):
        tracer.TraceInfo("Power : " + str(percent) + "%")
        mkcontrol(deviceId,channel, percent/100)

And I added your platform-test:

# uncomment to choose advertiser
if (sys.platform == 'linux'):
    from Advertiser.AdvertiserHCITool import AdvertiserHCITool as Advertiser
    #from Advertiser.AdvertiserBluez import AdvertiserBluez as Advertiser      # don't work yet
    #from Advertiser.AdvertiserDBus import AdvertiserDBus as Advertiser        # don't work yet
elif (sys.platform == 'rp2'):
    #from Advertiser.AdvertiserMicroPython import AdvertiserMicroPython as Advertiser
    raise Exception('unsupported platform')
J0EK3R commented 3 weeks ago

I asked here for help and got very good answers.

J0EK3R commented 3 weeks ago

...and I've added a new Advertiser using btmgmt tool to control BT-Advertising.

elclaudio commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks for your update.

Even if hcitool is deprecated, it is still here, I think it is enough for testing / developping on linux. Although it would be cleaner to bypass command line tools, that's quite a lot of work for little gain and the whole stuff appear to be experimental, so...

One problem of the pico hardware compared to regular python on linux is debugging as you said earlier.

Given the current state of this project, I'm already looking at the next step, which is sensors integration. For the color / proximity sensor, I've first found the TCS34725 but the available library for µPython is quite old. There is a newer part, the APDS9960 and I've found a library for µPython https://github.com/rlangoy/uPy_APDS9960

For the switchs, I'm not sure sure yet what to use : either the embedded gpio from the pico / esp32 (simplicity) or use an IO expander like the MCP23017. I've already done an alarm system with this chip and the software FHEM, it works great but for input stuff, you better have to use the interrupt instead of a loop, especially on limited hardware.

J0EK3R commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @elclaudio :) The next days I will probably not find any time to work on the project.

The problem with hcitool is that you only can register one Advertisement. So I have to rotate the advertised data (-> timeSlots in HCI-Advertiser.publish ) wich perhaps causes the motor-stops. I think with btmgmt it is possible to register many different Advertisements, so the rotation is done by the system.

The other stuff - bypass commandline tools - is.. fun! ;)

I can't help you with the microcontroler things - I've zero experiance with that.

Oh, you are using FHEM?! That's cool - me too ;)

elclaudio commented 3 weeks ago


Take the time you need, no rush here. You've done such a great job already !

I use fhem since I believe 2016 when I started to look at home automation solutions. Many people appear to use home assistant but I wanted something free and more importantly, cloud free. At that time, I also discovered the KNX and EnOcean eco system which are great and FHEM was the best solution to manage the Eltako modules. So far, I think FHEM really is the best of them all, even if it's less popular.