J3Patel / linkedin-learning-video-downloader

LinkedIn video learning video downloader July 2019
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Single Sign On #5

Open JWmaker opened 4 years ago

JWmaker commented 4 years ago


Is there a way to circumvent the Single Sign On step I need to go through because my Linkedin Learning account is linked to my business account?

So when not on my work laptop, I log into Linkedin and then need and organisation SSO step before I see the info.

what to change in the code to either circumvent, or only run the code when I'm logged into Linkedin learning already?


thachnv92 commented 4 years ago

me, too

KoichaDev commented 3 years ago

I would like to have this feature as well!

chboishabba commented 3 years ago

Please add this.

Learnpython-code commented 3 years ago

Can you please help , I need to apply Cookie-based authentication.

arv130kol commented 2 years ago

We all need cookie-based auth.