J3RN / time-tracker

A time tracking application
MIT License
6 stars 14 forks source link

Pomodoro-style timer #95

Open J3RN opened 7 years ago

J3RN commented 7 years ago

I feel that the MVP for this feature would be that when a time entry reaches 25 minutes, a alarm sounds, but does not stop or change the timer. When the user stops the time entry, some sort of 5:00 timer appears and counts down, sounding an alarm when finished.

Ideally, I'd like this to be per-user, and off by default so as not to be incredibly intrusive.

J3RN commented 7 years ago

It would be interesting to have the timer actually stop the time entry, and then start the 5 minute countdown after they've entered the "Result," just to sort of force the user to stay on track.

3ygun commented 7 years ago

@J3RN just found https://pomotodo.com/ which takes more of the latter approach.


  1. Start promo
  2. Timer ends and stops
  3. Waits for "Waits for the entry of what one did this pomo?"
  4. Starts 5 minute timer.

Nice features: