J3n50m4t / Home-Assistant-DreamScreen-Service

Home Assistant Service for sending commands to a Wifi enabled DreamScreen
MIT License
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update to 0.77.3 #9

Closed dpdamian closed 5 years ago

dpdamian commented 5 years ago

Hi, I recently updated my home assistant to 0.77.3 and it broke my dreamscreen connection. Now all of my sensors are not reading and no commands are being sent to the dreamscreen. Any idea what broke this and methods to fix? I had a tough time piecing together the steps to install initially and am blanking on all the steps to re-install and see if that would fix.

Jossleras commented 5 years ago

Same here, I haven't been able to make it work again

GregoryDosh commented 5 years ago

I'll take a look when I can. I'm unfortunately in the middle of an unplanned housing project and my internet/desktop are out of commission for now.

Jossleras commented 5 years ago

Thanks a lot, I use your component everyday!

CMaxim77 commented 5 years ago

Are you guys using this with HassOs?

Jossleras commented 5 years ago

Yes, I'm running the latest version of hassio

CMaxim77 commented 5 years ago

Me too, I was just wondering because I haven’t figured out how to install it before even updating hass. I’m newer to HA and unfortunately I couldn’t install this using terminal. I did add the files to custom_components/dreamscreen in my www (local) folder and added dreamscreen: + the IP address. But haven’t gotten dreamscreen.dreamscreen to show up.

Hopefully a fix is on the way after he gets settled.

Jossleras commented 5 years ago

In fact I think that the problem has more to do with the new firmware version of the dreamscreen than with the hassio version update.

JasonEMartin commented 5 years ago

Just to clarify, rather than an issue with home assistant updates, I am pretty sure that the latest update to the DreamScreen 4K firmware, causes it to not appear via the emulated hue. Using http://yourHA_IPaddress:8300/api/pi/lights does not display the dreamscreen whereas it did on the old firmware.

dpdamian commented 5 years ago

I am able to send python commands through my computer to still contact the dreamscreen though so I am not sure the latest update would've broken this, but not that.

JasonEMartin commented 5 years ago

This is from the error log, "Invalid service data for dreamscreen.set_mode: required key not provided @ data['entity_id']. Got None required key not provided @ data['mode']. Got None"

CMaxim77 commented 5 years ago

@JasonEMartin, does your Dreamscreen work properly? I can’t even get my colors to sync properly! If I put it in sleep mode one of the leds remains on. I’ve replaced the flex leds with new ones and purchased a diy cable. Still nothing but problems with this setup. Flickering leds and different colors even in static mode. This product wasn’t ready for public release yet. And I got no helpful support on the forum. I just wondered how your experience has been.

JasonEMartin commented 5 years ago

Hi @CMaxim77 , I've not had any real issues. I'll send you a direct email rather than hijack this thread.

GregoryDosh commented 5 years ago

Just an update: Still dealing with house, moving, and internet problems so I haven't started diagnosing this yet.

CMaxim77 commented 5 years ago

Any news on this yet? All I’m really looking for are basic on/off Home Assistant controls.


GregoryDosh commented 5 years ago

Sorry, I've been inattentive. I just started digging in again and I'm unhappy with how it's currently implemented. I'm going to give it a rewrite/update and I'll hopefully have progress soon. The underlying module (pydreamscreen) was hard coded to a byte response that changed during firmware updates I believe. It was warned it could change so I want to make it more robust. On top of making the config for the home assistant service a little easier to manage (on top of supporting more devices).

CMaxim77 commented 5 years ago

It’s all good, you should never apologize for anything on this open source project! I appreciate you taking your time and trying to get it all back up and running! Thanks for letting me know a fix is in the works! That’s awesome news! I hope you have a good day sir!

GregoryDosh commented 5 years ago

@CMaxim77 Are you able to give it a shot with the updated code? I made some quick changes in the underlying dependency and I hope it fixes things short term. Long term I do want a rewrite to make it friendlier.

CMaxim77 commented 5 years ago

I would be happy too! I’m at work now but as soon as I get home I’ll give it a shot and let you know! Seriously I appreciate you and the work you provide!!! Give me a few hours! Thanks!!!

Mace404 commented 5 years ago

I just updated and all is working fine again! Thanks Gregory!

JasonEMartin commented 5 years ago

A second confirmation here. This update has fixed things again. Many thanks for helping us out with this.

CMaxim77 commented 5 years ago

3rd here is working great, thanks so much for giving your time to this project!

dpdamian commented 5 years ago

I can also confirm the new update fixed the issue and my dreamscreen is again displaying correctly. Thanks for the help on this!