JACOBSMILE / tmodloader1.4

An easy to configure Docker Image for tModLoader 1.4 servers.
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Could not find a part of the path error #15

Closed Dekubaka closed 1 year ago

Dekubaka commented 1 year ago


I use this docker image on an unraid server and updated to the latest version and I got this error when launching:

Could not find a part of the path '/root/terraria-server/"/root/.local/share/Terraria/tModLoader/Worlds/Prepare_To_Cry_Edition.wld"

I set a custom bind mount to get access to more of the server files from /root/.local/share/Terraria on the container to /mnt/user/appdata/Terraria on the unraid server. I assume it can't find the path anymore cause that doesn't look right.

But I also saw another error so and can't tell if a mod causing an issue.

I fixed everything by going back to the tmodloader1.4:v2022.09.47.46 image but wanted to open an issue here in case it was something to look at.

From launch log

Verifying .NET.... Logging to /root/terraria-server/tModLoader-Logs/Launch.log Fixing .NET SDL PATH issues Success! Parsing .NET version requirements from runtimeconfig.json Success! Checking for old .NET versions to remove from folder Cleanup Complete Checking dotnet install... Dotnet should be present in "/root/terraria-server/dotnet/6.0.0" Loaded Custom Arguments: Launched Using Local Dotnet

From server logs

[04:02:28.644] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Save Are Located At: /root/.local/share/Terraria/tModLoader [04:02:28.654] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Starting tModLoader server|stable|Stable|18e44636f17da1c201f87f9f74af1afd60b29e1e|5249851903069401163 built 04/08/2023 22:07 [04:02:28.656] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Log date: 04/12/2023 [04:02:28.656] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Running on Linux (v5.19.17.0) X64 NetCore 6.0.0 [04:02:28.657] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: FrameworkDescription: .NET 6.0.0-rtm.21522.10 [04:02:28.657] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Executable: /root/terraria-server/tModLoader.dll [04:02:28.657] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Working Directory: /root/terraria-server [04:02:28.657] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Launch Parameters: -server -steamworkshopfolder /root/terraria-server/workshop-mods/steamapps/workshop -config /root/terraria-server/serverconfig.txt [04:02:28.660] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Parsed Launch Parameters: -server -steamworkshopfolder /root/terraria-server/workshop-mods/steamapps/workshop -config /root/terraria-server/serverconfig.txt [04:02:29.441] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Distribution Platform: Steam. Detection method: Terraria.exe or Terraria_1.4.4.9.exe not found nearby [04:02:29.458] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Ionic.Zip.ZipEntry::ValidateOutput(string, Stream, out string) modified by tModLoader [04:02:29.630] [Main Thread/WARN] [tML]: Silently Caught Exception: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: Permission denied at System.Diagnostics.Process.set_PriorityClassCore(ProcessPriorityClass value) at System.Diagnostics.Process.setPriorityClass(ProcessPriorityClass value) at Terraria.Initializers.LaunchInitializer.LoadServerParameters(Main game) in tModLoader\Terraria\Initializers\LaunchInitializer.cs:line 117 at Terraria.Initializers.LaunchInitializer.LoadParameters(Main game) in tModLoader\Terraria\Initializers\LaunchInitializer.cs:line 18 at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame(Boolean isServer) in tModLoader\Terraria\Program.cs:line 228 at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame(String[] args, Boolean monoArgs) in tModLoader\Terraria\Program.cs:line 192 at MonoLaunch.<>c__DisplayClass1_0.

b__0() in tModLoader\Terraria\MonoLaunch.cs:line 56 at MonoLaunch.Main(String[] args) in tModLoader\Terraria\MonoLaunch.cs:line 64

[04:02:31.731] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Network compatibility version is 2022.9.47 [04:02:33.027] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Finding Mods... [04:02:33.053] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: ArmorModifiers (Armor Modifiers) v0.1 [04:02:33.130] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: AutoTrash (Auto Trash) v0.6.1.3 [04:02:33.138] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: BAM (Basic Automated Mining) v1.1.8 [04:02:33.147] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: BetterBossBar (Better Boss Health Bar) v0.8.2.1 [04:02:33.153] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: Compact (Compact stack) v0.1 [04:02:33.158] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: DoubleOreDrop (Reduced Mining) v1.2.2 [04:02:33.165] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: EndlessArrows (Endless Ammo) v2.3.3 [04:02:33.177] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: ImproveGame (Quality of Life 更好的体验) v1.6.3.1 [04:02:33.224] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: MagicStorage (Magic Storage) v0.5.7.10 [04:02:33.277] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: SleepTimeSpeedAdjustment (Sleep Time Speed Adjustment []) v1.0.2 [04:02:33.283] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Constructing Mods... [04:02:33.907] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Adding Content: ModLoader (tModLoader) v2022.9.47.47 [04:02:34.035] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Adding Content: ArmorModifiers (Armor Modifiers) v0.1 [04:02:34.180] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Adding Content: AutoTrash (Auto Trash) v0.6.1.3 [04:02:34.266] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Adding Content: BAM (Basic Automated Mining) v1.1.8 [04:02:34.413] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Adding Content: BetterBossBar (Better Boss Health Bar) v0.8.2.1 [04:02:34.497] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Adding Content: Compact (Compact stack) v0.1 [04:02:34.549] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Adding Content: DoubleOreDrop (Reduced Mining) v1.2.2 [04:02:34.617] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Adding Content: EndlessArrows (Endless Ammo) v2.3.3 [04:02:34.699] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Adding Content: ImproveGame (Quality of Life 更好的体验) v1.6.3.1 [04:02:35.099] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.Main::DrawInventory() modified by ImproveGame [04:02:35.304] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.Main::DrawInterface_Resources_Buffs() modified by ImproveGame [04:02:35.311] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::HandleBeingInChestRange() added by ImproveGame [04:02:35.323] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.Player::ItemCheck_UseMiningTools_ActuallyUseMiningTool(Item, out bool, int, int) modified by ImproveGame [04:02:35.341] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.Player::ItemCheck_UseMiningTools_TryHittingWall(Item, int, int) modified by ImproveGame [04:02:35.354] [Main Thread/WARN] [tML]: ImproveGame.Common.GlobalItems.ImprovePrefixItem has reference fields (Prefixs) that may not be safe to share between clones. For deep-cloning, add a custom Clone override and make proper copies of these fields. If shallow (memberwise) cloning is acceptable, mark the fields with [CloneByReference] or properties with [field: CloneByReference] [04:02:35.356] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.WorldGen::CanPoundTile(int, int) added by ImproveGame [04:02:35.361] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.WorldGen::IsAContainer(Tile) added by ImproveGame [04:02:35.364] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Projectile::CanExplodeTile(int, int) added by ImproveGame [04:02:35.369] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.UI.ItemSlot::OverrideLeftClick(Item[], int, int) added by ImproveGame [04:02:35.378] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.UI.ItemSlot::SetGlow(int, float, bool) added by ImproveGame [04:02:35.382] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.NPC::SlimeRainSpawns(int) added by ImproveGame [04:02:35.392] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::AddBuff(int, int, bool, bool) added by ImproveGame [04:02:35.398] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.Chest::PutItemInNearbyChest(Item, Vector2) modified by ImproveGame [04:02:35.411] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Main::DrawInterface_36_Cursor() added by ImproveGame [04:02:35.419] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.WorldGen::GrowTree(int, int) modified by ImproveGame [04:02:35.515] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.WorldGen::GrowPalmTree(int, int) modified by ImproveGame [04:02:35.529] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.WorldGen::SetGemTreeDrops(int, int, Tile, ref int, ref int) added by ImproveGame [04:02:35.532] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.GameContent.UI.Elements.UIKeybindingListItem::DrawSelf(SpriteBatch) added by ImproveGame [04:02:35.542] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.GameContent.UI.Elements.UIKeybindingListItem::GenInput(List1) added by ImproveGame [04:02:35.546] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.GameContent.UI.Elements.UIKeybindingListItem::GetFriendlyName() added by ImproveGame [04:02:35.568] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.GameContent.UI.States.UIManageControls::CreateBindingGroup(int, List1, InputMode) added by ImproveGame [04:02:35.578] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::PickupItem(int, int, Item) added by ImproveGame [04:02:35.583] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::DropTombstone(int, NetworkText, int) added by ImproveGame [04:02:35.589] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::PullItem_Common(Item, float) added by ImproveGame [04:02:35.593] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.UI.ItemSlot::Draw(SpriteBatch, Item[], int, int, Vector2, Color) modified by ImproveGame [04:02:35.679] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Main::DamageVar(float, float) added by ImproveGame [04:02:35.682] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::VanillaPreUpdateInventory() added by ImproveGame [04:02:35.686] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.WorldGen::ShakeTree(int, int) modified by ImproveGame [04:02:35.736] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.WorldGen::GrowAlch(int, int) modified by ImproveGame [04:02:35.758] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.GameContent.Drawing.TileDrawing::IsAlchemyPlantHarvestable(int) added by ImproveGame [04:02:35.762] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.Player::PlaceThing_Tiles_BlockPlacementForAssortedThings(bool) modified by ImproveGame [04:02:35.856] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.WorldGen::IsHarvestableHerbWithSeed(int, int) added by ImproveGame [04:02:35.859] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.WorldGen::UnspawnTravelNPC() added by ImproveGame [04:02:35.867] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.NPC::CountKillForBannersAndDropThem() added by ImproveGame [04:02:35.873] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.NPC::VanillaHitEffect_Inner(int, double) modified by ImproveGame [04:02:36.708] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.Player::UpdateDead() modified by ImproveGame [04:02:36.740] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.WorldGen::UpdateWorld_Inner() modified by ImproveGame [04:02:36.759] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.WorldGen::ScoreRoom(int, int) modified by ImproveGame [04:02:36.780] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.Main::MouseText_DrawItemTooltip_GetLinesInfo(Item, ref int, ref int, float, ref int, String[], Boolean[], Boolean[], String[]) modified by ImproveGame [04:02:36.873] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::ChooseAmmo(Item) added by ImproveGame [04:02:36.877] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.UI.ItemSlot::Draw(SpriteBatch, Item[], int, int, Vector2, Color) modified by ImproveGame [04:02:36.941] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Netplay::StartServer() added by ImproveGame [04:02:36.944] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.Player::AdjTiles() modified by ImproveGame [04:02:36.962] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.Recipe::FindRecipes(bool) modified by ImproveGame [04:02:36.997] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.Recipe::Create() modified by ImproveGame [04:02:37.017] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Main::UpdateTime_SpawnTownNPCs() added by ImproveGame [04:02:37.044] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.WorldGen::QuickFindHome(int) added by ImproveGame [04:02:37.050] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Main::GetBestiaryProgressReport() added by ImproveGame [04:02:37.055] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::HasItem(int) added by ImproveGame [04:02:37.057] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::HasUnityPotion() added by ImproveGame [04:02:37.059] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::TakeUnityPotion() added by ImproveGame [04:02:37.063] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.Player::UpdateBiomes() modified by ImproveGame [04:02:37.170] [Main Thread/WARN] [tML]: ImproveGame.Content.Items.CreateWand has reference fields (MaterialConsume) that may not be safe to share between clones. For deep-cloning, add a custom Clone override and make proper copies of these fields. If shallow (memberwise) cloning is acceptable, mark the fields with [CloneByReference] or properties with [field: CloneByReference] [04:02:37.172] [Main Thread/WARN] [tML]: ImproveGame.Content.Items.SpaceWand has reference fields (GrassSeeds) that may not be safe to share between clones. For deep-cloning, add a custom Clone override and make proper copies of these fields. If shallow (memberwise) cloning is acceptable, mark the fields with [CloneByReference] or properties with [field: CloneByReference] [04:02:37.173] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::TileInteractionsMouseOver(int, int) added by ImproveGame [04:02:37.501] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Adding Content: MagicStorage (Magic Storage) v0.5.7.10 [04:02:37.664] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Recipe::FindRecipes(bool) added by MagicStorage [04:02:37.671] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::QuickSpawnItem(IEntitySource, int, int) added by MagicStorage [04:02:37.675] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Main::DrawInterface_36_Cursor() added by MagicStorage [04:02:37.678] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.UI.ItemSlot::MouseHover(Item[], int, int) added by MagicStorage [04:02:37.687] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.UI.ItemSlot::LeftClick(Item[], int, int) added by MagicStorage [04:02:37.717] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.UI.ItemSlot::RightClick(Item[], int, int) added by MagicStorage [04:02:37.723] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.UI.ItemSlot::OverrideHover(Item[], int, int) added by MagicStorage [04:02:37.737] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.UI.ItemSlot::OverrideLeftClick(Item[], int, int) added by MagicStorage [04:02:37.740] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.Player::ItemCheck_ApplyHoldStyle_Inner(float, Item, Rectangle) modified by MagicStorage [04:02:37.786] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.ModLoader.TileLoader::NearbyEffects(int, int, int, bool) added by MagicStorage [04:02:37.789] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.Main::DoUpdate_HandleChat() modified by MagicStorage [04:02:37.813] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Chest::ServerPlaceItem(int, int) added by MagicStorage [04:02:37.815] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.Player::QuickStackAllChests() modified by MagicStorage [04:02:37.834] [Main Thread/WARN] [tML]: Granted native detouring access to MagicStorage [04:02:37.834] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.ModLoader.RecipeLoader::AddRecipes() modified by MagicStorage [04:02:37.844] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.ModLoader.RecipeLoader::PostAddRecipes() modified by MagicStorage [04:02:37.849] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.ModLoader.RecipeLoader::PostSetupRecipes() modified by MagicStorage

[04:02:37.992] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Adding Content: SleepTimeSpeedAdjustment (Sleep Time Speed Adjustment []) v1.0.2 [04:02:37.997] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Main::UpdateTimeRate() added by SleepTimeSpeedAdjustment

[04:02:38.708] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Configuring Content: ModLoader (tModLoader) v2022.9.47.47 [04:02:38.775] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Configuring Content: ArmorModifiers (Armor Modifiers) v0.1 [04:02:38.826] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Configuring Content: AutoTrash (Auto Trash) v0.6.1.3 [04:02:38.876] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Configuring Content: BAM (Basic Automated Mining) v1.1.8 [04:02:38.926] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Configuring Content: BetterBossBar (Better Boss Health Bar) v0.8.2.1 [04:02:38.976] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Configuring Content: Compact (Compact stack) v0.1 [04:02:39.026] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Configuring Content: DoubleOreDrop (Reduced Mining) v1.2.2 [04:02:39.076] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Configuring Content: EndlessArrows (Endless Ammo) v2.3.3 [04:02:39.128] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Configuring Content: ImproveGame (Quality of Life 更好的体验) v1.6.3.1 [04:02:39.180] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Configuring Content: MagicStorage (Magic Storage) v0.5.7.10 [04:02:39.242] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Configuring Content: SleepTimeSpeedAdjustment (Sleep Time Speed Adjustment []) v1.0.2 [04:02:39.406] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Finalizing Content: ModLoader (tModLoader) v2022.9.47.47 [04:02:39.463] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Finalizing Content: ArmorModifiers (Armor Modifiers) v0.1 [04:02:39.516] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Finalizing Content: AutoTrash (Auto Trash) v0.6.1.3 [04:02:39.570] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Finalizing Content: BAM (Basic Automated Mining) v1.1.8 [04:02:39.626] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Finalizing Content: BetterBossBar (Better Boss Health Bar) v0.8.2.1 [04:02:39.680] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Finalizing Content: Compact (Compact stack) v0.1 [04:02:39.735] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Finalizing Content: DoubleOreDrop (Reduced Mining) v1.2.2 [04:02:39.815] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Finalizing Content: EndlessArrows (Endless Ammo) v2.3.3 [04:02:39.869] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Finalizing Content: ImproveGame (Quality of Life 更好的体验) v1.6.3.1 [04:02:39.927] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Finalizing Content: MagicStorage (Magic Storage) v0.5.7.10 [04:02:40.035] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Finalizing Content: SleepTimeSpeedAdjustment (Sleep Time Speed Adjustment []) v1.0.2 [04:02:40.097] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: RAM usage: 325.2 MB [04:02:40.175] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Adding Recipes... [04:02:40.872] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/INFO] [Terraria]: Loading World: Prepare_To_Cry_Edition, IsCloud=False, Size=1x1 [04:02:40.878] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/WARN] [tML]: Silently Caught Exception: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path '/root/terraria-server/"/root/.local/share/Terraria/tModLoader/Worlds/Prepare_To_Cry_Edition.wld"'. at Interop.ThrowExceptionForIoErrno(ErrorInfo errorInfo, String path, Boolean isDirectory, Func`2 errorRewriter) at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String path, OpenFlags flags, Int32 mode) at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String fullPath, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileOptions options, Int64 preallocationSize) at System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileOptions options, Int64 preallocationSize) at System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamHelpers.ChooseStrategy(FileStream fileStream, String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, Int64 preallocationSize) at System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(String path) at Terraria.Utilities.FileUtilities.ReadAllBytes(String path, Boolean cloud) in tModLoader\Terraria\Utilities\FileUtilities.cs:line 70 at Terraria.IO.WorldFile.LoadWorld(Boolean loadFromCloud) in tModLoader\Terraria\IO\WorldFile.cs:line 342 at Terraria.WorldGen.serverLoadWorldCallBack() in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 2647 at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke() at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.<>c.<.cctor>b__271_0(Object obj) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunFromThreadPoolDispatchLoop(Thread threadPoolThread, ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state) at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& currentTaskSlot, Thread threadPoolThread) at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread threadPoolThread) at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback()

[04:02:40.879] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/WARN] [tML]: Silently Caught Exception: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path '/root/terraria-server/"/root/.local/share/Terraria/tModLoader/Worlds/Prepare_To_Cry_Edition.wld"'. at Interop.ThrowExceptionForIoErrno(ErrorInfo errorInfo, String path, Boolean isDirectory, Func`2 errorRewriter) at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String path, OpenFlags flags, Int32 mode) at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String fullPath, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileOptions options, Int64 preallocationSize) at System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileOptions options, Int64 preallocationSize) at System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamHelpers.ChooseStrategy(FileStream fileStream, String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, Int64 preallocationSize) at System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(String path) at Terraria.Utilities.FileUtilities.ReadAllBytes(String path, Boolean cloud) in tModLoader\Terraria\Utilities\FileUtilities.cs:line 70 at Terraria.IO.WorldFile.LoadWorld(Boolean loadFromCloud) in tModLoader\Terraria\IO\WorldFile.cs:line 342 at Terraria.WorldGen.serverLoadWorldCallBack() in tModLoader\Terraria\WorldGen.cs:line 2649 at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke() at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.<>c.<.cctor>b__271_0(Object obj) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunFromThreadPoolDispatchLoop(Thread threadPoolThread, ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state) at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& currentTaskSlot, Thread threadPoolThread) at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread threadPoolThread) at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback()

[04:02:40.879] [Main Thread/INFO] [Terraria]: Running one update... [04:02:40.879] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Server starting with AllowVanillaClients set to False [04:02:41.031] [Main Thread/WARN] [tML]: Silently Caught Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at DoubleOreDrop.DoubleOreDropWorld.NetSend(BinaryWriter writer) in DoubleOreDropWorld.cs:line 71 at Terraria.ModLoader.IO.WorldIO.<>cDisplayClass23_0.b0(BinaryWriter w) in tModLoader\Terraria\ModLoader\IO\WorldIO.cs:line 519 at Terraria.ModLoader.IO.BinaryIO.SafeWrite(BinaryWriter writer, Action`1 write) in tModLoader\Terraria\ModLoader\IO\BinaryIO.cs:line 16 at Terraria.ModLoader.IO.WorldIO.SendModData(BinaryWriter writer) in tModLoader\Terraria\ModLoader\IO\WorldIO.cs:line 519 at Terraria.NetMessage.SendData(Int32 msgType, Int32 remoteClient, Int32 ignoreClient, NetworkText text, Int32 number, Single number2, Single number3, Single number4, Int32 number5, Int32 number6, Int32 number7) in tModLoader\Terraria\NetMessage.cs:line 335 at Terraria.Main.UpdateWeather(GameTime gameTime) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 46733 at Terraria.Main.DoUpdate(GameTime& gameTime) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 13191 at Terraria.Main.Update(GameTime gameTime) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 12777 at Terraria.Main.DedServPostModLoad(Boolean& reloadMods) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 4643 at Terraria.Main.DedServ() in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 4214 at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame(Boolean isServer) in tModLoader\Terraria\Program.cs:line 233 at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame(String[] args, Boolean monoArgs) in tModLoader\Terraria\Program.cs:line 192 at MonoLaunch.<>cDisplayClass1_0.

b0() in tModLoader\Terraria\MonoLaunch.cs:line 56 at MonoLaunch.Main(String[] args) in tModLoader\Terraria\MonoLaunch.cs:line 64

[04:02:41.033] [Main Thread/ERROR] [Terraria]: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at DoubleOreDrop.DoubleOreDropWorld.NetSend(BinaryWriter writer) in DoubleOreDropWorld.cs:line 71 at Terraria.ModLoader.IO.WorldIO.<>c__DisplayClass23_0.b__0(BinaryWriter w) in tModLoader\Terraria\ModLoader\IO\WorldIO.cs:line 519 at Terraria.ModLoader.IO.BinaryIO.SafeWrite(BinaryWriter writer, Action`1 write) in tModLoader\Terraria\ModLoader\IO\BinaryIO.cs:line 16 at Terraria.ModLoader.IO.WorldIO.SendModData(BinaryWriter writer) in tModLoader\Terraria\ModLoader\IO\WorldIO.cs:line 519 at Terraria.NetMessage.SendData(Int32 msgType, Int32 remoteClient, Int32 ignoreClient, NetworkText text, Int32 number, Single number2, Single number3, Single number4, Int32 number5, Int32 number6, Int32 number7) in tModLoader\Terraria\NetMessage.cs:line 335 at Terraria.Main.UpdateWeather(GameTime gameTime) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 46733 at Terraria.Main.DoUpdate(GameTime& gameTime) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 13191 at Terraria.Main.Update(GameTime gameTime) in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 12777 [04:02:43.188] [16/DEBUG] [tML]: SSDP search line seperator: CRLF

alexororro commented 1 year ago

I got the same issue, here's my log:

Cleanup Complete Checking dotnet install... Dotnet should be present in "/root/terraria-server/dotnet/6.0.0" Loaded Custom Arguments: Attempting Launch... Launched Using Local Dotnet Permission denied (see server.log for full trace) Finding Mods... Sandboxing: Antisocial v1.5 Sandboxing: Auto Trash v0.6.1.3 Sandboxing: Boss Checklist v1.4.0 Sandboxing: Calamity Mod v2.0.2.3 Sandboxing: Calamity Mod Music v2.0.2.2 Sandboxing: Fargo's Mutant Mod v2.8.8 Sandboxing: Fargo's Souls Mod v1.4.2.3 Sandboxing: Fargo's Music Mod v0.1.1.8 Sandboxing: Subworld Library v2.1 Sandboxing: Calamity Mod Infernum Mode v1.8.17 Sandboxing: Infernum Master and For the Worthy Patch v1.1.1 Sandboxing: Infernum Mode Music v1.8.0 Sandboxing: Magic Storage v0.5.7.10 Sandboxing: Recipe Browser v0.9.8 Constructing Mods... Adding Content: tModLoader v2022.9.47.47 Adding Content: Antisocial v1.5 Adding Content: Auto Trash v0.6.1.3 Adding Content: Boss Checklist v1.4.0 Adding Content: Calamity Mod v2.0.2.3 Adding Content: Calamity Mod Music v2.0.2.2 Adding Content: Fargo's Mutant Mod v2.8.8 Adding Content: Fargo's Souls Mod v1.4.2.3 Adding Content: Fargo's Music Mod v0.1.1.8 Adding Content: Subworld Library v2.1 Adding Content: Calamity Mod Infernum Mode v1.8.17 Adding Content: Infernum Master and For the Worthy Patch v1.1.1 Adding Content: Infernum Mode Music v1.8.0 Adding Content: Magic Storage v0.5.7.10 Adding Content: Recipe Browser v0.9.8 Resizing... Configuring Content: tModLoader v2022.9.47.47 Configuring Content: Antisocial v1.5 Configuring Content: Auto Trash v0.6.1.3 Configuring Content: Boss Checklist v1.4.0 Configuring Content: Calamity Mod v2.0.2.3 Configuring Content: Calamity Mod Music v2.0.2.2 Configuring Content: Fargo's Mutant Mod v2.8.8 Configuring Content: Fargo's Souls Mod v1.4.2.3 Configuring Content: Fargo's Music Mod v0.1.1.8 Configuring Content: Subworld Library v2.1 Configuring Content: Calamity Mod Infernum Mode v1.8.17 Configuring Content: Infernum Master and For the Worthy Patch v1.1.1 Configuring Content: Infernum Mode Music v1.8.0 Configuring Content: Magic Storage v0.5.7.10 Configuring Content: Recipe Browser v0.9.8 Finalizing Content: tModLoader v2022.9.47.47 Finalizing Content: Antisocial v1.5 Finalizing Content: Auto Trash v0.6.1.3 Finalizing Content: Boss Checklist v1.4.0 Finalizing Content: Calamity Mod v2.0.2.3 Finalizing Content: Calamity Mod Music v2.0.2.2 Finalizing Content: Fargo's Mutant Mod v2.8.8 Finalizing Content: Fargo's Souls Mod v1.4.2.3 Finalizing Content: Fargo's Music Mod v0.1.1.8 Finalizing Content: Subworld Library v2.1 Finalizing Content: Calamity Mod Infernum Mode v1.8.17 Finalizing Content: Infernum Master and For the Worthy Patch v1.1.1 Finalizing Content: Infernum Mode Music v1.8.0 Finalizing Content: Magic Storage v0.5.7.10 Finalizing Content: Recipe Browser v0.9.8 Adding Recipes... Terraria Server v1.4.3.6

Could not find a part of the path '/root/terraria-server/"/root/.local/share/Terraria/tModLoader/Worlds/Fargamity.wld"'. (see server.log for full trace) Could not find a part of the path '/root/terraria-server/"/root/.local/share/Terraria/tModLoader/Worlds/Fargamity.wld"'. (see server.log for full trace) Load failed! No backup found. Running one update... The given key 'lumberjack' was not present in the dictionary. (see server.log for full trace)

System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path '/root/terraria-server/"/root/.local/share/Terraria/tModLoader/Worlds/Fargamity.wld"'. at Interop.ThrowExceptionForIoErrno(ErrorInfo errorInfo, String path, Boolean isDirectory, Func2 errorRewriter) at Interop.CheckIo(Error error, String path, Boolean isDirectory, Func2 errorRewriter) at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String path, OpenFlags flags, Int32 mode) at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String fullPath, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileOptions options, Int64 preallocationSize) at System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileOptions options, Int64 preallocationSize) at System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamHelpers.ChooseStrategy(FileStream fileStream, String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, Int64 preallocationSize) at System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(String path) at Terraria.Utilities.FileUtilities.ReadAllBytes(String path, Boolean cloud) in tModLoader\Terraria\Utilities\FileUtilities.cs:line 70 at Terraria.IO.WorldFile.LoadWorld(Boolean loadFromCloud) in tModLoader\Terraria\IO\WorldFile.cs:line 342 -e [SYSTEM] Saving world... s

JACOBSMILE commented 1 year ago

Acknowledged, will review.

JACOBSMILE commented 1 year ago

@Dekubaka @alexororro Issue has been identified, I will be merging an emergency fix here this evening. Good catch, pull request #13 is the root cause.