JACOBSMILE / tmodloader1.4

An easy to configure Docker Image for tModLoader 1.4 servers.
120 stars 29 forks source link

Server wont launch when using default instructions. #24

Closed nmistry closed 1 year ago

nmistry commented 1 year ago

When using the instructions posted inthe readme.md to create a fresh instance - the server fails to launch. I get the same results when running the container via docker compose.

➜  terraria docker pull jacobsmile/tmodloader1.4:latest

# Execute the container
docker run -p 7777:7777 --name tmodloader --rm \
  -v $TMOD_WORLDS:/home/terraria/.local/share/Terraria/tModLoader/Worlds \
  -v $TMOD_WORKSHOP:/home/terraria/terraria-server/workshop-mods \
  -e TMOD_AUTODOWNLOAD='2824688072,2824688266' \
  -e TMOD_ENABLEDMODS='2824688072,2824688266' \
  -e TMOD_MOTD='Welcome to my tModLoader Server!' \
  -e TMOD_PASS='secret' \
  -e TMOD_WORLDNAME='Earth' \
  -e TMOD_WORLDSEED='not the bees!' \
latest: Pulling from jacobsmile/tmodloader1.4
Digest: sha256:be655a6677d5c62d1b38369030d36ef9a14edd0b4eebeceff3ff4e406057ce0d
Status: Image is up to date for jacobsmile/tmodloader1.4:latest

[UPDATE NOTICE] Recently, this container has been updated to remove dependency on the Root User account inside the container.
[UPDATE NOTICE] Because of this update, prior configurations which mapped HOST directories for Mods, Worlds and Custom Configs will no longer work.
[UPDATE NOTICE] Your World files are NOT DELETED!
[UPDATE NOTICE] If you are experiencing issues with your worlds or mods loading properly, please refer to the following SFB for more information.
[UPDATE NOTICE] https://github.com/JACOBSMILE/tmodloader1.4/wiki/SFB:-Removing-Dependency-on-Root-(Issue-12)

[SYSTEM] The Server will launch in 30 seconds. To disable this notice, set the UPDATE_NOTICE environment variable equal to "false".
[SYSTEM] This notice will be eventually removed in a later update.
[SYSTEM] Shutdown Message set to: Goodbye!
[SYSTEM] Save Interval set to: 15 minutes
[COFNIG] Config File Path: /home/terraria/terraria-server/serverconfig.txt
[CONFIG] Setting Config Values...
[CONFIG] MOTD Set to: Welcome to my tModLoader Server!
[CONFIG] Server Password set to: secret
[CONFIG] Max Players set to: 16
[CONFIG] World Name set to: Earth
[CONFIG] World Size set to: 2
[CONFIG] World Seed set to: not the bees!
[CONFIG] Difficulty set to: 3
[CONFIG] Secure Mode set to: 0
[CONFIG] Language set to: en-US
[CONFIG] NPC Stream set to: 60
[CONFIG] UPNP set to: 0
[CONFIG] Priority set to: 1
[CONFIG] journeypermission_time_setfrozen: 0
[CONFIG] journeypermission_time_setdawn: 0
[CONFIG] journeypermission_time_setnoon: 0
[CONFIG] journeypermission_time_setdusk: 0
[CONFIG] journeypermission_time_setmidnight: 0
[CONFIG] journeypermission_godmode: 0
[CONFIG] journeypermission_wind_setstrength: 0
[CONFIG] journeypermission_rain_setstrength: 0
[CONFIG] journeypermission_time_setspeed: 0
[CONFIG] journeypermission_rain_setfrozen: 0
[CONFIG] journeypermission_wind_setfrozen: 0
[CONFIG] journeypermission_increaseplacementrange: 0
[CONFIG] journeypermission_setdifficulty: 0
[CONFIG] journeypermission_biomespread_setfrozen: 0
[CONFIG] journeypermission_setspawnrate: 0
[!!] WARNING: The world "Earth" was not found. The server will automatically create a new world.
[CONFIG] Finished setting config settings.
[SYSTEM] Downloading Mods specified in the TMOD_AUTODOWNLOAD Environment Variable. This may hand a while depending on the number of mods...
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/home/terraria/.steam/root': No such file or directory
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/home/terraria/.steam/steam': No such file or directory
WARNING: setlocale('en_US.UTF-8') failed, using locale: 'C'. International characters may not work.
Redirecting stderr to '/home/terraria/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'

stderr.txt has the following contents:

➜  ~ docker exec eca35aac0954 /bin/cat /home/terraria/Steam/logs/stderr.txt
07/14 01:13:24 Init: Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1689034828)/tid(22)
src/tier0/threadtools.cpp (3766) : Assertion Failed: Failed to create thread (error 0x1)
assert_20230714011324_4.dmp[25]: Uploading dump (out-of-process)
assert_20230714011324_4.dmp[25]: Finished uploading minidump (out-of-process): success = no
assert_20230714011324_4.dmp[25]: error: libcurl.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
assert_20230714011324_4.dmp[25]: file ''/tmp/dumps/assert_20230714011324_4.dmp'', upload no: ''libcurl.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory''
JACOBSMILE commented 1 year ago

Please review the updated documentation covering some permission requirements on the host to support volume mapping.

It has been copied below for your reference. (Commit 95a967f)

Permission Configuration This container uses an account named terraria internally which is a low-privileged user. Due to Unix kernel constraints, it may be necessary to grant UID and GID 1000 access to the mapped world and mod directories to properly launch the server.

To do this easily, perform the following command on your HOST's Mod and World directories:

chown 1000:1000 -R