JACart2 / ai-navigation

ROS2 Code for JACart2
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Add obstacles to simulator. #10

Open martinnester opened 1 month ago

martinnester commented 3 weeks ago

@spragunr I assume the obstacles would be manually added through rviz. I'm trying to find a rviz tool for doing this. Based on the current obstacle object that is just radius, position, and followable, it would be nice if there was a circle tool to draw a obstacle in rviz. I don't think that exists in the rviz_default_plugins. I'll continue looking for such a tool, or maybe make a rviz plugin for one. If you have any suggestions that would be great.

spragunr commented 3 weeks ago

@martinnester I'm not aware of an existing plugin that would do this. We could use the "Publish Point" plugin, but we are already using that to send goal locations. I've never attempted to develop a new Rviz plugin, so I have no Idea how much effort is involved. If it would be an hour or two, that would be a cool thing to have. If it would take a week, we can probably get by by just specifying obstacle locations in a simulator configuration file.