JAG240 / Pokemon-Map

Pokemon Map Project
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Pokemon Networks #10

Open ebeshero opened 5 years ago

ebeshero commented 5 years ago

I met with @achen298 for a couple of hours this evening, and we talked about the project's research question, and what kinds of information you can pull together. We discussed how just correlating information about the types of Pokemon that may be found in particular places and along particular routes is a great research question, because you can then analyze the distribution of resources connected to water, electricity, ground, etc. to the fantasy landscape of the game. Do you think the game presents a kind of environmental fantasy of the Tokyo area, which is very urban in real life?

We think concentrating on making associating Pokemon types with regions, and making this something visitor can look up by visiting the map would be helpful. We also talked about maybe designing the map page so make it possible to have a viewing window along the side, so when you click on a region, the new page that opens is basically visible while also seeing hte map. You can do with with an HTML <iframe> element, and you can see examples of this on the Graveyard project as well as on Bloodborne Lore. @JAG240, let's talk about the HTML you'd need to build this.

@achen298 wrote some XQuery this evening and we decided it would make sense to build network graphs that show how Pokemon characters are associated with specific regions. We made two different TSV files: one is super dense with data, and we set it aside for a moment, but @achen298 , I think we should come back to it--I think I know how we might want to work with it. We want to have a followup meeting where we look at these, and if either/both of you are available on Thursday this week at like 11:30am or noonish, or at 4pm, to continue experimenting with the network data that would be great. Jacob, the basic idea is, we can make a network (and a series of filtered sub-networks) that show by region which TYPES of Pokemon can be found. We could make small subnetworks to isolate each region and the Pokemon types it connects! And we could output that to superimpose over the map, or as an alternative map--we need to look at the networks together to see how best to work with them.

ebeshero commented 5 years ago

@JAG240 and @achen298 The network files are not all pushed to the repo, but they're in the new "networks" folder in your repo. Also, as you complete your XML code, you will need to update files stashed in eXist-db (we uploaded all the location files we have over there in your Pokemon-Map directory). You might experience write problems over the directory since I uploaded your files there--so let me know if that happens. 1) Update your eXist-db files when you finish up your XML! 2) @achen298 needs to re-run his XQuery script to generate TSV files for your network (I think we may actually want the tabs we commented out in the last round, Alan, so I'm going to go in and uncomment those.) 3) Import new TSV's into Cytoscape to play with making networks and subnetworks.

Network data will give you a lot to explore and analyze about your coded data! I think this will be a good way to address your research question, but I'd like to look at this together with both of you if we can find a moment!