JATS4R / Roadmap

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Citations #24

Open Melissa37 opened 4 years ago

Melissa37 commented 4 years ago

ID: Identification PU: Prescribed Usage CV: Controlled Values SV: Suggested Values


  1. PU/SV - @publication-type=”…” on or . Use “journal” or “book” as the value of @publication-type to indicate that the citation is to a journal or book, respectively. Other examples are: “letter”, “review”, “patent”, “report”, “standard”, “data”, “working-paper”. This list is not exhaustive and is sourced from the JATS guidelines. This is not a limited field so others can be used as appropriate, for example, “website”. However, in the interests of standardisation, JATS4R requests publishers to contact JATS4R if using additional values so we can create a definitive list and reduce variation across XML sources. “Other” is not a preferred value

  2. PU/CV - and @person-group-type. Use the element to specify authors and other contributors in a citation. Use the @person-group-type attribute to specify the role of a contributor, when it is possible to identify them with a role. A separate element should be used for each role. This attribute has a fixed list of allowed values in the Journal Publishing tag set: all-authors; assignee; author; compiler; curator; director; editor; guest-editor; inventor; transed; translator.

  3. PU/CV - @pub-id-type on . Use this attribute to specify the type of the identifier. For example, a DOI would have the @pub-id-type value of “doi”. The value should be one of the valid values from the list in the Tag Library.

Melissa37 commented 4 years ago

Add in Website citations Multimedia citations from https://docs.google.com/document/d/14Xd8QE8ComLkKIWNV22x-Jn8Wcy7myBqlb6efMvWK8s/edit#

Melissa37 commented 4 years ago

Is '' allowed or is that capture advised against?

Also ''? Although presumably unlikely to occur in a preprint.