JAndrassy / WiFiEspAT

Arduino networking library. Standard Arduino WiFi networking API over ESP8266 or ESP32 AT commands.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Cannot connect to MQTT broker #105

Closed nxor closed 1 year ago

nxor commented 1 year ago


I try to connect to my mosquitto broken on my local network.

But I cannot connect and get error : -1.

I get this log when trying to connect:

Hello Pico and ESP32C3 AT success esp INFO: soft reset esp> AT+RST ...sent esp> OK ...ignored esp> WIFI DISCONNECT ...ignored esp> ready ...matched esp> ATE0 ...sent esp> ATE0 ...ignored esp> OK ...matched esp> AT+CIPMUX=1 ...sent esp> OK ...matched esp> AT+CIPRECVMODE=1 ...sent esp> OK ...matched esp> AT+CWMODE? ...sent esp> +CWMODE:1 ...matched esp> OK ...matched esp INFO: wifi status esp> AT+CIPSTATUS ...sent esp> WIFI CONNECTED ...ignored esp> STATUS:0 ...matched esp> OK ...matched esp INFO: quit AP current esp> AT+CIPDNS_CUR=0 ...sent esp> ERROR ...error esp ERROR: expected OK got ERROR esp> AT+CWDHCP_CUR=1,1 ...sent esp> ERROR ...error esp ERROR: expected OK got ERROR esp> AT+CWQAP ...sent esp> WIFI DISCONNECT ...ignored esp> OK ...matched esp INFO: end SoftAP persistent esp INFO: STA MAC query esp> AT+CIPSTAMAC? ...sent esp> +CIPSTAMAC:"" ...matched esp> OK ...matched MAC: Scanning available networks... Scan Networks esp INFO: list AP esp> AT+CWLAPOPT=1,31 ...sent esp> OK ...matched esp> AT+CWLAP ...sent esp> ? esp> busy p... ...ignored esp> +CWLAP:(3,"Wifi1",-62,"",1) ...matched esp> +CWLAP:(3,"BELL001",-80,"",11) ...matched esp> +CWLAP:(3,"[range]_E30AJT7113020J",-96,"",1) ...ignored esp> OK ...matched Connecting to the network... Attempting to connect to WPA SSID: Wifi1 esp INFO: join AP Wifi1 persistent esp> AT+CWJAP="Wifi1","notrealpassword" ...sent esp> WIFI CONNECTED ...ignored esp> WIFI GOT IP ...ignored esp> OK ...matched esp> AT+CWAUTOCONN=1 ...sent esp> OK ...matched .esp INFO: STA IP query esp> AT+CIPSTA? ...sent esp> +CIPSTA:ip:"" ...matched esp> +CIPSTA:gateway:"" ...matched esp> +CIPSTA:netmask:"" ...matched esp> OK ...matched IP Address: esp INFO: STA MAC query esp> AT+CIPSTAMAC? ...sent esp> +CIPSTAMAC:"" ...matched esp> OK ...matched MAC address: ** Attempting MQTT connection... INFO: free linkId is 4 esp INFO: start TCP to on link 4 esp> AT+CIPSTART=4,"TCP","",1883 ...sent esp> 4,CONNECT ...ignored esp> OK ...matched esp INFO: BuffManager returned buff.stream at 0 for linkId 4 esp INFO: sync esp> AT+CIPSTATUS ...sent esp> STATUS:3 ...matched esp> +CIPSTATUS:4,"TCP","",1883,54585,0 ...matched esp> OK ...end of list esp> AT+CIPRECVLEN? ...sent esp> +CIPRECVLEN:-1,-1,-1,-1,0 ...matched esp> OK ...matched esp INFO: send data on link 4 esp> AT+CIPSEND=4,51 ...sent esp> OK ...ignored esp> > ...matched esp> Recv 51 bytes ...matched esp> SEND OK ...matched esp INFO: sent 51 bytes on link 4 esp INFO: sync esp> AT+CIPSTATUS ...sent esp> +IPD,4,4 ...processed esp> STATUS:3 ...matched esp> +CIPSTATUS:4,"TCP","",1883,54585,0 ...matched esp> OK ...end of list esp> AT+CIPRECVLEN? ...sent esp> +CIPRECVLEN:-1,-1,-1,-1,4 ...matched esp> OK ...matched esp INFO: get data on link 4 esp> AT+CIPRECVDATA=4,64 ...sent esp> +CIPRECVDATA ...matched esp> , ...ignored esp> OK ...matched esp INFO: got 1 bytes on link 4 esp INFO: get data on link 4 esp> AT+CIPRECVDATA=4,64 ...sent esp> 4,CLOSED ...processed esp INFO: closed linkId 4 esp> ERROR ...error esp ERROR: expected +CIPRECVDATA got ERROR esp ERROR: error receiving on link 4 failed, rc=-1 try again in 5 seconds

I can provide the script is required.

is this normal:

esp> AT+CIPDNS_CUR=0 ...sent esp> ERROR ...error esp ERROR: expected OK got ERROR esp> AT+CWDHCP_CUR=1,1 ...sent esp> ERROR ...error esp ERROR: expected OK got ERROR

I know I can HTTP connect to my server and get the html code. Now I'm trying to connect to MQTT broker on another port.

Anything I can try ?

Thanks for your help !

JAndrassy commented 1 year ago

you didn't switch the library to AT 2. see the README