JAndrassy / WiFiEspAT

Arduino networking library. Standard Arduino WiFi networking API over ESP8266 or ESP32 AT commands.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
288 stars 44 forks source link

Ignored AT commands during WiFi setup #11

Closed heinemannj closed 4 years ago

heinemannj commented 4 years ago

AT version: 15 2019 16:58:04) SDK version:3.0.1(78a3e33) compile time:Jul 15 2019 18:12:41

My WiFi configuration:

//======================================================================= // Setup Wifi //======================================================================= IPAddress wifiIP; uint8_t wifiMac[6]; char wifiMacStr[18]; char wifiHostname[11]; long wifiRssi;

unsigned long wifiErrorCounter = 0;

void setup_wifi() { // Initialize Serial port for communication with the WiFi module SerialAT.begin(AT_BAUD_RATE); WiFi.init(SerialAT);

// Check if Serial port for communication with the WiFi module is working if (WiFi.status() == WL_NO_MODULE) { Serial.println(); Serial.println("Communication with WiFi module failed!"); // don't continue while (true) { blink(100); } }

// Disable ESP deep sleep mode Serial.println("Sending AT deep sleep change (disable deep sleep) ..."); SerialAT.println("AT+SLEEP=0"); blink(500);

// Disable default automatic start of persistent AP WiFi.endAP(true);

// Waiting for connection to Wifi network set with the SetupWiFiConnection sketch Serial.println("Waiting for connection to WiFi"); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { blink(500); Serial.print('.'); } Serial.println(); Serial.println("Connected to WiFi network.");

// SSID of the network you're attached to: Serial.print("SSID: "); Serial.println(WiFi.SSID());

// Your WiFi shield's IP address: wifiIP = WiFi.localIP(); Serial.print("IP Address: "); Serial.println(wifiIP);

// Your WiFi shield's MAC address WiFi.macAddress(wifiMac); snprintf(wifiMacStr, sizeof(wifiMacStr), "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X", wifiMac[5], wifiMac[4], wifiMac[3], wifiMac[2], wifiMac[1], wifiMac[0]); Serial.print("MAC Address: "); Serial.println(wifiMacStr);

// Your WiFi shield's hostname: snprintf(wifiHostname, sizeof(wifiHostname), "ESP-%02X%02X%02X", wifiMac[2], wifiMac[1], wifiMac[0]); Serial.print("Hostname: "); Serial.println(wifiHostname);

// The received WiFi signal strength: wifiRssi = WiFi.RSSI(); Serial.print("Signal Strength (RSSI): "); Serial.print(wifiRssi); Serial.println(" dBm"); }

16:27:03.665 -> esp INFO: soft reset 16:27:03.665 -> esp> AT+RST ...sent 16:27:03.665 -> esp> ...ignored 16:27:03.665 -> esp> ⸮ ...ignored 16:27:03.665 -> esp> ...ignored 16:27:03.698 -> esp> ⸮ ...ignored 16:27:03.698 -> esp> ⸮ ...ignored 16:27:03.766 -> esp> ...ignored 16:27:03.800 -> esp> ⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮ ...ignored 16:27:03.800 -> esp> ...ignored 16:27:03.800 -> esp> ⸮ ...ignored 16:27:03.800 -> esp> ...ignored 16:27:03.800 -> esp> ...ignored 16:27:03.800 -> esp> ⸮ ...ignored 16:27:03.800 -> esp> ⸮ ...ignored 16:27:03.800 -> esp> ⸮⸮⸮⸮ ...ignored 16:27:03.800 -> esp> ready ...matched 16:27:03.800 -> esp> ATE0 ...sent 16:27:03.800 -> esp> ATE0 ...ignored 16:27:03.800 -> esp> OK ...matched 16:27:03.800 -> esp> AT+CIPMUX=1 ...sent 16:27:03.800 -> esp> OK ...matched 16:27:03.800 -> esp> AT+CIPRECVMODE=1 ...sent 16:27:03.834 -> esp> OK ...matched 16:27:03.834 -> esp> AT+CWMODE? ...sent 16:27:03.834 -> esp> +CWMODE:1 ...matched 16:27:03.834 -> esp> OK ...matched 16:27:03.834 -> esp INFO: wifi status 16:27:03.834 -> esp> AT+CIPSTATUS ...sent 16:27:03.834 -> esp> STATUS:5 ...matched 16:27:03.834 -> esp> OK ...matched 16:27:03.834 -> Sending AT deep sleep change (disable deep sleep) ... 16:27:04.833 -> esp> OK ...ignored 16:27:04.833 -> esp> WIFI CONNECTED ...ignored 16:27:04.833 -> esp> WIFI GOT IP ...ignored 16:27:04.833 -> esp INFO: end SoftAP persistent 16:27:04.833 -> Waiting for connection to WiFi 16:27:04.833 -> esp INFO: wifi status 16:27:04.833 -> esp> AT+CIPSTATUS ...sent 16:27:04.867 -> esp> STATUS:2 ...matched 16:27:04.867 -> esp> OK ...matched 16:27:04.867 -> 16:27:04.867 -> Connected to WiFi network. 16:27:04.867 -> SSID: esp INFO: AP query 16:27:04.867 -> esp> AT+CWJAP? ...sent 16:27:04.867 -> esp> +CWJAP:"area053","e0:28:6d:cf:f1:e1",11,-73,0 ...matched 16:27:04.867 -> esp> OK ...matched 16:27:04.867 -> area053 16:27:04.867 -> esp INFO: STA IP query 16:27:04.867 -> esp> AT+CIPSTA? ...sent 16:27:04.867 -> esp> +CIPSTA:ip:"" ...matched 16:27:04.867 -> esp> +CIPSTA:gateway:"" ...matched 16:27:05.883 -> esp> +CIPSTA:netmask:" ...matched 16:27:06.864 -> esp> ? 16:27:06.864 -> esp> ERROR ...error 16:27:06.864 -> esp ERROR: expected OK got ERROR 16:27:06.864 -> IP Address: 16:27:06.898 -> esp INFO: STA MAC query 16:27:06.898 -> esp> AT+CIPSTAMAC? ...sent 16:27:06.898 -> esp> +CIPSTAMAC:"a4:cf:12:c6:06:50" ...matched 16:27:06.898 -> esp> OK ...matched 16:27:06.898 -> MAC Address: A4:CF:12:C6:06:50 16:27:06.898 -> Hostname: ESP-C60650 16:27:06.898 -> esp INFO: AP query 16:27:06.898 -> esp> AT+CWJAP? ...sent 16:27:06.898 -> esp> +CWJAP:"area053","e0:28:6d:cf:f1:e1",11,-72,0 ...matched 16:27:06.898 -> esp> OK ...matched 16:27:06.898 -> Signal Strength (RSSI): -72 dBm

JAndrassy commented 4 years ago

what commands? only the bootlog and information sent by AT firmware are ignored

heinemannj commented 4 years ago

OK - If you confirm that I'm not running into issues I feel much more relaxed ...

What's about the following?

16:27:03.665 -> esp INFO: soft reset 16:27:03.665 -> esp> AT+RST ...sent 16:27:03.665 -> esp> ...ignored

JAndrassy commented 4 years ago

only the INFO line would be logged at INFO log level. the rest is logged only at DEBUG level. AT+RST is the reset command. then the start up of esp8266 has some boot log at different baud rate so we receive garbage. the library waits for "ready" to continue 16:27:03.800 -> esp> ready ...matched

heinemannj commented 4 years ago

Conclusion: The garbage in the debug is NO technical issues - Misinterpretation from my side

Thanks for your helpful expanations!