JAndrassy / WiFiEspAT

Arduino networking library. Standard Arduino WiFi networking API over ESP8266 or ESP32 AT commands.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Custom AT Command Processor with TLS 1.2 #16

Closed JiriBilek closed 4 years ago

JiriBilek commented 4 years ago

Hi Juraj, I am testing your library with my custom AT command processor (https://github.com/JiriBilek/ESP_ATMod). It's quite a new project still in WIP status but I tested your library with SSL connection and it runs.

The reasons I made the ESP_ATMod project are:

I implemented only station mode and only TCP/SSL mode. No AP nor UDP connections.

I'd be very glad if you tried the firmware. If you want to make a SSL connection, just substitute "TCP" keyword with "SSL".

JAndrassy commented 4 years ago

Hi Jiri. Thank you, I try it. And I agree with you that the esp-01 modules as preferred for AT firmware. Even better the esp-01S with the simple wiring.

btw. Espressif works on SSL passive mode in the RTOS AT firmware 2.0 for esp32 and esp8266. But that firmware is large and buggy. I have an unpublished version of this library for AT 2.0 and SSL works on esp32 but has problems on esp8266. And UDP passive mode is still unfinished.

JAndrassy commented 4 years ago

works perfect. my test for which the AT 2.0 on esp8266 fails because it is a large SSL download, run without problems with your firmware. I commited SSL support to library.

Jiri, prosim nepovedz ludom od esp8266 Arduino, ze si napisal AT firmware nad ich core. neviem ako by to zvladli :-)

JiriBilek commented 4 years ago

Ahoj, nebudu jim to tam psát, ledaže bych našel někde chybu, ale to je krajně nepravděpodobné.

Thanks for SSL support, I'll test it ASAP. It was TLS that started the development of my ESP_ATMod, because all my IOT devices are connected to active24.cz hosting and they removed all weak ciphers from TLS server ciperhsuite list and suddenly, all my devices stopped working :(