JAndrassy / WiFiEspAT

Arduino networking library. Standard Arduino WiFi networking API over ESP8266 or ESP32 AT commands.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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ConfigurationAP example not working #54

Closed gcharles81 closed 2 years ago

gcharles81 commented 2 years ago

Hello I am using this library with Arduino Due and it works great I have UDP connection and also webserver running but recently I started to experiment with the ConfigurationAP example and this example is not working for me also without any code change the programm stops exactly after "Connection successful. Ending AP." and programm is never restarted and wifi module never connects again to the received SSID and Password from the webserver page


JAndrassy commented 2 years ago

did you remove the WiFi.disconnect(); line?

gcharles81 commented 2 years ago

No I haven't removed it

gcharles81 commented 2 years ago

Same issue if I remove WiFi.disconnect();

Serial log below

19:13:54.862 -> Could not connect to WiFi. Starting configuration AP... 19:13:54.862 -> Connect your computer to the WiFi network NN002 19:13:54.862 -> and enter in a Web browser 19:14:24.021 -> 19:14:24.021 -> Attempting to connect to WPA SSID: Marsa 19:14:31.616 -> Connection successful. Ending AP.

JAndrassy commented 2 years ago

that is all what the example does

gcharles81 commented 2 years ago

Hello in my case I have the below loop as a test and I am not getting any serial print statements that's why I came to a conclusion that the code is blocked after "Connection successful. Ending AP."

void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

delay(2000); Serial.println("BEEP"); }

JAndrassy commented 2 years ago

what AT firmware version do you use?

JAndrassy commented 2 years ago

return; was missing after AP finished. fixed in version 1.3.2