JAndrassy / WiFiEspAT

Arduino networking library. Standard Arduino WiFi networking API over ESP8266 or ESP32 AT commands.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Problems with SNTPTime example #55

Closed DavidMR91 closed 2 years ago

DavidMR91 commented 2 years ago

Hello, I'm having this problem with the SNTPTime example:

Waiting for connection to WiFi
Waiting for SNTP
JAndrassy commented 2 years ago

as documented in firmware compare table in README and in the comment on top of the example, getTime doesn't work with Espressif AT 1

DavidMR91 commented 2 years ago

My esp8266 have the Espressif AT firmware 2.1 downloaded since https://github.com/jandrassy/UnoWiFiDevEdSerial1/wiki/files/ESP8266-1MB-tx1rx3-AT_V2.1.zip and uploaded with esptool.py

DavidMR91 commented 2 years ago

fixed, I forgot to comment #define WIFIESPAT1 in Documents\Arduino\libraries\WiFiEspAT\src\utility\EspAtDrvTypes.h