with the Correct SSID and password, if the wifi is so week, Visible, but very weak , WiFi.status() will took many Minutes.
ps. if the wifi is not found, or the password is error, .status() will work ok.
origin code:
delay(3000); //wait while WiFiLink firmware connects to WiFi with Web Panel settings
Serial.println("wait wifi status...");
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
After I change it like this, reboot my board to try more times, there is a chance to connect WiFi success
with the Correct SSID and password, if the wifi is so week, Visible, but very weak , WiFi.status() will took many Minutes. ps. if the wifi is not found, or the password is error, .status() will work ok.
origin code:
After I change it like this, reboot my board to try more times, there is a chance to connect WiFi success