JAspeling / Sportal

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User Roles vs Badges #27

Open JAspeling opened 11 years ago

JAspeling commented 11 years ago

This goes in hand in hand with the forum. We must discuss the roles/badges a user will be able to obtain.

The roles are simple, and the system is unlikely to change the roles of a user. The roles as we have it at the moment is:

Role Breakdown (Roles have got nothing to do with up- and downvoting on posts, but rather being able to access and interact with specific content on the website)

Badges Breakdown Badges can be seen as achievements that a user can work towards. Each badge a user obtains will increase his currency, which in turn gives him more power. Obviously, he will have to work and be active on SPortal to maintain these privileges.

Some sort of currency goes hand in hand with badges. A higher currency gives you access to more badges, which in return gives you more power.

There are a few 'forms' of currency:

These are just a few examples of currency we can use. Still open to new ideas.

Here are some badges we can look at: Link to StackOverflow's badges Question Badges

Badge Description Award
Popular Question
Notable Question
Famous Question
Nice Question
Good Question
Great Question

Answer Badges

Badge Description Award
Nice Answer
Good Answer
Great Answer
Self Learner

(Will continue tomorrow, we should actually do this as a team.)

vee921 commented 10 years ago

Is it safe to assume that these are the database roles you want me to configure on the server?