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Database Restructuring #28

Closed vee921 closed 10 years ago

vee921 commented 10 years ago
  1. I think it would be a better idea to create views for some of the critical entities in the database. I have created some of the necessary scripts but i just need the go ahead as to whether everything that you have in conjunction with the database is working so i can fix it first then move on to secondary issues.
  2. The other thing is that i'm looking into implementing the replication that Jacques spoke of, if anyone is against that idea please let me know.
  3. One of the security measures that needs to be implemented is data encryption on the most of the attributes in the Users table, Luckily as per research it is said that it won't be necessary for decryption but i don't see the logic in any of this so i'd rather test it out before fully vesting all confidence in this method.
JAspeling commented 10 years ago

Its a good idea to have some views in the database, seeing as we will probably get extra marks for using views. If you create views though, please create the scripts in the same style the others are done. (In separate files, and in the right order of which it must be executed)

Replication is not in my area but I cannot see why we cant implement it.

Only truly sensitive information that is already encrypted/hashed is the password, and I'm not sure if its needed to encrypt any of the other data

vee921 commented 10 years ago

It would also be a good idea to encrypt the user's personal information, just as a security measure against "hackers" looking to compile spam mailing lists

JAspeling commented 10 years ago

We can look into that, we will just have to get a generalized encrypt/decrypt method going. We can look into the ROT n encryption method we had to implement in computer security (I think).

However I think we should see this as a nice to have for now