JBGruber / rwhatsapp

An R package for working with WhatsApp data 💬
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Chat Androide #9

Closed Lucasalam closed 4 years ago

Lucasalam commented 4 years ago

Hola, exporto el chat de whatsapp de Android me de da error de formato

"18/12/19 15:57 - MARCELO gomez: Estoy de acuerdo!", "18/12/19 15:58 - Débora Valeska: Yo te voto 🙋🏽", "18/12/19 16:04 - Lopez W EsCristO: Yo pienso lo mismo")

Show in New WindowClear OutputExpand/Collapse Output Time conversion did not work correctly. Provide a custom format or add an issue at

chat <- rwa_read("chat00 .txt", format= "dd/MM/yyyy ' ' HH:mm ")

JBGruber commented 4 years ago

I just wrote a small update which should take care of this format. Install with remotes::install_github("JBGruber/rwhatsapp").

x <- c("18/12/19 15:57 - MARCELO gomez: Estoy de acuerdo!",
       "18/12/19 15:58 - Débora Valeska: Yo te voto 🙋🏽",
       "18/12/19 16:04 - Lopez W EsCristO: Yo pienso lo mismo")

#> # A tibble: 3 x 6
#>   time                author         text            source   emoji   emoji_name
#>   <dttm>              <fct>          <chr>           <chr>    <list>  <list>    
#> 1 2019-12-18 15:57:04 MARCELO gomez  Estoy de acuer… text in… <NULL>  <NULL>    
#> 2 2019-12-18 15:58:04 Débora Valeska Yo te voto 🙋🏽   text in… <chr [… <chr [1]> 
#> 3 2019-12-18 16:04:04 Lopez W EsCri… Yo pienso lo m… text in… <NULL>  <NULL>

Created on 2019-12-22 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)