JCKalt / General-Work

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Create strategy for managing Purify Test Groups #176

Open JCKalt opened 3 months ago

JCKalt commented 3 months ago

A primary illustration of the problem here is that we need to remove the need for this ugly crontab job:

*/5 * * * * . $HOME/.bashrc; cd /home/chris/projects/purify/python && . ./source-venv.sh && for uid in 0xF100943CC6E3566C 0xF100244CABED1504; do for dev in pairing sensor; do python src/analyze-sync.py --device-type ${dev} --days-back 1 --hub-uid $uid; python src/transfer-data.py --device-type ${dev}; done; done > /tmp/sync_purify1.log 2>&1

For example: