JCSDA-internal / ioda-converters

Various converters for getting obs data in and out of IODA
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add tomorrow io microwave sounder satellite id to decoder #1502

Closed BenjaminRuston closed 2 months ago

BenjaminRuston commented 2 months ago


The WMO BUFR tables will be updated with tomorrow io microwave sounder information soon.

Tables C-1/C-11 - new entry #⁠182 as "tomorrow.io" Table C-5 - new entry #⁠769 as "tomorrow.io 6U CubeSat" Table C-8 - new entries #⁠536 as "tomorrow.io, Radiometer, MWS, Microwave sounder", and #⁠537 = "tomorrow.io, Radar, KAPR, Ka band precipitation radar"

Acceptance Criteria (Definition of Done)

decoder add the correct satellite ID to the decoded data


working TROPICS ioda converter