JCSDA-internal / ufo-data

Tier-1 test files for ufo repository
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Add test file for logarithm variable transform #444

Closed ReubenHill closed 1 month ago

ReubenHill commented 1 month ago


Adds a test file for the logarithm variable transform.


Python script to generate test file for logarithm variable transform:

import netCDF4 as nc
import numpy as np

def logarithm_test_files_gen():

    missing = -3.3687952621450501176e38  # jedi's missing value

    ob = np.linspace(-1.0, 5.0, 7)
    nlocs = len(ob)
    ob[-1] = missing
    missing_idxs = [0, 1, 6]

    lnob = np.log(ob)
    log10ob = np.log10(ob)
    log2ob = np.log2(ob)
    log1p5ob = np.log(ob) / np.log(1.5)

    lnob[missing_idxs] = missing
    log10ob[missing_idxs] = missing
    log2ob[missing_idxs] = missing
    log1p5ob[missing_idxs] = missing

    # Write observation file

    err = np.ones(nlocs)  # arbitrary

    fileobs = nc.Dataset("logarithm_transform_obs.nc4", "w")
    fileobs._ioda_layout = "ObsGroup"
    fileobs._ioda_layout_version = 0
    fileobs.date_time = "20200101T0000Z"
    Location = fileobs.createDimension("Location", nlocs)

    loc = fileobs.createVariable("Location", "f4", ("Location"))
    lat = fileobs.createVariable("MetaData/latitude", "f4", ("Location"))
    lon = fileobs.createVariable("MetaData/longitude", "f4", ("Location"))
    datetime = fileobs.createVariable("MetaData/dateTime", "i8", ("Location"))
    datetime.units = "seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"

    loc[:] = 0
    lat[:] = 0
    lon[:] = 0
    datetime[:] = 1577836800

    # Variables
    MDO = fileobs.createVariable("MetaData/logMe", "f4", ("Location"))
    MDO[:] = ob
    OT = fileobs.createVariable("ObsValue/airTemperature", "f4", ("Location"))
    OT[:] = ob
    OTE = fileobs.createVariable("ObsError/airTemperature", "f4", ("Location"))
    OTE[:] = err
    OP = fileobs.createVariable("ObsValue/pressure", "i4", ("Location"))
    OP[:] = np.zeros(nlocs)  # Arbitrary - for testing if derived is used
    ODP = fileobs.createVariable("DerivedObsValue/pressure", "f4", ("Location"))
    ODP[:] = ob
    OPE = fileobs.createVariable("ObsError/pressure", "f4", ("Location"))
    OPE[:] = err

    # Reference transformed values
    TRLnT = fileobs.createVariable("TestReferenceLn/airTemperature", "f4", ("Location"))
    TRLnT[:] = lnob
    TR10T = fileobs.createVariable(
        "TestReferenceLog10/airTemperature", "f4", ("Location")
    TR10T[:] = log10ob
    TR2T = fileobs.createVariable(
        "TestReferenceLog2/airTemperature", "f4", ("Location")
    TR2T[:] = log2ob
    TR1p5T = fileobs.createVariable(
        "TestReferenceLog1p5/airTemperature", "f4", ("Location")
    TR1p5T[:] = log1p5ob
    TRLnMDO = fileobs.createVariable("TestReferenceLn/logMe", "f4", ("Location"))
    TRLnMDO[:] = lnob
    TR10MDO = fileobs.createVariable("TestReferenceLog10/logMe", "f4", ("Location"))
    TR10MDO[:] = log10ob
    TR2MDO = fileobs.createVariable("TestReferenceLog2/logMe", "f4", ("Location"))
    TR2MDO[:] = log2ob
    TR1p5MDO = fileobs.createVariable("TestReferenceLog1p5/logMe", "f4", ("Location"))
    TR1p5MDO[:] = log1p5ob
    TR1p5DP = fileobs.createVariable("TestReferenceLog1p5/pressure", "f4", ("Location"))
    TR1p5DP[:] = log1p5ob


if __name__ == "__main__":

Issue(s) addressed





Expected impact on downstream repositories: None.
