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Adding OP in CRTM_Options modules #108

Closed chengdang closed 8 months ago

chengdang commented 8 months ago

To use new data structure OP #107, we add new arguments/variables in data type CRTM_Options_type

chengdang commented 8 months ago

In data structure CRTM_Options_Type, we add the following arguments and data for the generic optical interface:

! User defined optical profiles
LOGICAL :: Use_Aerosol_OP = .FALSE.  ! Aerosol
LOGICAL :: Use_Cloud_OP   = .FALSE.  ! Cloud
LOGICAL :: Use_Total_OP   = .FALSE.  ! Aerosol + Cloud
TYPE(OP_Input_Type) :: AOP
TYPE(OP_Input_Type) :: COP
TYPE(OP_Input_Type) :: TOP

Users may choose to define their own aerosol/cloud/total optical profiles, with inputs stored in OP data structures AOP, COP, or TOP respectively.

chengdang commented 8 months ago

During the development, I also considered adding these OP inputs structure as CRTM_AncillaryInput_type, following the setup of SSU_Input_type and Zeeman_Input_type.

After careful review of the code base and seeing this comments: https://github.com/JCSDA/CRTMv3/blob/788756fb773de0ef5da255ee0f84f81559daeb89/src/CRTM_Forward_Module.f90#L408

I think it is better to add OP as part of options data type directly. Should there be any issues or concerns during code review/testing, I'm open to further adjustments.