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Add TOA albedo/reflectance in CRTM #84

Closed chengdang closed 8 months ago

chengdang commented 1 year ago

Add TOA albedo/reflectance in CRTM forward/TL/AD calculations

chengdang commented 1 year ago

With the CRTM V3 updates, solar_irradiance has been added in RTS data structure (not by me). Both TOA downward solar irradiance and computed radiance are saved as part of the standard outputs, where:

RTV%Solar_Irradiance       = SC(SensorIndex)%Solar_Irradiance(ChannelIndex) * GeometryInfo%AU_ratio2
RTSolution%Solar_Irradiance = RTV%Solar_Irradiance

RTV%Down_Solar_Radiance = cosine_u0*EXP(-RTV%Total_OD/cosine_u0)*Solar_Irradiance/PI 
RTSolution%Down_Solar_Radiance     = RTV%Down_Solar_Radiance

NOTE: (1) Solar_Irradiance is solar irradiance at TOA. (2) Down_Solar_Radiance is solar radiance that reaches the surface, which only gets output/computed with emission model.

chengdang commented 1 year ago

Initial implementations on TOA reflectance are added in branch: https://github.com/JCSDA/CRTMv3/tree/feature/cd_TOA_R

Introduced the TOA reflectance in RTSolution as Reflectance: https://github.com/JCSDA/CRTMv3/blob/621601bd5f915daec29a2da338460838ae3a33f4/src/RTSolution/CRTM_RTSolution_Define.f90#L234

Which is computed with the following formula in Common_RTSolution.f90

    ! -------------------------------------------------------
    ! Compute the corresponding solar reflectance (TOA only)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------
    IF( RTV%Solar_Flag_true .AND. (.NOT.(RTV%aircraft%rt))) THEN
      RTSolution%Reflectance = RTSolution%Radiance/(RTV%COS_SUN*RTV%Solar_irradiance/PI)
    END IF

With the following notes:

chengdang commented 1 year ago

TL/K_matrix reflectance implementation are pending per issue #89.