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Some changes that need to be pushed to main Spack #1140

Open AlexanderRichert-NOAA opened 2 weeks ago

AlexanderRichert-NOAA commented 2 weeks ago

Packages in our fork's builtin repo but not main Spack:

Changes that (probably) need to be pushed:

mathomp4 commented 3 days ago

I will work on mepo. We have an RC in PyPi now (https://pypi.org/project/mepo/), so the package was easy to make. I'll work on our side to see if we are ready to move on with a release.

(We have to be a bit more cautious internally as the mepo state file is moving from pickle to json, so existing clones throw some warnings. We want to let users know.)

climbfuji commented 3 days ago

I will work on mepo. We have an RC in PyPi now (https://pypi.org/project/mepo/), so the package was easy to make. I'll work on our side to see if we are ready to move on with a release.

(We have to be a bit more cautious internally as the mepo state file is moving from pickle to json, so existing clones throw some warnings. We want to let users know.)

Thanks very much @mathomp4! Yes, I remembered our previous conversation and that's why assigned this to you rather than me pushing what is in our branch.

mathomp4 commented 3 days ago

@climbfuji Well, first we see if spack mainline likes it:


if so, I can work to get it into JSCDA spack.

ETA: Or if they take too long, I'll do the same here tomorrow or something. :)