JCSDA / spack-stack

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Support multiple esmf versions in unified environment / updates of neptune-dev, unified-dev, skylab-dev templates (add `%oneapi`) #1151

Closed climbfuji closed 1 week ago

climbfuji commented 1 week ago


This PR makes it possible to use different ESMF versions for virtual packages within one large environment. NEPTUNE needs esmf@8.7.0b04 (for now), while the other applications need esmf@8.6.1.

There are also cosmetic (indentation) changes for the skylab-dev and unified-dev templates, and an update of the neptune-dev template. I've turned off the Python variant for neptune-env when built as part of the unified environment due to numerous version conflicts and duplicates. We'll want to look at those later, after #1138 was merged and after the py-xnrl package dependencies are updated (ongoing at NRL).


Applications affected

None (no changes from the current status quo)

Systems affected




Issue(s) addressed

Resolves https://github.com/JCSDA/spack-stack/issues/1154


climbfuji commented 1 week ago

@AlexanderRichert-NOAA This PR can be merged before or after your cleanup PR #1138 - whatever fits better