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[INSTALL]: wgrib2@3.1.1 (for spack-stack-1.8.0) #1160

Open climbfuji opened 3 days ago

climbfuji commented 3 days ago

Package name


Package version/tag

3.1.1 (or newer cmake build)

Build options

current (or updated if new cmake build)

Installation timeframe

wgrib2 is still pinned to 2.0.8, but on several systems, we have to install newer versions (Hercules, Nautilus, Orion) because the old version doesn't build.

@DavidHuber-NOAA said that 3.1.1 seems to work fine in the global workflow on Hercules, so let's update to that version across the board for the 1.8.0 release (and remove the site-specific config entries).

However, a brand new wgrib2 featuring a 21st century cmake build is currently being tested. If that is greenlighted before we freeze the 1.8.0 code, we should consider updating to that version.

Other information

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WCOSS2: General questions

Already approved for installation on WCOSS2, and developed "in house" by EMC.

WCOSS2: Installation and testing

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WCOSS2: Technical & security review list

WCOSS2: Additional comments

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