Closed aerorahul closed 1 year ago
On my macOS the module is called
in spack-stack 1.5.0 rc1, spack-stack 1.4.1 and 1.4.0
On Sep 15, 2023, at 1:38 PM, Rahul Mahajan @.***> wrote:
Describe the bug The global-workflow is updating the ufs-weather-model hash to dd41cc6 We rely on the model repository to provide the modules used in the compilation and execution of the model. In addition, the workflow needs a utilities from a module called prod_util. It seems on Orion (at least), that after the ufs-weather-model modules are loaded, prod_util is not an available module in the software stack.
To Reproduce On Orion (at least)
501 ~ ❯❯❯ module purge 502 ~ ❯❯❯ module list No modules loaded 503 ~ ❯❯❯ module use /work2/noaa/stmp/GFS_CI_ROOT/PR/1862/global-workflow/sorc/ufs_model.fd/modulefiles 504 ~ ❯❯❯ module avail
--------------------------------- /work2/noaa/stmp/GFS_CI_ROOT/PR/1862/global-workflow/sorc/ufs_model.fd/modulefiles --------------------------------- ufs_common ufs_hera.gnu ufs_cheyenne.gnu ufs_odin
--------------------------------------------------------------- /apps/modulefiles/core --------------------------------------------------------------- advisor/2019.5 fftw/3.3.8 impi/2021.2 motif/2.3.4 qchem/5.3.0 ... ...
505 ~ ❯❯❯ module load 506 ~ ❯❯❯ module list
Currently Loaded Modules: 1) intel/2022.1.2 9) jasper/2.0.32 17) netcdf-fortran/4.6.0 25) crtm/2.4.0 33) ecbuild/3.7.2 2) stack-intel/2022.0.2 10) zlib/1.2.13 18) parallel-netcdf/1.12.2 26) g2/3.4.5 34) yafyaml/0.5.1 3) impi/2022.1.2 11) libpng/1.6.37 19) parallelio/2.5.10 27) g2tmpl/1.10.2 35) mapl/2.35.2-esmf-8.4.2 4) stack-intel-oneapi-mpi/2021.5.1 12) pkg-config/0.27.1 20) esmf/8.4.2 28) ip/3.3.3 36) scotch/7.0.3 5) miniconda/3.9.7 13) hdf5/1.14.0 21) fms/2023.01 29) sp/2.3.3 37) ufs_common 6) stack-python/3.9.7 14) curl/8.0.1 22) bacio/2.4.1 30) w3emc/2.9.2 38) 7) cmake/3.23.1 15) zstd/1.5.2 23) crtm-fix/2.4.0_emc 31) gftl/1.8.3 8) libjpeg/2.1.0 16) netcdf-c/4.9.2 24) git-lfs/2.12.0 32) gftl-shared/1.5.0
507 ~ ❯❯❯ module load prod_util Lmod has detected the following error: The following module(s) are unknown: "prod_util"
Please check the spelling or version number. Also try "module spider ..." It is also possible your cache file is out-of-date; it may help to try: $ module --ignore-cache load "prod_util"
Also make sure that all modulefiles written in TCL start with the string #%Module Steps to reproduce the behavior: See above.
Expected behavior prod_util should be loaded.
System: Seen on Orion. Possibly others.
Additional context prod_util is an integral module used in NCEP applications and should be included in every stack deployment.
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I tried that as well. There is no module named prod-util
either to be found on Orion.
Here is the full module avail
509 ~ ❯❯❯ module avail
------ /work/noaa/epic/role-epic/spack-stack/spack-stack-1.4.1/envs/ufs-pio-2.5.10/install/modulefiles/intel-oneapi-mpi/2021.5.1/intel/2022.0.2 ------
base-env/1.0.0 fms/2023.01 (L,D) nccmp/ (D) parallel-netcdf/1.12.2 (L) scotch/7.0.3 (L)
crtm/2.4.0 (L,D) hdf5/1.14.0 (L,D) netcdf-c/4.9.2 (L) parallelio/2.5.10 (L) ufs-pyenv/1.0.0
esmf/8.4.2 (L,D) mapl/2.35.2-esmf-8.4.2 (L,D) netcdf-fortran/4.6.0 (L) py-netcdf4/1.5.3 ufs-weather-model-env/1.0.0
------------------------------------------------- /apps/modulefiles/mpi/intel-2022.1.2/impi-2022.1.2 -------------------------------------------------
crtm/2.4.0 esmf/8.3.0 fms/2022.04 mapl/2.22.0-esmf-8.3.0 nwchem/7.0.0 pio/2.5.7 quantumespresso/6.6.0
esmf/8.1.1 fftw/3.3.8 (D) hdf5/1.10.6 netcdf/4.7.4 (D) pflogger/1.5.0 pnetcdf/1.12.1 (D) su2/7.1.1
------------------- /work/noaa/epic/role-epic/spack-stack/spack-stack-1.4.1/envs/ufs-pio-2.5.10/install/modulefiles/intel/2022.0.2 -------------------
bacio/2.4.1 (L,D) jasper/2.0.32 (L,D) py-numexpr/2.8.3 py-versioneer/0.28
cmake/3.23.1 (L,D) libjpeg/2.1.0 (L) py-numpy/1.22.3 py-wheel/0.37.1
crtm-fix/2.4.0_emc (L) libpng/1.6.37 (L,D) py-packaging/23.0 sp/2.3.3 (L,D)
curl/8.0.1 (L) libyaml/0.2.5 py-pandas/1.4.0 stack-intel-oneapi-mpi/2021.5.1 (L)
ecbuild/3.7.2 (L) openblas/0.3.19 (D) py-pip/21.2.4 stack-python/3.9.7 (L)
g2/3.4.5 (L,D) pkg-config/0.27.1 (L) py-python-dateutil/2.8.2 w3emc/2.9.2 (L,D)
g2tmpl/1.10.2 (L,D) py-bottleneck/1.3.5 py-pytz/2022.2.1 wget/1.14
gftl-shared/1.5.0 (L,D) py-cftime/ py-pyyaml/6.0 yafyaml/0.5.1 (L,D)
gftl/1.8.3 (L) py-cython/0.29.33 py-setuptools-scm/7.0.5 zlib/1.2.13 (L,D)
git-lfs/2.12.0 (L) py-f90nml/1.4.3 py-setuptools/59.4.0 zstd/1.5.2 (L)
git/ py-flit-core/3.7.1 py-six/1.16.0
gmake/3.82 py-jinja2/3.1.2 py-tomli/2.0.1
ip/3.3.3 (L,D) py-markupsafe/2.1.1 py-typing-extensions/4.5.0
----------------------------------------------------- /apps/modulefiles/compilers/intel-2022.1.2 -----------------------------------------------------
bacio/2.4.1 flap/1.10.0 gftl-shared/1.5.0 ip/3.3.3 mpich/3.3.2 (D) netcdf/4.7.4 w3emc/2.9.2
cdo/1.9.10 (D) g2/3.4.5 hdf5/1.10.6 jasper/2.0.25 nccmp/1.8.7 openmpi/4.0.4 (D) wgrib2/3.0.2 (D)
eccodes/2.22.1 g2tmpl/1.10.2 impi/2022.1.2 (L) libpng/1.6.37 nco/4.9.3 (D) sp/2.3.3 yafyaml/0.5.1
--------------------------------------------------- /work/noaa/da/role-da/spack-stack/modulefiles ----------------------------------------------------
ecflow/5.8.4 miniconda/3.9.7 (L) mysql/8.0.31
------------------------ /work/noaa/epic/role-epic/spack-stack/spack-stack-1.4.1/envs/ufs-pio-2.5.10/install/modulefiles/Core ------------------------
stack-gcc/10.2.0 stack-intel/2022.0.2 (L)
--------------------------------- /work2/noaa/stmp/GFS_CI_ROOT/PR/1862/global-workflow/sorc/ufs_model.fd/modulefiles --------------------------------- ufs_common (L) ufs_hera.gnu
ufs_cheyenne.gnu ufs_odin (L)
--------------------------------------------------------------- /apps/modulefiles/core ---------------------------------------------------------------
advisor/2019.5 fftw/3.3.8 impi/2021.2 motif/2.3.4 qchem/5.3.0
advisor/2020.2 (D) fftw3/3.3.8 impi/2022.1.2 mpich/3.3.1 qchem/5.4.1 (D)
ansys/2019.2 g2lib/3.1.0 inspector/2018.4 mpich/3.3.2 qt/5.12.1
ansys/2021.1 gcc/8.3.0-new inspector/2019.5 munge/0.5.13 r/3.5.2
antlr/2.7.7 gcc/8.3.0 (D) inspector/2020 namd/2.13 r/4.0.2
armforge/22.0.2 gcc/10.2.0 inspector/2020.2 (D) nccmp/1.8.5 r/4.2.0 (D)
boost/1.70 gcc/11.3.0 intel/2018.4 nccmp/1.8.7 rdesktop/2.2.0
boost/1.78 (D) gd/2.0.34 intel/2019.5-new ncl/6.6.2 rstudio/1.2.5033
bowtie2/2.4.1 gd/2.3.0 (D) intel/2019.5 nco/4.8.1 seqkit/0.14.0
cairo/1.17.2 gdal/3.1.2 intel/2020 nco/4.9.3 simulia/2019
camellia/2016 gdb/10.1 intel/2020.2 (D) ncview/2.1.5 simulia/2020
canu/2.1 gempak/7.5.1 intel/2021.2 nedit/5.7 singularity/3.8.3
cdo/1.9.5 geos/3.8.1 intel/2022.1.2 (L) netcdf/4.7.2-parallel slurm/19.05.3-2
cdo/1.9.8 ghostview/3.7.4 intelpython2/2018.4 netcdf/4.7.2 spack/0.18.1
cdo/1.9.10 git/2.21.0 intelpython2/2019.5 (D) netcdf/4.7.4-parallel sqlite/3.32.3
chapel/1.18 git/2.28.0 (D) intelpython3/2018.4 netcdf/4.7.4 subversion/1.14.0
chapel/1.22.1 (D) gmt/6.1.1 intelpython3/2019.5 numactl/2.0.14 szip/2.1.1
cmake/3.15.4 gnuplot/5.2.7 intelpython3/2020 nvidia/2021-21.7 tassel/5.2.64
cmake/3.17.3 go/1.17.5 intelpython3/2020.2 openblas/0.3.10 texlive/2021
cmake/3.18.1 gptl/8.0.3 intelpython3/2022.1.2 (D) openjdk/14.0.2 udunits/2.2.26
cmake/3.22.1 grace/5.1.25 jasper/1.900.1 openjpeg/2.4.0 vbindiff/3.0b5
cnvgrib/3.1.1 grads/2.2.1 jellyfish/2.3.0 openmpi/4.0.2 vmd/1.9.3
comsol/5.5 graphviz/2.44.1 julia/1.5.1 openmpi/4.0.4 vtune/2018.4
comsol/5.6 gromacs/2019.4 julia/1.8.5 (D) ovito/2.9.0 vtune/2019.5
contrib/0.1 gsl/2.6 llvm/7.1.0 p4vasp/0.3.30 vtune/2020
cubit/2021.5 hdf5/1.10.4 local/0.1 papi/6.0.0 vtune/2020.2
cuda/10.1.2 (D) hdf5/1.10.5 lstc paraview/5.7.0 vtune/2022.1.2 (D)
cuda/11.0.3 hdf5/1.10.6-parallel make/4.3 paraview/5.8.0 (D) w3lib/2.0.6
cuda/11.2.1 hdf5/1.10.6 maple/2020.0 pcre2/10.40 wget/1.21.3 (D)
cudnn/8.1.1 htslib/1.10.2 matlab/2019b pdsh/2.34 wgrib/1.8.0b
cylc/7.9.1 hwloc/2.1.0 (D) matlab/2020b perl/5.30.1 wgrib/2.0.8 (D)
eclipse/4.21 hwloc/2.2.0 matlab/2021b perl/5.32.0 (D) wgrib2/3.0.2
eigen/3.3.7 hyperworks/2019.1 mauve/2.4.0 pgi/2019 (D) xalt/2.8.0 (S)
envi/5.6.2 hyperworks/2021.2 maven/3.6.3 pgi/2020-20.4 xcrysden/1.5.60
esmf/8.0.0 idv/5.7 mesa/19.2.2 pnetcdf/1.12.0 xpdf/4.02
exonerate/2.2.0 impi/2018.4 miniconda/4.12.0 (D) pnetcdf/1.12.1 xxdiff/3.2
fastqc/0.11.9 impi/2019.6-new mkl/2018.4 povray/3.7.0 zlib/1.2.11
ferret/7.5.0 impi/2019.6 mkl/2019.5 proj/7.1.0
ffmpeg/4.2.1 impi/2020 mkl/2020 python/3.7.5
ffmpeg/4.3.1 (D) impi/2020.2 (D) mkl/2020.2 (D) python/3.9.2 (D)
------------------------------------------------------------- /apps/licensed/modulefiles -------------------------------------------------------------
ansys/2022.2 cst-studio/2022 harris/5.6.2 mathematica/13.1.0 scm/2014.08
ansys/2023.2 (D) cubit/2022.4 (D) hyperworks/2022.1 matlab/2022b (D) simulia/2022 (D)
comsol/6.0 (D) fieldview/21 hyperworks/2022.2 (D) metashape/1.8.4 tecplot/2022r1
converge/3.0.26 gaussian/16-C.02 maple/2023.1 (D) pointwise/22.1 thermocalc/2022b
S: Module is Sticky, requires --force to unload or purge
L: Module is loaded
D: Default Module
Use "module spider" to find all possible modules and extensions.
Use "module keyword key1 key2 ..." to search for all possible modules matching any of the "keys".
Ah I see what happened, it's because when we added the chained environment with pio 2.5.10, we only spec'd ufs-weather-model-env, so prod-util isn't in there. I think the solution would be to add global-workflow-env, preferably in a new chained environment since at this point a fair number of people are using ufs-pio-2.5.10.
Given that spack-stack-1.5.0 is available on Orion, why not use that?
Everyone is going to transition to that in the next several weeks.
Note I am out until Tuesday morning starting in 2 minutes ;-)
I see what happened, it's because when we added the chained environment with pio 2.5.10, we only spec'd ufs-weather-model-env, so prod-util isn't in there. If 1.5.0 doesn't work then we can always create a copy of the ufs-pio-2.5.10 env that also includes global-workflow-env.
In order to use 1.5.0, we would have to ensure that ufs-weather-model is updated to use 1.5.0. Then we would have to use this updated hash of the ufs-weather-model for 1.5.0 in the global-workflow. This will involve updating the global-workflow for any updates in the model (this is done once per 2 months or so or when the modeling team has a need to use the updates in the workflow application). This might take some time. Is it very difficult to install the missing modules in the ufs-pio-2.5.10 stack?
Would it make a difference whether we added it to ufs-pio-2.5.10 vs. creating a new environment? Specifically, just to clarify, is it partly about wanting to use the same spack environment as UFS? We might be able to get prod-util into the existing environment just by copying over the module file, in which case I'd say it's a very low-risk maneuver (but I'd need to test that before saying anything for sure).
The desire and requirement here is to use the same spack environment as the UFS.
Adding prod_util
into the existing environment by copying the modulefile is fine so long as we don't have to do anything special like adding MODULEPATHS etc.
We expect to move the UFS to spack-stack-1.5.0 in the next couple of weeks, is that good enough?
I'll test copying the modulefile on the Acorn installation and if that works we can make the same change elsewhere. @climbfuji I think the idea is he wants to test against current UFS without having to also update a bunch of package versions.
Copying [unified-env]/install/modulefiles/[compiler]/[compiler version]/prod-util into the ufs-pio-2.5.10 modules on Acorn seems to work fine, the module loads and behaves as expected. @aerorahul would it be acceptable to make this change just on Orion to hold us over until the transition to spack-stack 1.5.0, or is there somewhere else you would also need this change sooner?
Hera and Orion.
@ulmononian can you take care of this on Orion? In spack-stack-1.4.1, under the ufs-pio-2.5.10 environment we created, we want to copy in the prod-util modulefiles from unified-env. @climbfuji can you do Hera?
@ulmononian can you take care of this on Orion? In spack-stack-1.4.1, under the ufs-pio-2.5.10 environment we created, we want to copy in the prod-util modulefiles from unified-env. @climbfuji can you do Hera?
done on orion.
[role-epic@Orion:/work/noaa/epic/role-epic/spack-stack/spack-stack-1.4.1/envs/ufs-pio-2.5.10]$ module use /work/noaa/epic/role-epic/spack-stack/spack-stack-1.4.1/envs/ufs-pio-2.5.10/install/modulefiles/Core
[role-epic@Orion:/work/noaa/epic/role-epic/spack-stack/spack-stack-1.4.1/envs/ufs-pio-2.5.10]$ ml stack-intel
ml[role-epic@Orion:/work/noaa/epic/role-epic/spack-stack/spack-stack-1.4.1/envs/ufs-pio-2.5.10]$ ml stack-intel-oneapi-mpi
[role-epic@Orion:/work/noaa/epic/role-epic/spack-stack/spack-stack-1.4.1/envs/ufs-pio-2.5.10]$ module load prod-util
prod-util prod-util/1.2.2
[role-epic@Orion:/work/noaa/epic/role-epic/spack-stack/spack-stack-1.4.1/envs/ufs-pio-2.5.10]$ module load prod-util
prod-util prod-util/1.2.2
[role-epic@Orion:/work/noaa/epic/role-epic/spack-stack/spack-stack-1.4.1/envs/ufs-pio-2.5.10]$ module load prod-util
Lmod has detected the following error: The following module(s) are unknown: "w3nco/2.4.1"
Please check the spelling or version number. Also try "module spider ..."
It is also possible your cache file is out-of-date; it may help to try:
$ module --ignore-cache load "w3nco/2.4.1"
Also make sure that all modulefiles written in TCL start with the string #%Module
do we need to copy w3nco over as well?
Probably so, that's odd I didn't run into that on Acorn. In any case, please check the permissions, as I can't access the new prod-util modules.
Probably so, that's odd I didn't run into that on Acorn. In any case, please check the permissions, as I can't access the new prod-util modules.
i changed all the permissions, so please go ahead and try again.
The intel one still needs permissions updated. The gcc one loads fine and looks good.
Ok orion looks good for both compilers.
Thanks @ulmononian for taking care of both systems. @aerorahul can you test and confirm that it works on Orion and Hera?
Thanks @AlexanderRichert-NOAA and @ulmononian I'll test on Orion.
I haven't had a chance to test on orion yet, but I did run into this same issue on hera yesterday and it does not look like there is a prod_util on hera yet for the pack-stack-1.4.1/envs/ufs-pio-2.5.10 (or I'm looking for the wrong module, but I don't think it's there) @aerorahul did your tests work on orion? Should I move my testing there?
I haven't had a chance to test on orion yet, but I did run into this same issue on hera yesterday and it does not look like there is a prod_util on hera yet for the pack-stack-1.4.1/envs/ufs-pio-2.5.10 (or I'm looking for the wrong module, but I don't think it's there) @aerorahul did your tests work on orion? Should I move my testing there?
@JessicaMeixner-NOAA I have not been able to test the updates from @AlexanderRichert-NOAA on Orion yet (Orion was down yesterday). I will do so today/tomorrow when I can find time.
I tested this on orion - and after loading the ufs-weather-model modules with spack-stack 1.4.1 I could not load prod_util
On hera, I tried to move to the ufs-weathe-rmodel with 1.5 since that PR is no longer a draft, and also there was no prod_util.
I could find a prod-util, but I don't know what that is or if that's the same thing and on WCOSS2 I know we have prod_util. Thoughts @AlexanderRichert-NOAA or others? I can move my global-workflow PR to use the PR of ufs-weather-model with 1.5 since we'll hopefully soon be there anyways, but I still have the no prod_util issue. Note this is a blocker for us being able to effectively test some GEFS things and prepare for HR3.
The module is called prod-util, same as the package name, if I remember correctly.
On Sep 28, 2023, at 1:40 PM, Jessica Meixner @.***> wrote:
I tested this on orion - and after loading the ufs-weather-model modules with spack-stack 1.4.1 I could not load prod_util
On hera, I tried to move to the ufs-weathe-rmodel with 1.5 since that PR is no longer a draft, and also there was no prod_util.
I could find a prod-util, but I don't know what that is or if that's the same thing and on WCOSS2 I know we have prod_util. Thoughts @AlexanderRichert-NOAA or others? I can move my global-workflow PR to use the PR of ufs-weather-model with 1.5 since we'll hopefully soon be there anyways, but I still have the no prod_util issue. Note this is a blocker for us being able to effectively test some GEFS things and prepare for HR3.
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Okay - I've now seen prod-util on hera and orion with spack 1.4. I did re-confirm the package is with an underscore on WCOSS2 though.
Yeah, I think it got changed under Spack because of their naming conventions...
Any chance to change it back to be consistent with WCOSS2? That seems like that could cause some issues.
One solution is to put in an if statement for wcoss2, then take it out once NCO moves to spack/spack-stack. How does that sound? I think the other solution is to copy the 'prod-util' directory to 'prod_util' in our existing deployments, then update our module file config to rename it for future deployments. It'd be nice to avoid that, partly because I don't want developers to start using the hyphenated version then wonder where it went in the next release, but it's one possibility.
It's possible that spack doesn't allow an underscore in the package name, but in this case it's no problem at all to just name the module file differently so that there will be no impact on downstream repositories.
in configs/common/modules.yaml:
prod-util: 'prod_util/{version}'
I'm good with that. For the existing releases, we can start a checklist of systems in the issue description and copy prod-util to prod_util on each one.
@AlexanderRichert-NOAA We could try something different, locally first on a sandbox: go to the existing environment, add the above projection, EDIT rm -fr envs/unified-env/install/modulefiles
, rerun spack module [lmod|tcl] refresh
and spack stack setup-meta-modules
. That should do.
I would lean toward just refreshing prod-util (spack module [lmod|tcl] refresh prod-util
), but, I don't think I have write access to the relevant installations anyway, so, the details are up to you and/or @ulmononian :)
Though I'll test it on Acorn
Don’t forget the virtual packages that depend on the module for prod_util. You need to refresh these as well.
On Sep 28, 2023, at 2:14 PM, Alex Richert @.***> wrote:
I would lean toward just refreshing prod-util (spack module [lmod|tcl] refresh prod-util), but, I don't think I have write access to the relevant installations anyway, so, the details are up to you and/or @ulmononian :)
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Ah right, forgot about those
I’ll test it on my mac in a bit, have the full unified-env set up already
On Sep 28, 2023, at 2:16 PM, Alex Richert @.***> wrote:
Ah right, forgot about those
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Okay, worked fine on Acorn. It's only used by global-workflow-env, so if you want to save 30 seconds you can just rebuild those, then delete the existing hyphenated one (:
@AlexanderRichert-NOAA This works as expected. With:
--- configs/common/modules.yaml 2023-09-26 09:03:49.000000000 -0600
+++ envs/unified-env/common/modules.yaml 2023-09-28 14:24:00.000000000 -0600
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
nlohmann-json: '{}/{compiler.version}/json/{version}'
nlohmann-json-schema-validator: '{}/{compiler.version}/json-schema-validator/{version}'
libjpeg-turbo: '{}/{compiler.version}/libjpeg/{version}'
+ prod-util: '{}/{compiler.version}/prod_util/{version}'
# List of packages for which we don't need modules
- apple-libunwind
@@ -271,6 +272,7 @@
nlohmann-json: 'json/{version}'
nlohmann-json-schema-validator: 'json-schema-validator/{version}'
libjpeg-turbo: 'libjpeg/{version}'
+ prod-util: 'prod_util/{version}'
# List of packages for which we don't need modules
- apple-libunwind
tar -cvzf unified_env_modulefiles_backup.tar.gz envs/unified-env/install/modulefiles/
spack env activate -p envs/unified-env
rm -fr envs/unified-env/install/modulefiles
spack module lmod refresh
spack stack setup-meta-modules
spack clean -a && spack env deactivate
Cool, good call with the backup. I'll put a PR in develop with the config update.
I suggest the following:
I cannot do this this week - but next week is ok.
If you agree, can you start the bugfix branch etc please?
Do you mean check out the 1.5.1 branch in the existing 1.5.0 deployments?
Do you mean check out the 1.5.1 branch in the existing 1.5.0 deployments?
Yeah ... I know, not the cleanest approaches of all, but because it's such a tiny change that doesn't involve any real code changes ... what do you think?
I expect a full bug fix release later in this quarter anyway with all the input we get from UFS and JEDI.
I think I'd rather either make the change to the 1.5.0 branch, or just update the existing envs manually and then incorporate the Proper Fix into 1.5.1 which as I recall we're doing anyway (+develop of course).
Ok, fine with me. Since the 1.5.0 tag is still warm (just created a few hours ago), I might as well retag.
@AlexanderRichert-NOAA I created the 1.5.1 release branches. This includes the tiny doc bugfix from @ncrossette that I just merged into develop. Please add this small bug fix to 1.5.0, 1.5.1 and develop (create once, cherry-pick twice, get three times the github credits!)
@AlexanderRichert-NOAA Can you create a checklist with all the hosts/envs somewhere please that we can use next week to fix the module name as per instructions above? Thank you!
@climbfuji done
Describe the bug The
is updating the ufs-weather-model hash to dd41cc6. We rely on the model repository to provide the modules used in the compilation and execution of the model. In addition, the workflow needs a utilities from a module calledprod_util
. It seems on Orion (at least), that after the ufs-weather-model modules are loaded,prod_util
is not an available module in the software stack.To Reproduce On Orion (at least)
Steps to reproduce the behavior: See above.
Expected behavior
should be loaded.System: Seen on Orion. Possibly others.
Additional context
is an integral module used in NCEP applications and should be included in every stack deployment.======================================== Updates to existing spack-stack-1.5.0 deployments: Instructions:
git pull
to get latest 'release/1.5.0'.
cp configs/common/modules.yaml envs/unified-env/common/.
spack env activate envs/unified-env/
cp -r envs/unified-env/install/modulefiles/ envs/unified-env/install/modulefiles_backup/
spack module {lmod,tcl} rm prod-util global-workflow-env
spack module {lmod,tcl} refresh prod-util global-workflow-env
spack stack setup-meta-modules
ls envs/unified-env/install/modulefiles/*/*/prod_util
;diff -rq envs/unified-env/install/modulefiles/ envs/unified-env/install/modulefiles_backup/