Closed climbfuji closed 9 months ago
Hmm... Is there a way to copy in the repos directory at the beginning of the recipe?
Not really. The way the spack.yaml
finds its way into the container is via spack containerize > Dockerfile
with Dockerfile being, for example (cont'd below).
FROM ubuntu:20.04 as bootstrap
ENV SPACK_ROOT=/opt/spack \
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \
LANG=en_US.UTF-8 \
RUN apt-get -yqq update \
&& apt-get -yqq upgrade \
&& apt-get -yqq install --no-install-recommends \
build-essential \
ca-certificates \
curl \
file \
g++ \
gcc \
gfortran \
git \
gnupg2 \
iproute2 \
locales \
make \
mercurial \
subversion \
python3 \
python3-pip \
python3-setuptools \
unzip \
zstd \
&& locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 \
&& pip3 install boto3 \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
RUN mkdir $SPACK_ROOT && cd $SPACK_ROOT && \
git init --quiet && git remote add origin && git fetch --depth=1 origin e7ef791045012b6ef989be97c6eee24ec571c4b6 && git checkout --detach FETCH_HEAD && \
mkdir -p $SPACK_ROOT/opt/spack
RUN ln -s $SPACK_ROOT/share/spack/docker/entrypoint.bash \
/usr/local/bin/docker-shell \
&& ln -s $SPACK_ROOT/share/spack/docker/entrypoint.bash \
/usr/local/bin/interactive-shell \
&& ln -s $SPACK_ROOT/share/spack/docker/entrypoint.bash \
RUN mkdir -p /root/.spack \
&& cp $SPACK_ROOT/share/spack/docker/modules.yaml \
/root/.spack/modules.yaml \
&& rm -rf /root/*.* /run/nologin
# xubuntu-16-04-ttyname-failed-inappropriate-ioctl-for-device#1253889
RUN [ -f ~/.profile ] \
&& sed -i 's/mesg n/( tty -s \\&\\& mesg n || true )/g' ~/.profile \
|| true
SHELL ["docker-shell"]
# Creates the package cache
RUN spack bootstrap now \
&& spack bootstrap status --optional \
&& spack spec hdf5+mpi
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash", "/opt/spack/share/spack/docker/entrypoint.bash"]
CMD ["interactive-shell"]
# Build stage with Spack pre-installed and ready to be used
FROM bootstrap as builder
# Install OS packages needed to build the software
RUN apt-get -yqq update && apt-get -yqq upgrade \
&& apt-get -yqq install bc clang-10 libclang-10-dev libc++-10-dev cpp g++ gcc gfortran git git-lfs make mysql-server qt5-default libqt5svg5-dev qt5dxcb-plugin wget \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
#Create symbolic links for clang compilers
RUN cd /usr/bin && \
ln -svf clang-10 clang && \
ln -svf clang++-10 clang++ && \
ln -svf clang-cpp-10 clang-cpp && \
cd /usr/lib/llvm-10/lib && \
ln -svf
# Build mpich outside of spack-stack
ENV CC=clang
ENV CXX=clang++
ENV FC=gfortran
RUN mkdir -p /opt/mpich-${MPICH_VERSION}/src && \
cd /opt/mpich-${MPICH_VERSION}/src && \
wget${MPICH_VERSION}/mpich-${MPICH_VERSION}.tar.gz && \
tar -xzf mpich-${MPICH_VERSION}.tar.gz && \
cd mpich-${MPICH_VERSION} && \
./configure --prefix=/opt/mpich-${MPICH_VERSION} --enable-fortran --enable-cxx --with-device=ch4:ofi && \
make -j2 && \
make install && \
ls /opt/mpich-${MPICH_VERSION}
ENV PATH=/opt/mpich-${MPICH_VERSION}/bin:${PATH}
ENV CPATH=/opt/mpich-${MPICH_VERSION}/include:${CPATH}
# What we want to install and how we want to install it
# is specified in a manifest file (spack.yaml)
RUN mkdir /opt/spack-environment \
&& (echo spack: \
&& echo ' concretizer:' \
&& echo ' unify: true' \
&& echo '' \
&& echo ' config:' \
&& echo ' checksum: false' \
&& echo ' build_jobs: 2' \
&& echo ' connect_timeout: 60' \
&& echo '' \
&& echo ' install_tree: /opt/software' \
&& echo ' compilers:' \
&& echo ' - compiler:' \
&& echo ' spec: clang@10.0.0' \
&& echo ' paths:' \
&& echo ' cc: /usr/bin/clang' \
&& echo ' cxx: /usr/bin/clang++' \
&& echo ' f77: /usr/bin/gfortran' \
&& echo ' fc: /usr/bin/gfortran' \
&& echo ' flags: {}' \
&& echo ' operating_system: ubuntu20.04' \
&& echo ' modules: []' \
&& echo ' environment:' \
&& echo ' prepend_path:' \
&& echo ' LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /usr/lib/llvm-10/lib' \
&& echo ' extra_rpaths: []' \
&& echo '' \
&& echo ' # Basic package config from configs/common/packages.yaml' \
&& echo ' # Additional package config for container' \
&& echo ' packages:' \
&& echo ' all:' \
&& echo ' providers:' \
&& echo ' blas: [openblas]' \
&& echo ' fftw-api: [fftw]' \
&& echo ' gl: [opengl]' \
&& echo ' glu: [openglu]' \
&& echo ' jpeg: [libjpeg-turbo]' \
&& echo ' lapack: [openblas]' \
&& echo ' yacc: [bison]' \
&& echo ' zlib-api: [zlib]' \
&& echo ' mpi: [mpich@4.1.1]' \
&& echo ' require: '"'"'%clang'"'"'' \
&& echo ' target: [x86_64]' \
&& echo ' compiler: [clang@10.0.0]' \
&& echo ' awscli:' \
&& echo ' version: [1.27.84]' \
&& echo ' bacio:' \
&& echo ' version: [2.4.1]' \
&& echo ' bison:' \
&& echo ' version: [3.8.2]' \
&& echo ' boost:' \
&& echo ' version: [1.83.0]' \
&& echo ' variants: ~atomic +chrono +date_time +exception +filesystem ~graph ~iostreams' \
&& echo ' ~locale ~log ~math ~mpi ~numpy +pic +program_options +python ~random +regex' \
&& echo ' +serialization ~signals +system +test +thread +timer ~wave cxxstd=17 visibility=hidden' \
&& echo ' bufr:' \
&& echo ' version: [12.0.1]' \
&& echo ' variants: +python' \
&& echo ' cairo:' \
&& echo ' variants: +pic' \
&& echo ' cdo:' \
&& echo ' version: [2.2.0]' \
&& echo ' variants: ~openmp' \
&& echo ' cmake:' \
&& echo ' version: [3.23.1]' \
&& echo ' variants: +ownlibs' \
&& echo ' # Attention - when updating also check the various jcsda-emc-bundles env packages' \
&& echo ' crtm:' \
&& echo ' version: []' \
&& echo ' variants: +fix' \
&& echo ' ecbuild:' \
&& echo ' version: [3.7.2]' \
&& echo ' eccodes:' \
&& echo ' version: [2.32.0]' \
&& echo ' variants: +png' \
&& echo ' ecflow:' \
&& echo ' version: [5.11.4]' \
&& echo ' variants: +ui' \
&& echo ' eckit:' \
&& echo ' version: [1.24.5]' \
&& echo ' variants: linalg=eigen,lapack compression=lz4,bzip2' \
&& echo ' ecmwf-atlas:' \
&& echo ' version: [0.35.1]' \
&& echo ' variants: +fckit +trans +tesselation +fftw' \
&& echo ' ectrans:' \
&& echo ' version: [1.2.0]' \
&& echo ' variants: ~mkl +fftw' \
&& echo ' eigen:' \
&& echo ' version: [3.4.0]' \
&& echo ' esmf:' \
&& echo ' version: [8.6.0]' \
&& echo ' variants: ~xerces ~pnetcdf snapshot=none +shared +external-parallelio' \
&& echo ' require:' \
&& echo ' - any_of: [fflags="-fp-model precise" cxxflags="-fp-model precise"]' \
&& echo ' when: '"'"'%intel'"'"'' \
&& echo ' message: Extra ESMF compile options for Intel' \
&& echo ' - any_of: ['"'"''"'"']' \
&& echo ' when: '"'"'%gcc'"'"'' \
&& echo ' message: Extra ESMF compile options for GCC' \
&& echo ' fckit:' \
&& echo ' version: [0.11.0]' \
&& echo ' variants: +eckit' \
&& echo ' fftw:' \
&& echo ' version: [3.3.10]' \
&& echo ' fiat:' \
&& echo ' version: [1.2.0]' \
&& echo ' fms:' \
&& echo ' version: ['"'"'2023.04'"'"']' \
&& echo ' variants: precision=32,64 +quad_precision +gfs_phys +openmp +pic constants=GFS' \
&& echo ' build_type=Release +deprecated_io' \
&& echo ' fontconfig:' \
&& echo ' variants: +pic' \
&& echo ' freetype:' \
&& echo ' variants: +pic' \
&& echo ' g2:' \
&& echo ' version: [3.4.5]' \
&& echo ' g2c:' \
&& echo ' version: [1.6.4]' \
&& echo ' g2tmpl:' \
&& echo ' #' \
&& echo ' version: [1.10.2]' \
&& echo ' require:' \
&& echo ' - any_of: [fflags="-no-pie"]' \
&& echo ' when: '"'"'@1.10.2: %clang'"'"'' \
&& echo ' message: Extra ESMF compile options for version 1.10.2+ with clang' \
&& echo ' gettext:' \
&& echo ' version: [0.21.1]' \
&& echo ' gfsio:' \
&& echo ' version: [1.4.1]' \
&& echo ' gftl-shared:' \
&& echo ' version: [1.6.1]' \
&& echo ' grib-util:' \
&& echo ' version: [1.3.0]' \
&& echo ' gsibec:' \
&& echo ' version: [1.1.3]' \
&& echo ' gsi-ncdiag:' \
&& echo ' version: [1.1.2]' \
&& echo ' gsl-lite:' \
&& echo ' version: [0.37.0]' \
&& echo ' hdf:' \
&& echo ' version: [4.2.15]' \
&& echo ' variants: +external-xdr ~fortran ~netcdf' \
&& echo ' hdf5:' \
&& echo ' version: [1.14.0]' \
&& echo ' variants: +hl +fortran +mpi ~threadsafe +szip' \
&& echo ' ip:' \
&& echo ' version: [4.3.0]' \
&& echo ' variants: precision=4,d,8' \
&& echo ' ip2:' \
&& echo ' version: [1.1.2]' \
&& echo ' jasper:' \
&& echo ' version: [2.0.32]' \
&& echo ' jedi-cmake:' \
&& echo ' version: [1.4.0]' \
&& echo ' jpeg:' \
&& echo ' version: [9.1.0]' \
&& echo ' landsfcutil:' \
&& echo ' version: [2.4.1]' \
&& echo ' libjpeg-turbo:' \
&& echo ' version: [2.1.0]' \
&& echo ' libpng:' \
&& echo ' version: [1.6.37]' \
&& echo ' variants: +pic' \
&& echo ' libyaml:' \
&& echo ' version: [0.2.5]' \
&& echo ' mapl:' \
&& echo ' # 2.35.2 goes with esmf@8.4.2, 2.40.3 goes with esmf@8.5.0' \
&& echo ' # turn off ~pflogger and extdata2g to avoid compilation' \
&& echo ' # errors with intel@2021.7.0+, see' \
&& echo ' #' \
&& echo ' # also: ... extdata2g segfault UFS?' \
&& echo ' version: [2.40.3]' \
&& echo ' variants: +shared +pflogger ~f2py' \
&& echo ' # If making changes here, also check the Discover site config and the CI workflows' \
&& echo ' met:' \
&& echo ' version: [11.1.0]' \
&& echo ' variants: +python +grib2' \
&& echo ' metplus:' \
&& echo ' version: [5.1.0]' \
&& echo ' metis:' \
&& echo ' require: +int64 +real64' \
&& echo ' mpich:' \
&& echo ' variants: ~hwloc +two_level_namespace' \
&& echo ' buildable: false' \
&& echo ' externals:' \
&& echo ' - spec: mpich@4.1.1' \
&& echo ' prefix: /opt/mpich-4.1.1' \
&& echo ' version: [4.1.1]' \
&& echo ' mysql:' \
&& echo ' variants: +download_boost' \
&& echo ' buildable: false' \
&& echo ' externals:' \
&& echo ' - spec: mysql@8.0.32' \
&& echo ' prefix: /usr' \
&& echo ' nco:' \
&& echo ' version: [5.0.6]' \
&& echo ' variants: ~doc' \
&& echo ' # ncview - when adding information here, also check Orion' \
&& echo ' # and Discover site configs' \
&& echo ' nemsio:' \
&& echo ' version: [2.5.4]' \
&& echo ' nemsiogfs:' \
&& echo ' version: [2.5.3]' \
&& echo ' nccmp:' \
&& echo ' version: []' \
&& echo ' ncio:' \
&& echo ' version: [1.1.2]' \
&& echo ' netcdf-c:' \
&& echo ' version: [4.9.2]' \
&& echo ' # If using 4.9.1, turn off byterange variant to fix compile error: ~byterange' \
&& echo ' variants: +dap +mpi ~parallel-netcdf' \
&& echo ' netcdf-cxx4:' \
&& echo ' version: [4.3.1]' \
&& echo ' netcdf-fortran:' \
&& echo ' version: [4.6.1]' \
&& echo ' nlohmann-json:' \
&& echo ' version: [3.10.5]' \
&& echo ' nlohmann-json-schema-validator:' \
&& echo ' version: [2.1.0]' \
&& echo ' odc:' \
&& echo ' version: [1.4.6]' \
&& echo ' variants: ~fortran' \
&& echo ' openblas:' \
&& echo ' version: [0.3.24]' \
&& echo ' variants: +noavx512' \
&& echo ' openmpi:' \
&& echo ' variants: +internal-hwloc +two_level_namespace' \
&& echo ' # Pin openssl to avoid duplicate packages being built' \
&& echo ' openssl:' \
&& echo ' variants: +shared' \
&& echo ' p4est:' \
&& echo ' version: ['"'"'2.8'"'"']' \
&& echo ' parallelio:' \
&& echo ' version: [2.5.10]' \
&& echo ' variants: +pnetcdf' \
&& echo ' parallel-netcdf:' \
&& echo ' version: [1.12.2]' \
&& echo ' pixman:' \
&& echo ' variants: +pic' \
&& echo ' # Do not build pkgconf -' \
&& echo ' pkgconf:' \
&& echo ' buildable: false' \
&& echo ' prod-util:' \
&& echo ' version: [2.1.1]' \
&& echo ' proj:' \
&& echo ' version: [8.1.0]' \
&& echo ' variants: ~tiff' \
&& echo ' python:' \
&& echo ' require: '"'"'@3.10.13'"'"'' \
&& echo ' py-attrs:' \
&& echo ' #' \
&& echo ' version: [21.4.0]' \
&& echo ' py-cartopy:' \
&& echo ' variants: +plotting' \
&& echo ' require: '"'"'@0.21.1'"'"'' \
&& echo ' py-cryptography:' \
&& echo ' variants: +rust_bootstrap' \
&& echo ' # Introduced in, pin py-cython' \
&& echo ' # to avoid duplicate packages being built (cylc dependencies soft-want @3:)' \
&& echo ' py-cython:' \
&& echo ' require: '"'"'@0.29.36'"'"'' \
&& echo ' py-h5py:' \
&& echo ' version: [3.7.0]' \
&& echo ' variants: ~mpi' \
&& echo ' # Comment out for now until build problems are solved' \
&& echo ' #' \
&& echo ' # see also ewok-env virtual package and container' \
&& echo ' #' \
&& echo ' #py-mysql-connector-python:' \
&& echo ' # version: ['"'"'8.0.32'"'"']' \
&& echo ' py-netcdf4:' \
&& echo ' version: [1.5.8]' \
&& echo ' variants: ~mpi' \
&& echo ' py-numpy:' \
&& echo ' require: ['"'"'@1.22.3'"'"']' \
&& echo ' py-pandas:' \
&& echo ' variants: +excel' \
&& echo ' # To avoid pip._vendor.pep517.wrappers.BackendInvalid errors with newer' \
&& echo ' # versions of py-poetry-core when using external/homebrew Python as' \
&& echo ' # we do at the moment in spack-stack.' \
&& echo ' # Pin the py-setuptools version to avoid duplicate Python packages' \
&& echo ' py-setuptools:' \
&& echo ' require: ['"'"'@63.4.3'"'"']' \
&& echo ' py-setuptools-rust:' \
&& echo ' variants: +rust_bootstrap' \
&& echo ' py-shapely:' \
&& echo ' require: ['"'"'@1.8.0'"'"']' \
&& echo ' qt:' \
&& echo ' version: [5.15.3]' \
&& echo ' buildable: false' \
&& echo ' externals:' \
&& echo ' - spec: qt@5.12.8' \
&& echo ' prefix: /usr' \
&& echo ' scotch:' \
&& echo ' version: [7.0.4]' \
&& echo ' variants: +mpi+metis~shared~threads~mpi_thread+noarch' \
&& echo ' sfcio:' \
&& echo ' version: [1.4.1]' \
&& echo ' shumlib:' \
&& echo ' version: [macos_clang_linux_intel_port]' \
&& echo ' sigio:' \
&& echo ' version: [2.3.2]' \
&& echo ' sp:' \
&& echo ' version: [2.5.0]' \
&& echo ' variants: precision=4,d,8' \
&& echo ' udunits:' \
&& echo ' version: [2.2.28]' \
&& echo ' upp:' \
&& echo ' version: [10.0.10]' \
&& echo ' w3emc:' \
&& echo ' version: [2.10.0]' \
&& echo ' variants: precision=4,d,8' \
&& echo ' w3nco:' \
&& echo ' version: [2.4.1]' \
&& echo ' wget:' \
&& echo ' version: [1.21.2]' \
&& echo ' buildable: false' \
&& echo ' externals:' \
&& echo ' - spec: wget@1.20.3' \
&& echo ' prefix: /usr' \
&& echo ' wgrib2:' \
&& echo ' version: [2.0.8]' \
&& echo ' wrf-io:' \
&& echo ' version: [1.2.0]' \
&& echo ' yafyaml:' \
&& echo ' version: [0.5.1]' \
&& echo ' zlib:' \
&& echo ' version: [1.2.13]' \
&& echo ' zstd:' \
&& echo ' version: [1.5.2]' \
&& echo ' variants: +programs' \
&& echo ' gcc:' \
&& echo ' buildable: false' \
&& echo ' externals:' \
&& echo ' - spec: gcc@9.4.0' \
&& echo ' prefix: /usr' \
&& echo ' gmake:' \
&& echo ' buildable: false' \
&& echo ' externals:' \
&& echo ' - spec: gmake@4.2.1' \
&& echo ' prefix: /usr' \
&& echo ' diffutils:' \
&& echo ' buildable: false' \
&& echo ' externals:' \
&& echo ' - spec: diffutils@3.7' \
&& echo ' prefix: /usr' \
&& echo ' git:' \
&& echo ' buildable: false' \
&& echo ' externals:' \
&& echo ' - spec: git@2.25.1~tcltk' \
&& echo ' prefix: /usr' \
&& echo ' git-lfs:' \
&& echo ' buildable: false' \
&& echo ' externals:' \
&& echo ' - spec: git-lfs@2.9.2' \
&& echo ' prefix: /usr' \
&& echo ' llvm:' \
&& echo ' buildable: false' \
&& echo ' externals:' \
&& echo ' - spec: llvm@10.0.0 +clang' \
&& echo ' prefix: /usr' \
&& echo '' \
&& echo ' specs:' \
&& echo ' - base-env@1.0.0' \
&& echo ' - jedi-base-env@1.0.0' \
&& echo ' - ewok-env@1.0.0' \
&& echo ' - jedi-fv3-env@1.0.0' \
&& echo ' - jedi-mpas-env@1.0.0' \
&& echo ' - bacio@2.4.1' \
&& echo ' - bison@3.8.2' \
&& echo ' - bufr@12.0.1' \
&& echo ' - ecbuild@3.7.2' \
&& echo ' - eccodes@2.32.0' \
&& echo ' - ecflow@5' \
&& echo ' - eckit@1.24.5' \
&& echo ' - ecmwf-atlas@0.35.1 +fckit +trans +tesselation +fftw' \
&& echo ' - fiat@1.2.0' \
&& echo ' - ectrans@1.2.0 +fftw' \
&& echo ' - eigen@3.4.0' \
&& echo ' - fckit@0.11.0' \
&& echo ' - fms@release-jcsda' \
&& echo ' - g2@3.4.5' \
&& echo ' - g2tmpl@1.10.2' \
&& echo ' - gftl-shared@1.6.1' \
&& echo ' - gsibec@1.1.3' \
&& echo ' - hdf@4.2.15' \
&& echo ' - hdf5@1.14.0' \
&& echo ' - ip@4.3.0' \
&& echo ' - jasper@2.0.32' \
&& echo ' - jedi-cmake@1.4.0' \
&& echo ' - libpng@1.6.37' \
&& echo ' - nccmp@' \
&& echo ' - netcdf-c@4.9.2' \
&& echo ' - netcdf-cxx4@4.3.1' \
&& echo ' - netcdf-fortran@4.6.1' \
&& echo ' - nlohmann-json@3.10.5' \
&& echo ' - nlohmann-json-schema-validator@2.1.0' \
&& echo ' - parallelio@2.5.10' \
&& echo ' - parallel-netcdf@1.12.2' \
&& echo ' - py-eccodes@1.5.0' \
&& echo ' - py-f90nml@1.4.3' \
&& echo ' - py-gitpython@3.1.27' \
&& echo ' - py-h5py@3.7.0' \
&& echo ' - py-numpy@1.22.3' \
&& echo ' - py-pandas@1.5.3' \
&& echo ' - py-pip' \
&& echo ' - py-pyyaml@6.0' \
&& echo ' - py-scipy@1.9.3' \
&& echo ' - py-shapely@1.8.0' \
&& echo ' - py-xarray@2023.7.0' \
&& echo ' - sp@2.5.0' \
&& echo ' - udunits@2.2.28' \
&& echo ' - w3nco@2.4.1' \
&& echo ' - w3emc@2.10.0' \
&& echo ' - nco@5.0.6' \
&& echo ' - esmf@8.5.0' \
&& echo ' - mapl@2.40.3' \
&& echo ' - zlib@1.2.13' \
&& echo ' - zstd@1.5.2' \
&& echo ' - odc@1.4.6' \
&& echo ' - shumlib@macos_clang_linux_intel_port' \
&& echo ' - awscli-v2@2.13.22' \
&& echo ' - py-globus-cli@3.16.0' \
&& echo '' \
&& echo ' view: /opt/views/view') > /opt/spack-environment/spack.yaml
# Install the software, remove unnecessary deps
RUN cd /opt/spack-environment && spack env activate . && spack install --fail-fast && spack gc -y
# Modifications to the environment that are necessary to run
RUN cd /opt/spack-environment && \
spack env activate --sh -d . >
# Put output of spack find into a file
RUN cd /opt/spack-environment && \
spack env activate -d . && \
spack find 2>&1 | tee /root/spack_find.out
# Bare OS image to run the installed executables
FROM ubuntu:20.04
COPY --from=builder /opt/spack-environment /opt/spack-environment
COPY --from=builder /opt/software /opt/software
# paths.view is a symlink, so copy the parent to avoid dereferencing and duplicating it
COPY --from=builder /opt/views /opt/views
RUN { \
echo '#!/bin/sh' \
&& echo '.' /opt/spack-environment/ \
&& echo 'exec "$@"'; \
} > / \
&& chmod a+x / \
&& ln -s /opt/views/view /opt/view
#Set environment variables for installing tzdata
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
ENV CC=clang
ENV CXX=clang++
ENV FC=gfortran
ENV PATH=/opt/mpich-${MPICH_VERSION}/bin:${PATH}
ENV CPATH=/opt/mpich-${MPICH_VERSION}/include:${CPATH}
RUN apt-get -yqq update && apt-get -yqq upgrade \
&& apt-get -yqq install bc clang-10 libclang-10-dev libc++-10-dev cpp g++ gcc gfortran git git-lfs make mysql-server qt5-default libqt5svg5-dev qt5dxcb-plugin wget build-essential ca-certificates curl file gnupg2 iproute2 locales python3 python3-pip python3-setuptools unzip vim \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# Create symbolic links for clang compilers
RUN cd /usr/bin && \
ln -svf clang-10 clang && \
ln -svf clang++-10 clang++ && \
ln -svf clang-cpp-10 clang-cpp && \
cd /usr/lib/llvm-10/lib && \
ln -svf
# Copy spack find output from builder
COPY --from=builder /root/spack_find.out /root/spack_find.out
# Copy mpich-${MPICH_VERSION} installation from builder
COPY --from=builder /opt/mpich-${MPICH_VERSION} /opt/mpich-${MPICH_VERSION}
# Make a non-root user:nonroot / group:nonroot for running MPI
RUN useradd -U -k /etc/skel -s /bin/bash -d /home/nonroot -m nonroot --uid 43891 && \
echo "ulimit -s unlimited" >> /home/nonroot/.bashrc && \
echo "ulimit -v unlimited" >> /home/nonroot/.bashrc && \
echo "export CC=clang" >> /home/nonroot/.bashrc && \
echo "export CXX=clang++" >> /home/nonroot/.bashrc && \
echo "export FC=gfortran" >> /home/nonroot/.bashrc && \
printf "[credential]\n helper = cache --timeout=7200\n" >> /home/nonroot/.gitconfig && \
chown -R nonroot:nonroot /home/nonroot/.gitconfig
# Replicate settings for root user
RUN echo "ulimit -s unlimited" >> /root/.bashrc && \
echo "ulimit -v unlimited" >> /root/.bashrc && \
echo "export CC=clang" >> /root/.bashrc && \
echo "export CXX=clang++" >> /root/.bashrc && \
echo "export FC=gfortran" >> /root/.bashrc && \
printf "[credential]\n helper = cache --timeout=7200\n" >> /root/.gitconfig
LABEL "app"="jedi-ci"
LABEL "mpi"="mpich"
CMD [ "/bin/bash" ]
Thus, information from the host (spack-stack) gets into the spack container build via "copy & paste" (this is the spack way, not something spack-stack added on top of the spack container methodology).
What we could try to do is butcher the container template even more than we do already and force it to also clone spack-stack (but how do we get the current hash in there ... tbd) and run the
This is not going to be easy as far as I can see ...
Can you check with the spack devs if you haven't already, and if we can't find a solution then revert?
I'm only just familiarizing myself with how the container infrastructure works, but could you add an argument to the docker build
call that would pass in $SPACK_STACK_DIR and use a COPY directive to pull in the repos?
I can do both. I also looked under the hood, one avenue could be to overwrite spack/lib/spack/spack/container/ -> checkout_command and update various other places in the container logic to use spack-stack instead of just spack. But that's so many modifications that the benefits of pulling out the extension are outweighed.
Yeah I agree any changes to the Spack machinery would need to be part of main Spack otherwise it kind of defeats the purpose... :)
@AlexanderRichert-NOAA Any objections merging repos "jcsda-emc" and "jcsda-emc-bundles" into "spack-stack"?
No I'm good with that, since the metapackages are distinguished by '-env'.
No I'm good with that, since the metapackages are distinguished by '-env'.
Great, thanks. I think I have a solution for the containers without any changes in spack itself.
Describe the bug Following yesterday's merge that moves the spack extensions out of the spack submodule, we are having a problem with the container builds:
The problem is the way the spack container builds work: they clone spack (and spack alone) in the container for the install. Only the config is copied into the container from the machine that runs the build (i.e. runs docker).
@AlexanderRichert-NOAA Any ideas on how to fix this? Otherwise I fear we need to revert.
To Reproduce See above
Expected behavior Containers build
System: Any building containers with spack
Additional context n/a