JCoreMS / AVDAlerts

AVD Alerts
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Feature Request: VM Local Disk Free Space #37

Open JCoreMS opened 1 year ago

JCoreMS commented 1 year ago

Possibly consider for each Host Pool / RG as well so it can be filtered out for only specific host pools that aren't known to have full HDDs or test.

JCoreMS commented 1 year ago

Next release will have combined query to alert on VMs based on Host Pool.

      | where TimeGenerated > ago(15m)
      | where ObjectName == "LogicalDisk" and CounterName == "% Free Space"
      | where InstanceName !contains "D:"
      | where InstanceName  !contains "_Total"| where CounterValue <= 5.00
      | parse _ResourceId with "/subscriptions/" subscription "/resourcegroups/" ResourceGroup "/providers/microsoft.compute/virtualmachines/" ComputerName
      | project ComputerName, CounterValue, subscription, ResourceGroup, TimeGenerated
      | join kind = leftouter
          | where TimeGenerated > ago(15m)
          | parse _ResourceId with "/subscriptions/" subscriptionAgentHealth "/resourcegroups/" ResourceGroupAgentHealth "/providers/microsoft.desktopvirtualization/hostpools/" HostPool
          | parse SessionHostResourceId with "/subscriptions/" VMsubscription "/resourceGroups/" VMresourceGroup "/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/" ComputerName
          | project VMresourceGroup, ComputerName, HostPool
          ) on ComputerName