JDNdeveloper / Off-By-One

CMPS 115 Project: Jayden Navarro, John Gemignani, Alex Gonzalez, Kevin Cheng, Josh Innis
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Get rid of all debugging toast messages before release #56

Closed JDNdeveloper closed 9 years ago

JDNdeveloper commented 9 years ago

@JoetheSoda @KevinCCheng @agonza26 @JohnGemignani. Just a reminder to remove these before the final release. You might even consider just replacing these with Log statements since they can do the same thing and the user never sees a Log statement.

JoshInnis commented 9 years ago

Some of my toast statements I want to stay. I will put a comment above those specifying which they are. So don't just delete all the Toasts in the code

KevinCCheng commented 9 years ago

Removed certain toast message that were allowed to be commented out. Replaced the toast messages with either Log.e and log.i

JDNdeveloper commented 9 years ago

Reopened so that I can work on removing my toasts.

JDNdeveloper commented 9 years ago

I'm pretty sure I got rid of mine.I'm passing on the baton to Alex.

agonza26 commented 9 years ago

don't have any toast messages so im going to assign this to john now

JohnGemignani commented 9 years ago

Made into a first time start up message.