JDutil / contact_us

Gem providing simple Contact Form functionality with a Rails 3+ Engine.
MIT License
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Support for Rails 4.2 ? #50

Closed RandieM closed 9 years ago

RandieM commented 9 years ago

With the introduction of Active Job and #deliver_later in Rails 4.2, I get the following warning:

DEPRECATION WARNING: #deliver is deprecated and will be removed in Rails 5. Use #deliver_now to deliver immediately or #deliver_later to deliver through Active Job.

So far, emails still get through, but may be this is something that needs to be updated in the gem.

Many thanks.

JDutil commented 9 years ago

Support for Rails 5 would be a more appropriate title as this is only warning that it will no longer work in Rails 5 so things are fine for now. If you wouldn't mind submitting a PR updating the deprecation I'll merge to support Rails 5 otherwise this isn't a high priority for me at the moment.

JDutil commented 9 years ago

Released version 1.0.0 using deliver_now to fix deprecation.

RandieM commented 9 years ago

Well that was pretty fast! Thanks for updating. I was actually happy to give it a try myself, but, as I am not a programmer, it would have taken me much longer...