JECSand / yahoofinancials

A powerful financial data module used for pulling data from Yahoo Finance. This module can pull fundamental and technical data for stocks, indexes, currencies, cryptos, ETFs, Mutual Funds, U.S. Treasuries, and commodity futures.
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Inconsistent data between from Yahoo! Finance - Financial tab & Statistics tab #145

Open earlev4 opened 1 year ago

earlev4 commented 1 year ago

Hi! First off, thanks so much @JECSand and the contributors for your excellent work on yahoofinancials! Sincerely appreciate the efforts.

I am a new user to yahoofinancials and started spot checking the results of the data pulled. I found the information is inconsistent for multiple stocks.

The methods being used are: get_financial_data get_summary_data

For example, using the stock ticker A (Agilent Technologies, Inc.) the following fields (just a sample of fields, not inclusive of all) reflect the following when comparing yahoofinancials to the Yahoo! Finance Financials tab:

yahoofinancials: 'ebitda': 2019000064
Yahoo! Finance: EBITDA 1,985,000

yahoofinancials: 'totalDebt': 3129999872
Yahoo! Finance: Total Debt 2,769,000

However, the financials are correct when looking at the Yahoo! Finance Statistics tab:

yahoofinancials: 'ebitda': 2019000064
Yahoo! Finance: EBITDA | 2.02B

yahoofinancials: 'totalDebt': 3129999872
Yahoo! Finance: Total Debt (mrq) | 3.13B

Seems like the yahoofinancials pulls from the same data source as the Statistics tab and not the Finance tab in the in Yahoo! Finance website. Is it possible to verify this?

Not sure why Yahoo! Finance has inconsistent data between tabs. Looking at Marketwatch Financials tab seems to be closer to the Yahoo! Finance Financials tab and not the Statistics tab.

Long-Term Deb | 2.83B

There might be a good reason for the inconsistencies that I am unaware of. However, based on these findings, the Yahoo! Finance tab might be a better source of data. For full disclosure, I do not have a background in finance and welcome input from those more knowledgeable in this area.

This might also address the issues in Get wrong data in JSON #96 issue.

Greatly appreciate any feedback or guidance. I appreciate it. Thank you very much in advance!