JECSand / yahoofinancials

A powerful financial data module used for pulling data from Yahoo Finance. This module can pull fundamental and technical data for stocks, indexes, currencies, cryptos, ETFs, Mutual Funds, U.S. Treasuries, and commodity futures.
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Download historical fundemental data #85

Open NachuanLi opened 3 years ago

NachuanLi commented 3 years ago

Hi, is there a way to download historical fundemental data of stocks such as PE ratio and PB ratio quarterly. I notice that the method provided in yfinance could only download the fundemental datas currently. Hope some one would solve this issue

apavlo89 commented 3 years ago

Yes, I would like the answer to this as well. How do you get historical data for other data other than open,high,low,close,volume, e.g., for a period of five years?

ianverbeck commented 3 years ago

Wondering this as well– historical fundamental data seems hard to find with free APIs.

antoinevulcain commented 3 years ago

You can get them from