JEFworks-Lab / HoneyBADGER

HMM-integrated Bayesian approach for detecting CNV and LOH events from single-cell RNA-seq data
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Applying bayesian hierarchical model in integrating analyses tutorial #44

Closed viraj-rapolu closed 3 years ago

viraj-rapolu commented 3 years ago


Thank you for developing and maintaining HoneyBADGER! I was working through the integrating analyses tutorial when I ran into the following issue. When I ran the following piece of code,

results <-, lapply(potentialCnvs$region, function(region) { calcAlleleCnvProb(allele.mats$r.maf, allele.mats$, allele.mats$l.maf, allele.mats$n.bulk, allele.mats$snps, geneFactor, region=region, verbose=FALSE) }))

I got this error: Error: object 'region' not found

However, when I changed region=region to region=potentialCnvs$region, the code snippet was running for a while with no console output. Before running this, the plotAllelProfile function had the same image as what was in the tutorial. How can I resolve this issue?

UPDATE: I just needed to wait longer, doing the above step was the right solution