JEHoctor / covid-visualizations

Exploration of data available from the Covid Act Now API
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how to get data from Covid_Act_Now #1

Open yangyijane opened 2 years ago

yangyijane commented 2 years ago

Hi All

When I try to implement the following code, I could not get the data I want. Could you pls shed light on what is wrong?

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns import covid

df = covid.data_loaders.get_historic_states_data()

the df is an empty data frame, and the library covid does not show anything but empty.

Your timely help is appreciated.

JEHoctor commented 2 years ago

Hi @yangyijane,

I suggest studying the Covid Act Now API directly.

It's possible that you did set up your API key correctly. Again, the best thing to do is study the docs from Covid Act Now.