JEToP / jetop_credentials_frontend

Official JEToP credentials manager
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Implement username and notes components #34

Closed Peppece closed 3 years ago

Peppece commented 3 years ago

I have implemented the username and notes components. However, I wasn't able to implement the behaviour for the textbox focus. In summary, when the input is selected, the <div> around it changes (not itself). I have evidenced the areas in which a possible solution could go. Still a draft.

EDIT: I have implemented the corrections proposed in review and uniformed the styling for LabelVisualizer and the password template, to which I also applied a light refactor in order to make the style changes possible. Only issue that remains is the one of the focus event, but it's honestly not a major one. Not a draft anymore.

powext commented 3 years ago

I would create a generic component that has a label on the left (following the mockup) and displays a child (taken from the props) on the right


powext commented 3 years ago

@gccianmario ask @Peppece for any doubts about the implementation of these components