JElchison / format-udf

Bash script to format a block device (hard drive or Flash drive) in UDF. The output is a drive that can be used for reading/writing across multiple operating system families: Windows, macOS, and Linux. This script should be capable of running in macOS or in Linux.
GNU General Public License v2.0
509 stars 48 forks source link

Physical block size detection incorrect for AF SAT drives #13

Closed GreatEmerald closed 7 years ago

GreatEmerald commented 9 years ago

Currently the script uses blockdev --getpbsz to detect the physical block size. However, this is incorrect for Advanced Format drives using SCSI-to-ATA Translation (SAT; includes USB enclosures and such), as detailed here:

The correct way to determine it is by using either hdparm -I or smartctl -d sat -a. Since the former doesn't need explicit specification that it's a SAT drive, it's probably better to use that, like so:

BLOCK_SIZE=$(sudo hdparm -I /dev/$DEVICE | grep "Physical Sector size" | awk '{print $(NF-1)}')
JElchison commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the report! This is helpful.

This is reminiscent of issue #5, in which @barak suggested that we move (from lshw) to blockdev. I like his argument that blockdev is an essential package on Ubuntu, so it's pretty much guaranteed to be present (though it's not part of the POSIX standard). Right now, the only other non-POSIX commands used are printf and xxd, I believe.

Do you have any ideas on how to solve your problem using a more portable solution than hdparm? It seems undesirable to make users install the hdparm package even if they don't have an AF SAT drive. A hacky solution would be lazy environmental validation, such that the script doesn't exit until (1) it knows that it needs hdparm; and (2) it doesn't have hdparm (vs. failing at script init if it doesn't have hdparm). Ideas?

Also, philosophical question: Does your defect report better belong against blockdev instead of format-udf? If blockdev is reporting an incorrect value, then it seems most proper to pursue a fix there, instead of here.

GreatEmerald commented 9 years ago

Honestly, I think the real bug is in the kernel. I think the canonical way to get the block size on Linux should be via:

cat /sys/class/block/$DEVICE/queue/physical_block_size

However, for AF SAT it, too, reports 512. So clearly the kernel itself is confused as well. I'll see if I can open a ticket in the kernel bug tracker for this.

JElchison commented 9 years ago

That's great. In the meantime, I'd like to keep this issue open as a placeholder.

Once a kernel ticket has been opened, would you mind adding a link to it in this thread?

Many thanks.

GreatEmerald commented 9 years ago

Filed a bug report here:

ksterker commented 8 years ago

Just for the record, I ran into the same issue. I guess it's fine to fix the root cause of the error, but a word of caution in the Readme or other prominent location would have saved me a lot of trouble.

FWIW, I looked up the correct sector size using hdparm manually and verified that blockdev indeed reported it wrong, then set BLOCKSIZE to 512 in the script. Worked like a charm!

JElchison commented 8 years ago

thanks, all.

fyi, i plan on getting back to addressing this (and other outstanding issues) in the upcoming weeks. just finished graduate school in december. thanks for your patience!

JElchison commented 8 years ago

FYI, 107cf1c42da9c2db40b71ef32eb18ab760718964 adds a new option -b BLOCK_SIZE which allows manually overriding the OS-detected block size. It doesn't fix the root issue here (still waiting on the Linux kernel fix), but it does make things slightly less painful.

Also, @ksterker, thanks for the tip: The new usage (and README) highlights the kernel bug.

GreatEmerald commented 8 years ago

The kernel devs said that they can't do anything about it, because they'd have to use libusb, and that's not available from the kernel. So I guess another tool is a way to go in any case. Or maybe someone could write to the linux-usb mailing list and see if they can come up with a solution.

Although, in any case, as per #12 there's a reason to just hardcode it to 512 for Windows (or use logical size?).

pali commented 7 years ago

The kernel devs said that they can't do anything about it, because they'd have to use libusb, and that's not available from the kernel.

Can you give me link to this discussion, specially need for libusb? This seems like misunderstanding for me as libusb is just userspace library which uses kernel api for direct access to usb bus. It exist because only kernel can access hw. Kernel can of course access usb HW.

Although, in any case, as per #12 there's a reason to just hardcode it to 512 for Windows (or use logical size?).

No, there is a no good reason to hardcode value to any specific constant.

pali commented 7 years ago

Anyway, UDF uses logical block size, not physical. So it is not needed to know physical block size for formatting.

JElchison commented 7 years ago

Physical block size is required to enable UDF support on Windows XP. See Pieter's article linked on the readme (you may need the Wayback Machine). The block size calculated by format-udf is used for both the formatting operation and the creation of the false MBR.

pali commented 7 years ago

UDF 2.60 specification says:

Logical Block Size - The Logical Block Size for a Logical Volume shall be set to the logical sector size of the volume or volume set on which the specific logical volume resides.

Uint32 LogicalBlockSize in struct LogicalVolumeDescriptor - Interpreted as specifying the Logical Block Size for the logical volume identified by this Logical Volume Descriptor. This field shall be set to the largest logical sector size encountered amongst all the partitions on media that constitute the logical volume identified by this Logical Volume Descriptor. Since UDF requires that all Volumes within a Volume Set have the same logical sector size, the Logical Block Size will be the same as the logical sector size of the Volume.

pali commented 7 years ago

Physical block size is required to enable UDF support on Windows XP.

Ah :-( It is really truth? And not logical block size?

See Pieter's article linked on the readme (you may need the Wayback Machine).

I do not see there requirement about physical block size.

The block size calculated by format-udf is used for both the formatting operation and the creation of the false MBR.

New version of mkudffs autodetect blocksize (via BLKSSZGET) if it is not passed via command option.

JElchison commented 7 years ago

Sorry, @pali, I don't think I'm explaining myself very well. Let me try again.

There are 3 different block sizes we're discussing here:

  1. Disk physical block size. This is an artifact of the disk, governed by the disk controller. Not controlled by the user. Reported by blockdev --getpbsz or /sys/block/sda/queue/physical_block_size.
  2. Disk logical block size. This is an artifact of the disk, governed by the kernel. Not controlled by the user. Reported by blockdev --getss or /sys/block/sda/queue/logical_block_size. Usually 512 bytes.
  3. File system block size. This is an artifact of the file system (not the underlying disk), specified by the user at file system format time.

All of these 3 values can be different, even for the same disk. uses UDF v2.01 (not the latest v2.60), for reasons specified in the README. However, both v2.01 and v2.60 use the same term (LogicalBlockSize) to describe item 3 above. It's important to note that the use of the adjective Logical here is with respect to the file system, not the disk. In other words, it's important not to confuse the UDF LogicalBlockSize with the disk's logical block size. Those can be (and often are) different.

The udftools package provides mkudffs, which is the de facto tool for formatting a UDF file system in Linux. The -b,--blocksize option lets you specify item 3 above when formatting a disk. It has no bearing on items 1 or 2. The version of udftools on my current Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS machine is 1.0.0b3-14.4. That version defaults to a block size of 2048 bytes unless otherwise specified. It's completely possible that newer versions default to something else.

I fully acknowledge that a UDF drive formatted to be fully compliant with the spec has a file system block size (item 3) set to the disk logical block size (item 2). Your quotes above from the spec are accurate (though I'm targeting v2.01).

Be reminded that the goal of is to output is a drive that can be used for reading/writing across multiple operating system families. If a user is interested in a fully spec-compliant format for use on a single OS, then he/she should use the native formatting tool (mkudffs or newfs_udf) and specify the file system block size (item 3) set to the disk logical block size (item 2). However, this will be insufficient for a cross-platform UDF drive that works on Linux, OS X, and Windows.

From Pieter's article, for Windows XP,

the UDF block size must match the block size of the underlying device

I interpreted this to refer to the disk physical block size (item 1). (I believe this is the point you're contesting, submitting that it should instead be the disk logical block size, which it item 2.) I verified the use and behavior of the disk physical block size (item 1) in my lab over 2 years ago when I first authored It's completely possible that I made (and repeated) this mistake. However, with the number of tests that I ran at the time, I find it unlikely. Unfortunately, I have no Windows XP servers in my lab at the moment, so I'm unable to re-validate. Thus, I cannot refute your claim.

However, there is another (more significant) reason that relies on disk physical block size (item 1) instead of disk logical block size (item 2). UDF v2.01 itself has a limit of 2^32 blocks. If the disk logical block size (item 2, which is usually 512 bytes) is used in formatting and in the partition table, then the maximum disk size supported by will most often be 2 TiB. This is unacceptable for many modern (larger) drives. Out of convention, many disk manufacturers still respect the 2^32-block limit, which means their only practical way for crafting larger disks is--you guessed it--increasing the disk physical block size (item 1).

Therefore, for to accomplish its goal of providing a true cross-platform read/write disk (and not artifically capped at 2 TiB), it must use the (sometimes larger) disk physical block size (item 1), which comes at a cost (as you correctly point out) that it technically isn't fully spec-compliant. is a tool for pragmatists. Theorists who prefer spec compliance will need to give up dreams of a true cross-platform read/write disk, and stick to the native formatting tools.

Sorry for the verbosity, but I hope this explains my position more clearly.

pali commented 7 years ago

Understood now.

Anyway, I understand UDF specification that blocksize must be disk logical blocksize (2) (if disk needs to be compliant to UDF spec). Correct or not?

mkudffs from udftools prior to version 1.1 (or 1.0) has lot of problems and generates invalid UDF filesystem. I can imagine that it can cause problems for other operating systems. So it could be good to use mkudffs version 1.1 (or better last version from git) and retest all operating systems without "hacks" like MBR or with different block sizes.

Anyway, if you have testing env for different operating systems, can you test newfs_udf tool from UDFClient project? I remember that some disks formatted by newfs_udf from UDFClient was recognized correctly by Win7, but not when formatted by mkudffs. Maybe we are really facing problems in mkudffs and not always in other operating systems.

With number of blocks you are right, limit is I think 2^32-1 (not full 2^32). But increasing block size has also disadvantages (like in other FS) that some data (or metadata) will always store on disk full block size. Maybe some thresholds could be used to start increasing blocksize when number of blocks is max number -- and not to use big blocksize on smaller disks (to not waste disk space)?

JElchison commented 7 years ago

I understand UDF specification that blocksize must be disk logical blocksize (2) (if disk needs to be compliant to UDF spec). Correct or not?

To be honest, I'm still not 100% sure. The -b option in mkudffs sets the volume's logicalBlockSize to the disk's disc->blocksize, which is set to the value passed in by the user. Note how the v2.01 spec uses slightly different terminology than you and I have used in this discussion:

Logical Sector Size - The Logical Sector Size for a specific volume shall be the same as the physical sector size of the specific volume. Logical Block Size - The Logical Block Size for a Logical Volume shall be set to the logical sector size of the volume or volume set on which the specific logical volume resides.

The way that I read that makes it sound like the spec is calling for the volume's block size to be set to the disk's logical sector size, which should be set to the disk's physical sector (block) size.

mkudffs from udftools prior to version 1.1 (or 1.0) has lot of problems and generates invalid UDF filesystem.

Correct. I've been glad to see you pick up maintenance of udftools. And I'm even more glad that Debian/Ubuntu package maintainers have picked up your edits.

So it could be good to use mkudffs version 1.1 (or better last version from git) and retest all operating systems without "hacks" like MBR or with different block sizes.

Agreed. I have always conducted my testing against mainstream packages for udftools and OS X. Debian stable still uses 1.0.0b3-14.3, but (as you know) Ubuntu has picked up 1.2-1build1 as of Yakkety.

My testing resources are currently allocated for other projects (and also I'm about to have a baby), but I agree that it would be good to test with udftools 1.2. I captured this in #33.

I should mention that all of my initial testing was conducted without any MBR/hacks. In fact, the addition of the MBR was the outcome of having performed my initial testing.

can you test newfs_udf tool from UDFClient project?

Is this the same suite included in OS X? (I would conjecture yes, based on the number of BSD references.) If so, then I've already conducted implicit testing. I've observed minor differences, but largely consistent behavior. See #11.

I'm particularly interested in udfclient's ongoing release where they claim to be working on a functional fsck. That would be huge for the credibility of UDF. I had barely started porting the Solaris implementation, but haven't gotten very far yet.

Maybe some thresholds could be used to start increasing blocksize when number of blocks is max number -- and not to use big blocksize on smaller disks (to not waste disk space)?

If users of are concerned about block-level efficiency, they're always welcome to use the -b BLOCK_SIZE switch to specify their own. I don't recall having seen any disks <= 2 TiB with a physical block size > 512. Most folks, I've found, are more interested in using their entire disk vs. truncating it but having better block efficiency.

pali commented 7 years ago

In 2.01 spec is also written:

physical sector - A sector [1/5.9] given by a relevant standard for recording [1/5.10]. In this specification, a sector [1/5.9] is equivalent to a a logical sector [3/8.1.2].

So it not such clear! [3/8.1.2] is reference to ECMA 167 standard where is:

1/5.5 logical sector - The unit of allocation of a volume. 3/8.1.2 Logical sector - The sectors of a volume shall be organised into logical sectors of equal length. The length of a logical sector shall be referred to as the logical sector size and shall be an integral multiple of 512 bytes. The logical sector size shall be not less than the size of the smallest sector of the volume. Each logical sector shall begin in a different sector, starting with the sector having the next higher sector number than that of the last sector constituting the previous, if any, logical sector of the volume. The first byte of a logical sector shall be the first byte of the sector in which it begins, and if the size of this sector is smaller than the logical sector size, then the logical sector shall comprise a sequence of constituent sectors with consecutive ascending sector numbers.

So still I'm not sure...

Is this the same suite [newfs_udf] included in OS X?

No, what I saw OS X has own closed implementation of UDF and does not use UDFClient. So UDFClient's newfs_udf implementation should be different.

Debian stable packages will never be updated (stable means that package versions are stable). But both Ubuntu (in some version) and Debian (testing) have packages for newfs_udf (in udfclient) and mkudffs (in udftools). Currently mkudffs 1.2 does not work on 32bit systems for formatting disks above 4GB (problem with Large File Support), this will be fixed in mkudffs 1.3 (64bit systems do not have this problem).

I'm particularly interested in udfclient's ongoing release where they claim to be working on a functional fsck.

Author has interested to that but did not have much more time to implement it yet... Last year I was contacted by student who want to implement fsck as part of thesis so maybe there will be something...

I had barely started porting the Solaris implementation, but haven't gotten very far yet.

That is useless. I already looked at it years ago and it supported only UDF 1.2 and used Solaris kernel drivers where was functionality implemented... So for systems without Solaris kernel it means to reimplement whole functionality and that is probably more work as implement fsck from scratch. (And UDF 1.2 is not enough!)

I don't recall having seen any disks <= 2 TiB with a physical block size > 512.

All my 512GB and 1TB disks have physical block size of 4096, so they are not rare. (But I'm using ext4 on them...)

JElchison commented 7 years ago

Thanks for your comments and additional data points, @pali. I will terminate my udf-fsck project given your guidance.

I am still leaving this issue (#13) open as a placeholder to track We're also waiting for @GreatEmerald to respond to your request.

GreatEmerald commented 7 years ago

I was referring to the bug tracker, and @pali has already seen that. I don't feel like starting a thread about it in the Linux mailing list, since I don't think I know as much as you two about the whole issue.

From what I recall of my own testing, Windows 10 simply did not work with UDF volumes with FS block size other than 512. I tested that with an external HDD which has a physical block size of 4096, and thus by some logic should have used 4096 block size, but no dice. I also haven't really used any MBR hacks, and Win10 worked fine with that.

Maybe it would be a good idea to revive the wiki page with test results, but also make certain to add the tested OS versions. Because "Windows" can mean 10 or 95, with wildly different results. Same with macOS etc. And not everyone cares about XP support, or macOS support, etc., one may just want to have something that works on a given Windows version and a given Linux version.

pali commented 7 years ago

I forwarded bug to mailing list and CCed you to be informed about status.

JElchison commented 7 years ago

@pali Is there a mailing list link that you can post here in this thread?

pali commented 7 years ago

Discussion is available e.g. in this archive:

pali commented 7 years ago

Now I looked at this logical vs physical block size problem again and I think whole block addressing in UDF should be according to LBA. Which means that logical block size of disk should be used, and not physical block size! Basically all read/write operations in disks implementations work with LBA and physical block size is just hints for disk tools to align partitions/buffer for better performance...

This @GreatEmerald's comment just prove it:

From what I recall of my own testing, Windows 10 simply did not work with UDF volumes with FS block size other than 512. I tested that with an external HDD which has a physical block size of 4096, and thus by some logic should have used 4096 block size, but no dice.

As today, basically all disks have logical block size 512 (and physical 4096). In past there were HDDs which operated with logical block size of 4096, therefore LBA was 4096 and it caused problems as disk partition utilities, simple bootloaders and other small programs has hardcoded logical block size to 512.

And I bet that in Pieter's article is "block size" mean to be logical block size, for LBA addressing.

Therefore I think that default block size for mkudffs should be value from logical block size (blockdev --getss). And for 2TB+ disks it would make sense to set it at least to 1024 for ability to format whole disk.

New mkudffs already uses default block size (if not specified on cmdline) from logical block size of disk.

Note that MBR table (and also GPT structures) works with LBA and therefore depends on logical block size, not physical!

GreatEmerald commented 7 years ago

Also of note is that in Windows 10 Creators update, MS finally implemented mounting multiple partitions in one device, just like it is in Linux. So for 2 TiB+ drives, it might make sense to make multiple partitions at 2 TiB in size.

Oh, and last I tried, my UDF-partitioned SD card contents were shown in Windows 10, but it was read-only. Performing the disk check resulted in all files being relocated to lost+found and the card became read-write. Not sure why.

pali commented 7 years ago

Also of note is that in Windows 10 Creators update, MS finally implemented mounting multiple partitions in one device

It is really confirmed by MS?

Because current MS implementation is very special. For removable disks MBR/GPT is optional, but if present only first partition is used. For non-removable disks MBR/GPT is required, but then all partitions are used.

So if you do not create MBR/GTP and format whole disks to some filesystem, then it is recoginzed by Windows only if disk itself if marked as "removable".

And that flag "removable" is part of USB mass storage protocol, so some flash disk can announce "removable" and some not.

So for 2 TiB+ drives, it might make sense to make multiple partitions at 2 TiB in size.

In MBR are stored 32bit pairs (first LBA, num of LBA blocks). So for 512 LBA disks you can can have maximally 2TB long parition and every partition must start before 2TB offset. Which means you can use maximally 4TB disks. First parition would be 2TB long and starts somewhere at begining and second parition would be 2TB long and starts before 2TB offset.

PS: It is not exaclty 2TB, but just (2^32-1)*512B ~= 2046GB and due to MBR header and alignment first partition would be smaller...

In GPT are pairs (first LBA, last LBA) but those are 64bit which means that for 512 LBA disks every partition must starts and also ends in first 8ZB (1ZB = 2^70B).

Oh, and last I tried, my UDF-partitioned SD card contents were shown in Windows 10, but it was read-only. Performing the disk check resulted in all files being relocated to lost+found and the card became read-write. Not sure why.

Make sure you are formatting by mkudffs at version 1.3, older versions do not prepare UDF partitions correctly.

GreatEmerald commented 7 years ago

Pretty sure. It was a removable drive I tried, listed in the safely remove hardware list. Clicking to remove one removes both at the same time. I usually use GPT for everything these days.

pali commented 7 years ago

Hm... looks like Microsoft added support for more partitions in Windows 10, Version 1703.

In Windows 10, Version 1703 you can create multiple partitions on a USB drive, allowing you to have a single USB key with a combination of FAT32 and and NTFS partitions. To work with USB drives that have multiple partitions, your technician PC has to be Windows 10, Version 1703, with the most recent version of the ADK installed.

But still it does not solve problem for UDF, which should not be installed on partition but rather on whole disk (not partitioned).

GreatEmerald commented 7 years ago

Yeap, 1703 is Creators Update. But true, I don't think I tested that with UDF, I probably should try it and see if it works.

JElchison commented 7 years ago

Thanks to you both for your contributions in this conversation.

There are a few things that I wish to remind you of:

@pali: Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't see any new evidence from your comments today. You appear to be basing your claim from an "I think" statement:

Now I looked at this logical vs physical block size problem again and I think whole block addressing in UDF should be according to LBA.

My whole reason for choosing the physical block size in the first place was Pieter's comment from 2010:

  • Windows XP: supports read-only support for UDF up to version 2.01, but the UDF block size must match the block size of the underlying device (which for USB-sticks and disks is 512 bytes).
  • Windows Vista and 7 have full support up to UDF v2.6, but the UDF block size has the same constraint.

To your earlier point, this statement is indeed ambiguous, because we don't know why 512 was the right answer. In 2010, it was common for disks to have a physical block size that matched the logical block size, hence the ambiguity. (n.b. In 2017, it's a different landscape.)

For me to change the default block size used by format-udf, it will require learning exactly how Windows XP mounts UDF drives. This could be done via reverse engineering, I suppose, but I think it seems way easier to just test a physical (not virtual) Windows XP machine with real hard drives. The ideal test would include 2 hard drives:

  1. A disk with logical block size of 512 and physical block size of 4096
  2. A disk with logical block size of 4096 and physical block size of 4096

Using each of these disks, I would test a UDF file system with block sizes of 512, 1024, 2048, and 4096. That's a total of 8 test cases. For posterity, this testing ought to be repeated on Windows 7 (and 10, while we're at it). That brings our number of test cases to 24.

Using these 24 test cases, it should be possible to see whether Windows mounts UDF drives:

If the answer ends up being hard-coded to 512 or the logical block size, we'll have to get creative in order to support drives >2TiB. Perhaps that could take the shape of asking the user whether they prefer a disk compatible with Windows, or a partition that uses the entire disk.

Given the large amount of testing and burn-in that has occurred with format-udf using physical block size, if there is a change, then it will also require substantial regression testing with the new parameter, ideally across all major versions of all supported OSes.

Unfortunately, since I have a newborn at home, I don't have much free time at the moment to conduct this testing. I do have a spare machine right now, and I have at least one of the above-listed test drives. (I don't think I have a 4096/4096 drive.) I will make an attempt to conduct this testing, but it may not be for awhile. If you're willing to conduct this testing, that may lead to a quicker resolution. :)

In the meantime, users can still specify whatever block size they want using the -b BLOCK_SIZE parameter.

GreatEmerald commented 7 years ago

Do 4096/4096 drives even exist? I thought the main reason behind the logical block size is for it to be set to 512 for backwards compatibility purposes.

And why would Windows 10 not be supported? Excluding the second most common OS conflicts with your goal ii ;) Not to mention that UDF works fine on it, and even better than any other Windows version.

JElchison commented 7 years ago

Hi @GreatEmerald.

You and I are on the same page. According to @pali (here), 4096/4096 exists. If he's right, I've learned something today.

Windows 10 may very well work, but it has not received the same level of testing as previous versions of Windows. For example, please see #21. There is nothing preventing a user from running format-udf on Windows 10, but (for now) it's at your own risk. I will update the README when I've completed my testing.

pali commented 7 years ago

If the answer ends up being hard-coded to 512 or the logical block size, we'll have to get creative in order to support drives >2TiB.

I will answer this part. As Windows XP address do all addressing in 32bit only, it does not support partitions >2TB (for classing 512 LBA disks). So no, you would not get >2TB working on Windows XP.

Do 4096/4096 drives even exist?

There are USB based SATA controllers which "fakes" logical block size of disk and propagate it to host system from physical block size of disk. It is big fun to use those controllers with 512/4096 disks as MBR uses LBA. If you format those disks with that controller you cannot read them without it.

I do not know if it is possible to buy 4096/4096 disks today, but in past they probably really exists as there really were problems with software which had hardcoded "logical block size = 512" for LBA.

I thought the main reason behind the logical block size is for it to be set to 512 for backwards compatibility purposes.

Yes. Lot of applications, implementation and also formats/specifications itself depends on 512 or LBA, so they internal strucutres are based on logical block size. Changing it would mean incompatiblity between disks. More "smart" programs can read physical block size and correctly align paritions or do read/write operations for RAID.

pali commented 7 years ago

Do 4096/4096 drives even exist?

I did some research and those disks really exist! They are named under native Advanced Format 4K:

There is also for Seagate disks "SmartAlign technology" and via some Seagate tools it is possible to "switch" what would be reported in logical block size by disk itself.

So that SmartAlign allow to change logical block size between 512 and 4096.

Also you can try to google string "Sector size (logical/physical): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes" (output from fdisk) that people have disks with logical block size of 4096 (either faked by USB based SATA controllers or SmartAlign or native from factory).

JElchison commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the info, @pali. Indeed, I learned something today.

Be reminded that the block size limitation applies to Windows 7 as well as XP (at least according to Pieter). It wouldn't surprise me if my 24 test cases yielded different results for XP, Win7, and/or Win10.

pali commented 7 years ago

Tests can be done also in qemu as it is possible to emulate different logical block size and physical block size.

Here is example how to set logical_block_size and physical_block_size for hard disk image stored in local file udf.img:

qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -cpu host -m 1024 -device lsi -device scsi-hd,drive=hd,logical_block_size=4096,physical_block_size=4096 -drive file=udf.img,if=none,id=hd

Also removable flag can be emulated, just append ,removable=on after physical_block_size setting.

pali commented 7 years ago

Here are my tests for Windows XP:

removable MBR UDF block size logical block size physical block size readable
no no * * * no (not initialized)
yes no 512 512 512 yes
yes no 512 512 4096 yes
yes no 512 4096 4096 no (corrupted)
yes no 4096 512 512 no (unformatted)
yes no 4096 512 4096 no (unformatted)
yes no 4096 4096 4096 no (unformatted)
no yes 512 512 512 yes
no yes 512 512 4096 yes
no yes 512 4096 4096 no (corrupted)
no yes 4096 512 512 no (unformatted)
no yes 4096 512 4096 no (unformatted)
no yes 4096 4096 4096 no (unformatted)
yes yes 512 512 512 yes
yes yes 512 512 4096 yes
yes yes 512 4096 4096 no (corrupted)
yes yes 4096 512 512 no (unformatted)
yes yes 4096 512 4096 no (unformatted)
yes yes 4096 4096 4096 no (unformatted)

(note that Windows XP has only read-only support for UDF)

So for Windows XP logical block size and UDF block size must pass. Physical block size does not matter. This just prove my assumption about usage of LBA or hardcoded 512 in Windows UDF HDD driver.

pali commented 7 years ago

Here is some information about 4K disks from MS:

pali commented 7 years ago

Readiness of the support for 4 KB logical sectors within operating systems differs among their types, vendors and versions. For example, Microsoft Windows supports 4K native drives since Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 (both released in 2012), and Linux supports 4K native drives since the Linux kernel version 2.6.31 and util-linux-ng version 2.17 (released in 2009 and 2010, respectively).

JElchison commented 7 years ago

Thank you, @pali! This is fantastic data. I think we've gotten to the heart of the matter.

It seems none of us (Pieter included) had the complete picture:

So, if I had to sum up what your testing has included: According to empirical testing, Windows XP 32-bit will mount a UDF drive (read-only) if and only if BOTH the UDF file system block size AND the device's logical block size are 512 bytes.

According to your testing, breaking either of these conditions causes XP to fail mounting/reading the device.

This information is invaluable and helps advance progress for both UDF and also format-udf. Thank you!

I have already begin thinking through how format-udf should be modified to best accommodate this new information. However, we still have an incomplete picture.

If it's not too much trouble, are you willing to repeat your testing on Windows 7, and also on Windows 10? The information you pasted on 4K native drives makes me think that Windows 10 will have different behavior than Windows XP.

Also, do you anticipate that 64-bit Windows operating systems will have UDF-mounting behavior that differs from their 32-bit counterpart?

Thanks again!

pali commented 7 years ago

XP attempts to mount UDF drives assuming a hard-coded block size of 512.

CD/DVD optical medias have logical block size 2048. UDF block size for optical medias is also 2048. And XP UDF driver can read DVD without any problem. So it looks like UDF driver do not have hardcoded block size to 512, but rather logical block size for HDDs is hardcoded to 512 and CD/DVD to 2048.

Windows XP 32-bit will mount a UDF drive (read-only) if and only if BOTH the UDF file system block size AND the device's logical block size are 512 bytes.


are you willing to repeat your testing on Windows 7, and also on Windows 10?

Later I would try to prepare some similar table.

Now I'm going to add support for fake MBR and GPT partition table directly into mkudffs. And also option to clean reserved UDF boot area to wipeout all previous magic headers of other filesystems.

Also, do you anticipate that 64-bit Windows operating systems will have UDF-mounting behavior that differs from their 32-bit counterpart?

It is possible, specially in case of GPT. E.g. Windows Server 2003 SP1 has GPT support so maybe could handle >= 2TB disks, but Windows XP (both 32bit and 64bit) do not support GPT and are unable to handle >= 2TB disks.

JElchison commented 7 years ago

Very good. Thanks, @pali.

Now I'm going to add support for fake MBR and GPT partition table directly into mkudffs. And also option to clean reserved UDF boot area to wipeout all previous magic headers of other filesystems.

I haven't added GPT support yet (#15), but it sounds like you aim to replicate inside mkudffs what format-udf already does. You're more than welcome to do that, but you may wish to make the fake partition table non-default behavior, as users of mkudffs are expecting compliance to the UDF spec. format-udf advertises a different goal than mkudffs, allowing it to break spec compliance in favor of maximal compatibility. See our previous conversation.

pali commented 7 years ago

Fake table would be of course optional and not enabled by default. Writing proper MBR or GPT is tricky as whole offsets must be according to logical block size of underlying device, and not udf block size or physical block size... Plus GPT needs backup copy (and not exact copy) at the end of disk. I need it for proper testing of >= 2TB 4096/4096 disks.

jmyreen commented 7 years ago

The terms "physical block size" and "logical block size" in Linux seem to match the definitions in the Advanced Format specification. Advanced Format introduces 4k physical sector drives, which also define a logical sector size, typically either 512 bytes or 4k bytes. The whole point with the smaller logical sector size is that the drive emulates a classic 512 byte sector hard drive, so that it is compatible with older operating systems and BIOSes that can not handle 4k sectors. The logical sector size is the addressable sector size of the drive, i.e. the sector size the ATA command set and the SCSI commands refer to.

The ECMA-167 standard (which the UDF standard is built upon) also defines the terms (physical) sector and logical sector, but these mean different things and should not be confused with the Advanced Format definitions. From ECMA-167: "Sector: The data field of the smallest addressable part of the medium that can be accessed independently of other addressable parts of the medium. Logical sector: The unit of allocation of a volume. The length of a logical sector shall be referred to as the logical sector size and shall be an integral multiple of 512 bytes". So here a logical sector is potentially bigger than the physical sector. Also bear in mind that the UDF and ECMA-167 specs predate AF disks by about two decades.

To me it is clear that what Linux and AF calls the "logical sector size" (and not the "physical sector size") is what should be chosen as the sector size for UDF. This is the "addressable sector size", i.e. the sector number N in an ATA or SCSI command refers to a sector of this size and the offset to this sector on the disk is N*(logical sector size) bytes. How could you otherwise move an 4096/512 AF disk to an older system that has no knowledge of 4k sector disks? The physical sector size (in the Linux/AF sense) describes how the data is stored physically on the disk platter (e.g. preamble - 4k data block - ECC - gap). The value just serves as a hint that the partitions on the disk should preferably be aligned to 4k borders.

JElchison commented 7 years ago

Welcome to the conversation, @jmyreen!

You are correct, and there are several people in this discussion who agree with you (including myself) on the theoretical correctness. If you haven't already, I encourage you to read this entire thread for context. Along the way, you'll learn about a kernel bug discovered/reported by @GreatEmerald, the historical reasons why format-udf used the physical block size, and information on format-udf project priorities.

As I've iterated a few times in this discussion, theoretical correctness (or spec compliance) is not the highest goal of this project. If you're looking for theoretical correctness in UDF, may I recommend checking out @pali's udftools (which, by the way, now defaults to the logical block size if not overridden).

In case you missed it, format-udf also has an explicit override. Users can still specify whatever UDF block size they want using the -b BLOCK_SIZE parameter.

I already have fix adjusting the logic for format-udf's default block size in the works, but because maximal compatibility is a large project priority, I am not making decisions according to theoretical correctness. Instead, empirically observed behavior is the primary means I'm using for determining the adjusted logic.

I'm interested in observing behavior of the UDF mount on Windows XP, 7, and 10. We have good reason to believe that Windows 10 has adjusted their UDF logic. @pali was kind enough to do a significant amount of testing on XP. However, nobody has stepped up (yet) to replicate his efforts for Windows 7 or 10. If you're interested in digging in to do some qemu testing on Windows 7 and 10, I'd be grateful for the assistance.

Instead of adjusting the logic multiple times, I'm waiting until I see results from Windows 7 and 10 before pushing my fixes.

jmyreen commented 7 years ago

I think theoretical correctness should be the starting point, don't you think? If some systems don't work according to spec, then work around the bugs in these implementations. I have read the whole thread, and I don't see anything in the findings above that contradicts what I said. Especially the XP table by @pali contains just what I excpected. The 512 byte block size for hard disks is not only hardcoded for the UDF driver in XP, it's hardcoded in the whole operating system, because 4k disks didn't exist when XP was released. (Optical disks are a different matter, they had a 2k sector size from the beginning.)

My point is that the logical sector size is really the only thing that matters, since that is the unit used by the ATA and SCSI protocols. The drive and the OS had better agree on the size, otherwise things won't work. The physical sector size is a drive internal thing, and if the kernel has a bug reporting the correct physical sector size, it doesn't really matter. (Based on the bug report above I find it disputable there even is a bug in the kernel.)

Note that the GPT partition table works in the same way. The partition table uses Logical Block Addresses to address the start and end of the partition. On an AF 512e (emulated) disk 512 byte blocks are used, but on a 4Kn (native) the LBA entries in the table reference 4094 byte blocks.

JElchison commented 7 years ago

Thanks for sharing your opinion, @jmyreen.

If some systems don't work according to spec, then work around the bugs in these implementations.

That's why this format-udf project exists, actually. Several features of format-udf are meant to formalize workarounds that help maximize OS compatibility.

logical sector size is really the only thing that matters

I beg to differ. Logical sector size is one thing that matters; but it's not the only thing that matters. As evidenced by @pali's research on XP, Windows (at least earlier versions) incorrectly hard-coded a 512-byte block size while mounting UDF. So, it's insufficient for format-udf to merely use logical sector size (vs. physical sector size). In order to make any attempt at supporting XP (which is a stated goal--at least currently), format-udf must also do something differently when a user is attempting to format a device having a logical sector size other than 512.

When I push my changes that switch the default block size used from physical to logical, there are a few edge cases that must be addressed as well:

  1. (This is the case mentioned above.) If a user attempts to run format-udf on a device having a logical sector size other than 512, format-udf should warn the user that the resultant drive will not work on XP. That warning should also list Windows 7 and 10, if they also have the same limitation. Since Windows is closed-source, the only way to know for sure is to test UDF mounting behavior on Windows 7 and 10.

  2. Larger drives today have more than 2^32 logical sectors. (That seems to be less true of physical sectors, as some manufacturers seem to artificially keep the number of physical sectors below that 2^32 threshold.) Since UDF cannot handle more than 2^32 blocks, it now creates an edge case that some users must decide between utilizing the full drive capacity and maintaining XP support. That's an easy decision for many users who never deal with XP. However, if Windows 7 and 10 also have the same 512-byte block limitation as XP, then format-udf users will need to decide between utilizing the full drive capacity and maintaining Windows support. That might be a deal-breaker.

As author/maintainer for format-udf, one of the early lessons I learned is that this project must be self-documenting. The average user of format-udf might skim the README, but otherwise never reads any documentation. I've learned that, if I don't provide contextual warnings about the implications of the user's decisions, my inbox floods with complaints how format-udf is broken. When, in reality, it's working just fine--users often don't understand the nuances of how different OSs across the board handle their specific drive.

The net effect of this is that I'm incentivised to always only tell the complete truth when it comes to alerting users about limitations. It would be great to repeat @pali's testing on every version of Windows. However, I'm settling for just Windows 7 and 10.

Again, if you're willing to help shoulder the testing burden, I'd be grateful for the assistance.

pali commented 7 years ago

@JElchison can I ask one question: Why have you chosen physical block size of media as default block size for UDF? Do you have some combination of HD and OS which does not accept 512bytes as block size? Because from everything what I read it looks like that blocksize for UDF is bounded to harddisk sector size and only new OS are able to handle hardisks with non-512b sector size (logical block size).

The only exception is Linux kernel prior to 2.6.30 which was unable to use UDF with different blocksize as 2048 (also on HDD) until user manually and explicitly defined (via mount option) correct UDF blocksize.

I was not able to simulate or find harddisk and Windows version which needed blocksize of 4096. It does not mean that such combination does not exist, but I'm trying to find source of this statement that UDF needs to match physical block size and UDF block size in some existing implementation due to some compatibility... Finding such combination or explicit source of this statement is the key to finally decide what are the best options for UDF compatibility.

(I agree with @jmyreen, nice summary!)

jmyreen commented 7 years ago

Windows XP is unable to deal with 4k native (i.e. 4k logical sector size) AF disks in general, because they didn't exist until long after XP was released. This shortcoming is at a lower level than the file system level, so it's not UDF's fault. I found the following hotfix from Microsoft which implies that not even Vista or Windows Server 2008 can handle disks with a 4k logical sector size.

Does anybody know of a list of known 4k native (not 512e) Advanced Format USB disks that are available for purchase? Apparently they have existed for some time already. A 4k sector size pushes the UDF partition size limit from 2 TB to 16 TB.

JElchison commented 7 years ago

@pali: Of course! I thought I've answered this question already, but perhaps it's been lost in my verbosity. Sorry about that. Let me try again, and I'll try to be more concise.

There are two reasons why I chose physical block size in the first place (years ago):

  1. That is how I initially interpreted Pieter's blog writeup, which was the inspiration for format-udf
  2. Years ago, I conducted considerable testing on my own, and using the physical block size (seemed to) provide better compatibility across my test set of drives and operating systems

However, since then, both of these claims have come into question. Specifically:

  1. pali's testing on XP has proven my initial interpretation of his blog incorrect
  2. My initial round of testing was conducted before having added other compatibility features to format-udf, most notably the fake partition table. Once format-udf started specifically overwriting the first N sectors on disk (and optionally also writing a fake MBR), I realized that my previous testing (although extensive) could no longer be trusted, because all initial testing used an unknown initial state. Sadly, I no longer have all of the drives that I used years ago in my initial round of testing, so I can't go back and re-validate.

In case I've been unclear so far, I agree with both of you that the default behavior for format-udf should be based on logical block size, not physical block size. The reason why I'm waiting to push my fix for that is because I want to provide a full solution, not just a partial one. More reasons were outlined here.

It's important to me that format-udf provide maximal support across operating systems. The only way to do that against closed-source operating systems is to test them. As soon as I can ensure that my fixes (and alerts to the end user) are accurate (specifically for Windows 7 and 10), I'll be happy to push my fixes.

GreatEmerald commented 7 years ago

Yea, I agree with the lot of you. Though I wonder, since XP and previous (or maybe Vista and previous) are rather different in working with UDF, maybe it would make sense to make some sort of format wizard that would ask the user if they care about supporting such OSs in problematic cases? If they don't, follow the spec more closely and not use quirks for old OSs (fake MBR included).