JFXtras / jfxtras

A supporting library for JavaFX, containing helper classes, extended layouts, controls and other interesting widgets.
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how to use JFxtras with Scenebuilder on Netbeans 8.2? #126

Closed AdemYoussef closed 3 years ago

AdemYoussef commented 3 years ago

I m a newbie to scenebuilder and JavaFX , all I know is how to configure scenebuilder on Netbeans to use it hehe XD

I m working on a school project and I liked the very useful controls that JFxtrats offers and I want to use them ( i m planing to use ICalendarAgenda )

but I have no idea how to even import or install or whatever ... to make JFxtras working on my ide ( Netbeans 8.2 ) can you please help me?

will be very appreciated!!

PS: Operating System is Windows 10

tbee commented 3 years ago

I think we've discussed this already on stackoverflow, if I'm not mistaken.

Never the less, learning to use scenebuilder, JavaFX and supporting libraries is not a JFXtras issue. You can just download JFXtras and use the controls like any other JavaFX control.