JFXtras / jfxtras

A supporting library for JavaFX, containing helper classes, extended layouts, controls and other interesting widgets.
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CheckComboBox Does Not Appear to Load FXML data as Expected #43

Closed b-mag closed 8 years ago

b-mag commented 8 years ago

If you populate a CheckComboBox with sample data in FXML as you would a ComboBox it treats it as a single item.

                    <CheckComboBox fx:id="checkComboBoxRepeatDays" prefHeight="25.0" prefWidth="158.0" >
                            <FXCollections fx:factory="observableArrayList">
                                <String fx:value="All" />
                                <String fx:value="Sunday" />
                                <String fx:value="Monday" />
                                <String fx:value="Tuesday" />
                                <String fx:value="Wednesday" />
                                <String fx:value="Thursday" />
                                <String fx:value="Friday" />
                                <String fx:value="Saturday" />


A quick switch to combo box object yields the expected result:


tbee commented 8 years ago

Aren't you mixing up projects? I do not know of a CheckCombobox in JFXtras. There is one in ControlsFX
