JFreegman / toxic

A Tox-based instant messaging and video chat client.
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.2k stars 153 forks source link

Features TODO list #257

Closed JFreegman closed 8 months ago

JFreegman commented 10 years ago

Everything on this list is just a suggestion and in no way guaranteed to be implemented. Feel free to make suggestions.

pippijn commented 10 years ago

^L to refresh

ghost commented 10 years ago

@pippijn refresh what?

pippijn commented 10 years ago

Refresh the screen: https://paste.xinu.at/4ZMt8W/ (after ^Z and fg).

JFreegman commented 10 years ago

@pippijn do you know what causes that? One way to force a refresh is to resize your terminal.

pippijn commented 10 years ago

I don't know what causes it. It looks similar to the problem you get when exiting a curses application without resetting the terminal and then typing ls. Resizing the terminal is not always an option for me. Most full screen terminal applications (vim, irssi, mc, ...) redraw on ^L.

JFreegman commented 10 years ago

@pippijn done https://github.com/Tox/toxic/commit/e7697b8fba7d4edcb9a70d7ff415cb122fdc1e46

pippijn commented 10 years ago

I confirm that ^L now redraws the screen correctly after suspending the process and resuming it (^Z + fg).

Teteros commented 9 years ago

Is group audio planned?

JFreegman commented 9 years ago

@teteros yes

baskervald commented 9 years ago

I don't see how video calls are a dream, really. Any player that accepts streaming video input would do, if I'm not mistaken.

See chrippa/livestreamer for an example of how different video players accept input through stdin, pipes, and similar interfaces.

suptimal commented 9 years ago

autocomp for paths/files

a vim like bar http://i.imgur.com/RZ0zivj.png

and smarter autocomp: for example type /staus [TAB] and get oline busy away

ZX-Diablo commented 9 years ago

What about daemonizing and working like "toxic user message" or reading message from standard input. Minimalistic and seems useful

JFreegman commented 9 years ago

@ZX-Diablo you might be interested in ratox http://ratox.2f30.org/

ZX-Diablo commented 9 years ago

@JFreegman thanks for advice. Unfortunately, it doesn't compile under gentoo (maybe it doesn't compile with last version of toxcore at all - last update was months ago). Besides it would be nice to have one client with all desired functionality

fuloating commented 8 years ago
  1. It would be useful to see if there is action on any of the open windows you have open by just looking at the screen.

Current bottom tab is kind of limited to some 4-6 windows, while the rest will go outside the screen. This will become nuisance especially if the new groupchats prove useful, and you want to keep more than half a dozen of them open all the time, + possible open private convos.

One way is to copy the behaviour from console irc clients like irssi, where they just number your rooms, on the bottom bar and then show you whether there has been action (and what kind of action) on one of the windows. The numbering is accompanied in irssi with the alt+number shortcut to jump to a particular numbered room (or alt+qwertyuip) from 11-20. Also your own nickname, status, number and the name of the active window, and modes of the active window (if public chat room) are shown on that bar. Then at the begin of the input line is also the name of the active window. In this screenshot someone is keeping tabs with at least 15 windows at the same time. https://docs.indymedia.org/pub/Sysadmin/IrssiHowTo/irssi.png

  1. Can the input line be made to only take up space of one line, and not two or three like it is now? I saw someone wanting more lines. Maybe an option to choose?
  2. Add one line at top for top bar like in irssi. It could show the current topic set on a particular groupchat room, or the status and other possible info of the other party in case of a private window.
  3. When you scroll down the buffer, could it be possible to make it stop automatically at the bottom of window history (ctrl+H) position?
  4. Ability to filter joins, quits, parts etc. from a groupchat. Irssi has /ignore which is less useful than what could be done with just a filter. I suggested a similar feature to utox, more details there https://github.com/GrayHatter/uTox/issues/213

So mostly what I listed here are the things that feel more convenient in irssi compared to current tox. These features could be more meaningful later once (if) new groupchats turn out useful, and there would be some medium to heavy toxic use.

zoff99 commented 7 years ago

can you maybe add a raspberryPI binary to download somewhere? is the PI fast enough for video call?

JFreegman commented 7 years ago

@zoff99 Unfortunately we won't be providing ARM compatible binaries anymore after this month because it costs too much for a build machine that hardly anyone makes use of.

zoff99 commented 7 years ago

where is the link for this months binary for arm?

Turysaz commented 7 years ago

I'd love to have vim key bindings within toxic!

For example:

This will also require different modes like in vim, though...

:+1: for path autocompletion btw.

JFreegman commented 7 years ago

@Turysaz You can configure the key bindings in the configuration file. I don't foresee Vim-like modes any time soon though.

@zoff99 All of our binaries can be found at https://build.tox.chat.

readyblue commented 5 years ago

How about Event System - like the one mcabber (mcabber.com) has. Mcabber is Jabber console (ncurses) client. In the config you can specify so called events, and command to execute when any of specified events occur. The command is usually script and parameters of event are handed over as environment variables (with module eventcmd-ng). There is also possibility for external action triggers that will read unix named pipe (or it can be unix socet) to receive commands and its parameters.

By this combination it is possible to create simple query-response service in a way: Event system with hook for new message will execute script on new message. Which than may respond to same contact with response by sending command to named pipe. So it can be possible to set toxic as fortune taller for some or all contacts. Contact will send message like "fortune" and toxic will respond with random fortune for example. At that point the possibilities are endless.

JFreegman commented 8 months ago

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