JFryy / qq

jq inspired (and gojq dependent) interoperable config format transcoder with interactive querying.
MIT License
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Refine and Enhance TUI Functionality #5

Open JFryy opened 3 days ago

JFryy commented 3 days ago

qq needs to refine its a tui. To keep this short, a few things could be implemented to get a lot more value from a tui on a general transcoder/interface. This is not my strong suit for guidance of this tool, so I could very much use some help. If there is a developer who'd like to contribute, here are a few ideas I've been wanting to implement, some of which I can and want to do, some of which I might not be the greatest at, e.g. anything regarding TUI placement/Aesthetics.

wader commented 3 days ago

Hey, i can list some fancy things https://github.com/wader/fq supports that might be interesting idea:

Things i would like to have:

JFryy commented 2 days ago

Thanks a lot for the advice and detailing some of the functionality/many features of fq (big fan btw!), these suggestions would definitely be a major improvement and I look forward to taking a crack at some of them 👍

wader commented 2 days ago

🥳 Think my advice would be to first focus on really nice and fancy completion, that is what i use all the time with fq. sub-repl i use a tiny bit, slurp/spew not at all. "realtime" syntax checking and highlighting would be really nice but i haven't look into it, for fq it would probably also involve quite a lot of work on the readline implementation that i use.

btw if you write lots of jq i can recommend https://github.com/wader/jq-lsp

JFryy commented 2 days ago

Sorry, I definitely used the word "realtime" a bit too liberally in the readme. Very cool, will take a look and see if I can't hack something together w/ any of this when I have time if no one decides they want to work on abeforehand. If anyone wants to work on any component of the above mentioned, I am not too opinionated on implementation as long as it's approximates some of the above improvements @wader mentioned or the post @ here.#6 or any user interface improvements :)