Community Emissions Data System (CEDS)
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Aviation 'global' iso code #47

Closed rgieseke closed 1 month ago

rgieseke commented 4 months ago

Hello CEDS team,

the Readme in CEDS v_2021_02_05 Release Emission Data (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4509372) states:

Note that country totals in these summary files do not include international shipping or aircraft emissions. International shipping and aircraft emissions are reported under the "global" iso.

However, it seems that domestic aviation (1A3aii_Domestic-aviation) is also included under the "global" code.

select em, country, sector, X2015, X2019 
from 'CEDS_v2021-02-05_emissions/CO2_CEDS_emissions_by_sector_country_2021_02_05.csv' 
where country = 'global' and X2015 > 0;
│   em    │ country │            sector            │      X2015       │      X2019       │
│ varchar │ varchar │           varchar            │      double      │      double      │
│ CO2     │ global  │ 1A3ai_International-aviation │ 521158.412509509 │ 579694.569865003 │
│ CO2     │ global  │ 1A3aii_Domestic-aviation     │ 333777.180523926 │  387323.06918934 │
│ CO2     │ global  │ 1A3di_International-shipping │ 802392.812086916 │ 857915.691810566 │

There is no data for 1A3aii_Domestic-aviation under the other isos:

 select * from 'CEDS_v2021-02-05_emissions/CO2_CEDS_emissions_by_sector_country_2021_02_05.csv' 
where country != 'global' and sector = '1A3aii_Domestic-aviation';
│   em    │ country │ sector  │  units  │ X1750  │ X1751  │ X1752  │ X1753  │ X1754  │ … │ X2012  │ X2013  │ X2014  │ X2015  │ X2016  │ X2017  │ X2018  │ X2019  │
│ varchar │ varchar │ varchar │ varchar │ double │ double │ double │ double │ double │   │ double │ double │ double │ double │ double │ double │ double │ double │
│                                                                             0 rows                                                                             │

For domestic navigation data is reported for the individual countries.

select * from 'CEDS_v2021-02-05_emissions/CO2_CEDS_emissions_by_sector_country_2021_02_05.csv' 
where country != 'global' and sector like '%navigation%';
│   em    │ country │        sector        │  units  │ X1750  │ … │       X2016        │       X2017        │       X2018       │       X2019       │
│ varchar │ varchar │       varchar        │ varchar │ double │   │       double       │       double       │      double       │      double       │
│ CO2     │ abw     │ 1A3dii_Domestic-na…  │ ktCO2   │    0.0 │ … │   1.38446052728173 │   1.38446052728173 │  1.42765714815472 │  1.38929773657336 │
│ CO2     │ afg     │ 1A3dii_Domestic-na…  │ ktCO2   │    0.0 │ … │   263.568424417394 │   274.548492398693 │  286.682211432831 │  305.237378100436 │
│ CO2     │ ago     │ 1A3dii_Domestic-na…  │ ktCO2   │    0.0 │ … │         55.2611808 │         39.9108528 │  41.9928360831718 │  43.6637264790247 │
│ CO2     │ alb     │ 1A3dii_Domestic-na…  │ ktCO2   │    0.0 │ … │   101.369890918464 │   107.524453648079 │  107.340930162444 │  108.797904541088 │
│ CO2     │ are     │ 1A3dii_Domestic-na…  │ ktCO2   │    0.0 │ … │                0.0 │                0.0 │               0.0 │               0.0 │
│ CO2     │ arg     │ 1A3dii_Domestic-na…  │ ktCO2   │    0.0 │ … │   1113.32306612885 │   925.514704820981 │  882.383940094613 │  868.028704426801 │
│ CO2     │ arm     │ 1A3dii_Domestic-na…  │ ktCO2   │    0.0 │ … │                0.0 │                0.0 │               0.0 │               0.0 │
│ CO2     │ asm     │ 1A3dii_Domestic-na…  │ ktCO2   │    0.0 │ … │  0.209548166077035 │  0.209548166077035 │ 0.216086288693238 │ 0.210280312870691 │
│ CO2     │ atg     │ 1A3dii_Domestic-na…  │ ktCO2   │    0.0 │ … │  0.291465374164575 │  0.291465374164575 │ 0.300559399611521 │ 0.292483734015446 │
│ CO2     │ aus     │ 1A3dii_Domestic-na…  │ ktCO2   │    0.0 │ … │    1706.0042246903 │   1715.17525419925 │  1761.89110594095 │  1748.73585329427 │

Is this a bug or simplification due to constraints of source data? In any case it might be helpful to clarify this in the Readme.

I have also checked this with the 2021-04-21 release (where the Readme file was missing, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4741285).

ssmithClimate commented 4 months ago

Yes, you are correct, domestic aviation is also included in the global iso. In terms of spatial allocation, the distinction is not use useful, so we have combined them. This is available, broken out at the country level if it would be useful to anyone.

We will correct the documentation. Thank you!

rgieseke commented 4 months ago

Good point, really depends on the use case (e.g. global modelling or countries' domestic aviation emissions profiles).

Thanks for the quick reply!