documentation and processing code for JGCRI's CMIP6 archive on pic
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Submit and Run PIC Script on PIC #6

Closed kdorheim closed 4 years ago

kdorheim commented 5 years ago


Process all of the temperature data from the concentration runs for the future scenarios.

  1. A .R script that can run on PIC
  2. A .zsh script that can be submitted as a PIC job
  3. A .csv file that contains global annual mean values


These are the temperature values that we are interested and will be used by other projects, including to calibrate Hector! Latter on we are going to visualize these results.


  1. Checkout confluence resources about setting up a sbatch job https://confluence.pnnl.gov/confluence/display/RC/Submitting+a+Job+with+SLURM.
  2. Submit a test job (a .zsh script that will only process a few files)
  3. Submit the full job and process the temperature data files