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GCAM -- The Global Change Analysis Model
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How to find the building heating energy demand or consumption information? #250

Open debibooo opened 1 year ago

debibooo commented 1 year ago

hi, everyone I have reviewed several literature about the building heating and cooling service demand under different climate scenario with GCAM, for instance, Effects of long-term climate change on global building energy expenditures (Leon Clarke et al. 2018), which indicating the available energy demand/carbon emission output results. However, it seems the building heating/cooling subsector haven't been separately presented in GCAM 6.0, so if I want to get information about the energy consumption for heating/cooling, which xml output should I check? Furthermore, is it possible to implement a net-zero carbon constraint in the building subsector to estimate the energy structural change, the cumulative GHG emission and air pollution?

pkyle commented 1 year ago

If you run a scenario and open up the database in the modelInterface, there is a set of queries available that are specific to buildings, including building final energy by service and fuel, building final energy by subsector, and building final energy by tech. The information will be reported under the sectors called resid heating, resid cooling, comm heating, and comm cooling. I assume you want the fuel-level detail (e.g., electricity vs. gas) because fuel-switching is the primary response of this sector in a policy scenario. Adding a CO2 constraint to the buildings sector alone is a bit more difficult, as it would require adding a new CO2 object to every buildings technology in all regions, and then contraining that type of CO2. But I doubt that's what you want to do, as there wouldn't be any upstream or system-wide considerations; the buildings sector would just be forced to switch to 100% electricity for all services, as those technologies wouldn't be assigned any emissions, and everything else would. What would probably be better would be to just make a zero-by-2050 constraint file for all sectors. The input/policy folder has two files that can be added to the configuration file: ghg_net0_constraint_global.xml and ghg_link_global.xml which make a global net-zero GHG constraint (i.e. including CH4, N2O, and other GHGs). If you want a CO2-only constraint, just switch the string "GHG" to "CO2" in ghg_net0_constraint_global.xml and don't read in the ghg_link_global.xml file.

debibooo commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your beneficial reply.

In addition, I also want to investigate the heating technology cost in the building sector. In issue #217, the technology cost is interpreted as the sum of exogenously defined levelized non-fuel costs, endogenously calculated fuel + water costs, CO2 storage costs, CO2 emission prices, and any other policy-related subsidies or taxes. My question is, whether the carbon price represents the revenue in an emissions trading system? and how to generate it? is it exogenous?

Thanks again for you advice!