JGCRI / gcam-core

GCAM -- The Global Change Analysis Model
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Global Mean Temperature #429

Open mv-p opened 1 month ago

mv-p commented 1 month ago

Has anyone else had issues when querying the global mean temperature in the Model Interface? I am receiving a message stating "The query returned no results" and I am not sure what would be contributing to this. I have tried to query this result for the stock configuration file as well as other configuration files. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

jayfuhrman commented 1 month ago

Try replacing the current temperature query in Main_Queries.xml with a newer version:

        <ClimateQuery title="global mean temperature">
            <axis1 name="temperature">none</axis1>
            <axis2 name="Year">global-mean-surface-temperature[@year]</axis2>
            <xPath buildList="true" dataName="global-mean-temperature" group="false" sumAll="false">climate-model/global-mean-surface-temperature/text()</xPath>
            <comments>Returns global mean surface temp anomaly relative to the 1850-1900 mean.
Also available is global mean air temperature; in both climate model native or relative to 1850-1900 mean.
A user can adjust the query to search for any of:
  * global-mean-surface-temperature
  * global-mean-air-temperature
  * global-mean-surface-temperature-native
  * global-mean-air-temperature-native</comments>
mv-p commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the quick response! I tried replacing the current temperature query in Main_Queries.xml and still received the same message. As background I am using the GCAM6 model, but was having trouble opening the ModelInterface in GCAM6, so I've been copying the output of the GCAM6 model into the GCAM7 folder and looking at the output there. I'm not sure if that has any influence on the issues with viewing temperature, because I can query all of the other results.