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add column name to repeat_add_columns #246

Closed cahartin closed 7 years ago

cahartin commented 7 years ago

Is there a way to we can add the column name right in repeat_add_columns rather than going and renaming the column after?

example: repeat_add_columns(tibble::tibble(c("CH4","N2O","NMVOC","NOx","SO2","CO","VOC"))) %>% rename(Non.CO2 = c("CH4", "N2O", "NMVOC", "NOx", "SO2", "CO", "VOC"))

bpbond commented 7 years ago

This example doesn't work, so I'm not sure exactly what you want. But can't you do

x <- tibble(x = 1:3)
y <- tibble(Non.CO2 = c("CH4","N2O","NMVOC","NOx","SO2","CO","VOC"))
repeat_add_columns(x, y)
cahartin commented 7 years ago

maybe...but I don't want to make new df/tibbles, i want to keep everything in the pipeline.

bpbond commented 7 years ago

Can you give a clear example of what you want? ...sorry if I'm being slow this morning.

... %>%
 repeat_add_columns(tibble(Non.CO2 = c(...))) %>%
cahartin commented 7 years ago

Here is the code i'm working on. the ` get messed up below.

GCAM_sector_tech %>% select(supplysector, subsector, stub.technology, EPA_agg_sector, EPA_agg_fuel_ghg, EDGAR_agg_sector) %>% filter(EDGAR_agg_sector %in% c("industry_processes", "chemicals", "landfills", "wastewater","aerosols", "metals","foams","solbvents", "semiconductors")) %>%

  repeat_add_columns(tibble::tibble(c("CH4","N2O","NMVOC","NOx","SO2","CO","VOC"))) %>%

  rename(Non.CO2 = c("CH4", "N2O", "NMVOC", "NOx", "SO2", "CO", "VOC")`)->
abigailsnyder commented 7 years ago

Basically, I was not able to figure out a way to give a specific name to the column being added by repeat_add_columns without additionally using the rename command in the next line. And my solution is sadly full of frustration, and I passed it to both CH and CL.

The frustrating thing is that repeat_add_columns in the above example will automatically name the new column: c("CH4", "N2O", "NMVOC", "NOx", "SO2", "CO", "VOC"). To use in rename it has to be enclosed with backticks and the spacing has to be absolutely perfect (spaces after commas and nowhere else). If it throws errors, I usually can't see the spacing mistake and have to be in debug mode, use head(whatever the df name is), and then copy the column name exactly.

I think what would be nice is if, in the above, we could do repeat_add_columns(Non.CO2, tibble::tibble(c("CH4","N2O","NMVOC","NOx","SO2","CO","VOC"))) and have the new column be automatically named Non.CO2 without having to manually set it in the next line.

bpbond commented 7 years ago

Again though I don't understand. Why aren't you naming it right in the tibble call?

GCAM_sector_tech %>% 
  select(supplysector, subsector, stub.technology, EPA_agg_sector, EPA_agg_fuel_ghg, EDGAR_agg_sector) %>% 
  filter(EDGAR_agg_sector %in% c("industry_processes", "chemicals", "landfills", "wastewater","aerosols", "metals","foams","solbvents", "semiconductors")) %>%
  repeat_add_columns(tibble::tibble(Non.CO2 = c("CH4","N2O","NMVOC","NOx","SO2","CO","VOC"))) ->
abigailsnyder commented 7 years ago

Did not know you could do that! That's the one place I did not try to put it in. repeat_add_columns(Non.CO2, tibble::tibble... and repeat_add_columns(Non.CO2= tibble::tibble... both threw errors, so I just got frustrated and found a workaround.

bpbond commented 7 years ago

Sorry if this wasn't clear! Yes, tibble operates like data.frame: (name_of_col1 = ...values..., names_of_col2 = ...values..., etc)

abigailsnyder commented 7 years ago

I updated the Name that Function page

bpbond commented 7 years ago

Thanks Abigail! :1st_place_medal: