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Should emissions/A_regions be labeled as unitless? #559

Closed russellhz closed 7 years ago

russellhz commented 7 years ago

The bio_N2O_coef column seems like it should have a label. Maybe something/Mt?

This data is used in L211.AGRBio and L2111.AGRBio (which is why I was looking at A_regions for units)

kvcalvin commented 7 years ago

It does seem like it should have a unit. @pkyle - while I am guessing I added this, I have no recollection. Was there something like it in GCAM3 (which is what I was drawing from)?

pkyle commented 7 years ago

Those coefs are kgN2O per GJ of bioenergy crop. The USA value is estimated from the fertilizer application rates and yields in Adler et al. 2007 (Ecological Applications, 17(3), 2007, pp. 675–691), assuming that 2.25% of fertilizer-N is volatilized as N2O (from Davidson 2009; DOI: 10.1038/NGEO608). The other 14 regions are indexed to the USA based on their relative average N2O coefs, across all crops.

cahartin commented 7 years ago

thanks @pkyle !