JGCRISummer2024 / Arctic_Fox

High Latitude Soil Respiration
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Next Steps #1

Open Erin-Morrison opened 2 months ago

Erin-Morrison commented 2 months ago
bpbond commented 2 months ago

Feel free to tag me with questions @Erin-Morrison and/or check off items above. Thanks!

bpbond commented 1 month ago

Adding first spatial datasets!

Linear regression

Erin-Morrison commented 1 month ago

@bpbond I am trying to get the WorldClim data but I keep getting the message "The geodata server seems to be off-line" I even get that message when I try to run the example in the documentation help page.

Erin-Morrison commented 1 month ago

For this, use car::Anova(mod, type = "III")

bpbond commented 1 month ago

What about making a summary table of p-values from car::Anova(m, type = "III"):

Predictor Local-NPP model Satellite NPP model
MAT < 0.01 <0.01
MAP n.s. n.s.
Permafrost n.s. ...
Soil drainage 0.02 n.s.
bpbond commented 1 month ago

Two or three digit p-values down to 0.001, and below that "<0.001"